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Just ended things with my gf of 8 months, was this the proper response to her keeping the doors open or was it beta? Mine is the blue text
that is so cringe lol, why even post it here kek
What would you have said to keep the doors open
What’s her digits?
>the once most notorious site in cyberspace has ended up becoming judge Judy
Why are you still in contact with a bitch you broke up with? No, you can't still be friends. She's dead to you now.
We both mutually ended things today she was very toxic to me. I'm not messaging her again just wondering if what I said is right to keep the door open
Why is her profile brown.
You sound like you keep your buttcheeks open, faggot. No wonder your gf was looking for a way out.
oh wow. you're a pussy, dude. she was definitely cheating on you.
No it was beta as shit. Why are you "keeping the door open" to a bitch who was toxic to you? What does that even mean? You're gonna get back together someday? You pathetic cuck. Get a fucking spine and move on. In fact, block her number.
What would you have said to her reply to keep the door open for her to text "heeey" like so many women do after a little space
Anon I can appreciate that you were kind about it. But you’re saying about 10x as much as you need to. A simple “k, all the best” would have been much better.
What you should have replied was "Ok," it would have driven her crazy, lol.
Breaks are as beta as it gets, just fix the problem while you're around it. If you can't see the forest for the trees and understand the issue then this break response will be the only way to completely fix a situation, continuously. But what do I know I'm just someone on the internet, never me though.
keep the doors open for what? she's probably talking to 10 dudes right now
That's a big wall of text.
It shows dedication.
Brevity's spine's heartbeat.
Here's what you could've said.

>Cheers love, banging when you graduate
She didn’t keep the doors open, dumbass. She’s hurt, sad, and as a result never wants to see you again. Learn to speak woman I stg
Ouch lil' nigga, you should probably delete this because at a non-specific time in the future you'll remember the time you once posted your break up texts on 4chan and you'll instantly die of faggots disease.
I've been with my girlfriend for a year now and still haven't said faggot in front of her. I love saying faggot and I don't like gays. I hate trannies even though 2 of my friends are trannies but I can't ditch them without ditching at least 4 other friends too. I also love to say kike despite having Jew friends. I don't know how to let my girlfriend know about this. Is it better to just suddenly for example complain about my cousin being a tranny and how it's stupid bullshit and go from there? Or should I leak a video of when I was drunk on Omegle going on a rant about gay men and monkeypox and how it spread to dogs because gay men fuck dogs? My gf doesn't care about politics but dislikes her family member who is racist, who i get along with too. I love her but I could live with losing her if it came down to it because I really really love saying faggot and I don't plan to stop. It sounds fucked up but I actually don't think I could stop.
I don't even understand the context of this breakup. Did she take bbc on the side or what? Either way, i hardly see how it matters. I've yet to find a woman worth a damn and I'm turning 29 in a month. My only gf cheated on me and just wanted to be a whore so i cut ties with her. The thing about modern women is that they all say "I'm not like the other girls" not realizing themselves that they were born solipsistic as that is their nature. They don't give a fuck so long as their needs are met. As a man you're role is to be the third wheel and then die all the while providing a lavish lifestyle for the ungrateful cunt.
She's very abusive to me verbally, we both kinda mutually ended things today and was wondering if my response is cringe to leave the door open
Why would you leave the door open to someone who is abusive to you in any way? I did what you're doing now for 3 1/2 years mate. Its not worth the long term damage it will do to your wellbeing. You need to find someone new and block this bitch on EVERYTHING. Forget about how you're perceived as "alpha" or "beta." There's no such thing. No one is going to respect you until you respect yourself.
it's because I walked out after her verbally abusing me instead of sitting down with her and addressing the toxicity. As I grabbed my shit and left she said "aren't you going to say bye to me?" I ignored her and walked out. I feel like I failed as a man not turning around and sitting down with her to voice my displeasure with the way she's acting like I quit the relationship without working on it. We haven't had much serious conversations
>I feel like I failed as a man not turning around and sitting down with her
You ended things with her. That makes you manly because you took initiative instead of taking it like some whore in a brothel..
Not necessarily take it like a whore but I should have had a super serious relationship ending type of convo with her instead of walking out.
>I quit the relationship without working on it
There's nothing to work on, buddy. You can't be with someone who doesn't respect you. Doing so is reprehensible for too many reasons to list and if you really need someone to list even just one then its safe to say there's no hope for you. I tolerated some of the most horrible mental abuse over and over and over because we'd make up and she'd act like nothing was wrong with her behavior. Its over. Find someone better or pour your heart into something that will keep you busy 24/7.
It’s over
How are you doing now?
Been on and off for 4 years in my case and I miss her but that relationship has nothing but spite for me
never *ever* reply last.
Don't ever go back to someone that didn't want you.
I'm friends with 4-5 of my ex-lovers. Just because we didn't end up marrying doesn't-
> I walked out after her verbally abusing me instead of sitting down with her and addressing the toxicity.
Yeah, you're a loser.
if she comes back, dont engage with her again
find a better woman that will appreciate and adore every bit of you, unless youre into toxic whores
you can only make her aware of her behavior but it means nothing if shes not willing to change
>I feel like I failed as a man not turning around and sitting down with her
you didnt do anything wrong, she mistreated you and you stood your ground by ending things as a consequence to her shitty behavior towards you

its brown like her heart made of shit because she obviously doesnt care about valuing relationships close to her lololol

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