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I'm such a wimp I can't even stand up to my brain.

Ex: I want to move out and live independently
Me: Millions of people are living independently, so it can't be THAT hard
Brain: That just shows how pathetic you are. You're so low-functioning you can't even do what morons and cretins can do.
Me: You're right, I'm sorry.

Ex: I want to make changes in my life
Me: My life has changed many times in the past, and I'm still here, so changes can be good.
Brain: Weren't you happiest when you were a child? Hasn't every change brought in a new level of depression and anxiety?

He's so strong, I'm afraid to challenge him. The harder I press, he just presses back twice as hard. What can I do?
Shove your entire fist up your ass and force restart your brain

See I've tried CBT but my brain can still defeat it. When I get to the part that's like "Rate how good the experience was and how glad you are you did it," my brain jumps in and says "Actually, it wasn't that good, it wasn't satisfying, it wasn't worth it."
Thought discipline takes years to develop. Too many people go the opposite direction and make their undesirable thoughts the centerpiece of their life, instead of shoving them into the corner every time they pop up.
Freedom is bullshit. Free thought, free expression, it's all bullshit. Strict discipline and restraint is the only true path to personal progress and successful change.

You are your brain retard. You're talking about your doubt and lack of self belief. The way to fix that is to move forward with baby steps to build confidence in your abilities.
In that case, the solution is simple. Stop evaluating your past actions, unless you fucked up and need to learn from your mistake. Otherwise, the past is entirely irrelevant. Stop expecting success to feel rewarding; it's perfectly natural for you to feel nothing but mild relief after achieving a goal you worked hard to reach. Time to rest a little before you get to work on the next challenge. That's the reality of adult life. The struggle is the reward.

Ok, baby steps. I feel like I'm at a point where I can't take anymore, I have to commit to leap. I live with my parents and get VA disability. I do my own laundry and pay al my own bills, I just don't handle food at all. What's a baby step to moving out and living by myself?

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