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Let my dog out around 11pm. Figured out around midnight that the HVAC contractors we'd hired the day before didn't close our gate. My dog's gone. What the hell do I do? I called the local police department so they'd be out looking for her, bumped into some of them when I was canvassing the neighborhood myself even. What is there to do beyond waiting and calling every local animal shelter once a day for the next month?
>inb4 it's your own fault
I realize that, thanks.
You're doing all you can, really. The only thing to do now is continue to search and also hope she just decides to return home. Good luck, I hope you get her back
Someone might have him and is waiting to see if you show up to save you the cash from da pound
ive lost a cat before due to it getting lost outside, and while a cat is much different than a dog getting lost, I spent nights calling for it in hopes that it would help lead them back home. just do what you can and hope it finds its way back home.
thanks frens... she's a sheep dog so she has it in her to wander and is eminently curious in other animals. I really hope she just wandered off and somebody brought her in for the night. Can't really sleep so I'm keeping watch and hoping the cops or animal services find her before the nights over.
Did it have a collar on with any form of identification?

Chances are high if you live in a white suburb area someone found him and is unsure what to do.

You should post information on every streetlamp with a hefty reward.

Chances are your dog is safe (all dependant on where you live).

Someone has likely found him nearby and has him in their house.

And sorry to be harsh but if he was roadkill you would have seen the body in the area by now. So it’s unlikely he’s dead.

Just a matter of figuring out who’s found him, and praying they won’t be so selfish as to keep him to themselves.

You can even contact a radio show or call in. They love shit like this.

Treat it like detective work and try not to be emotional. It will cloud efforts to find him.
>Did it have a collar on with any form of identification?
yes, and she's chipped, the info is all current
>Chances are high if you live in a white suburb area someone found him and is unsure what to do.
this is a high possibility but she got out late at night so its hard to be sure.
>And sorry to be harsh but if he was roadkill you would have seen the body in the area by now. So it’s unlikely he’s dead.
I walked the busy road by the house and didnt see her
>You can even contact a radio show or call in. They love shit like this.
I think one of the local stations actually does lost pet stuff and she's a fairly distinct looking dog so thank you for the idea.
Your dog is not likely to be on the road nearby. They can get pretty far when they wonder.
Shes what they call a "livestock guardian" dog and meant to be fairly independent, the only other time she got out I found her two houses over diligently inspecting the neighbors' bushes. What do you reckon I do beyond calling every shelter/vet in the area for the next month?
Just let your friends know and if they see something, then say something. Then send out an public notice of your missing dog.
I live near a bunch of old people in a suburb, they're good at calling me on vacation if we left the garage door open but not good at being vigilant beyond the simple stuff.
dog owners deserve a bullet
Neurotic faggots on the internet deserve AIDS.
you get aids from being irresponsible, which is exactly what you did
Not op but heres the (you) Faggot.
immaturity is thinking dogs are shit
maturity is realizing dog owners are shit
why is it normalized to just dump your dog outside?
Are you in Springfield Ohio? Donald Trump has eaten it.
Closure: Somebody found her last night and called me, just grabbed her and brought her home.
>why is it normalized to just dump your dog outside?
so they don't shit in the house, it's a guard dog, she likes patrolling the yard at night. This breed is supposed to be out in the field with sheep for 12+ hours a day, it's fine.
Anon pls... haitians actually have a rep for eating dogs and cats going back to immigrants in the dominican republic :(
I would put some half-cooked steak about 6 feet high, outside any fences on your property, so the wind can carry it. Also some of her dogfood next to it
Oh ok. Good
It's fine that your dog is wandering the streets...? Did you teach it to look both ways before crossing the road buddy?
Why do europeans always strain so hard to misunderstand people?
If only your mind could begin to see the irony of your own statement, but dogfags are just like that
Oh I get it, you're not european at all, just a larping third worlder. Anon, this goes without saying, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with leaving a dog in a fenced in enclosure. I know you all live in tents and apartments in whatever monsoon battered hellhole youre from, so you're not entirely familiar with the concept of having a "yard" or "property" but these luxuries are abundant in a first world country like the US.
See >>32008078
We get it, you are some sub-human terrified of dogs and seething that your attempt at getting your hands on surprise donations from empty houses is thwarted by their presence.
>Wild sheep dog on the loose
Yh it's gonna get shot. I know I would. Not taking my chances.
How rural is your area? Wasn't sure if there was a huge wooded area your dog might've gotten lost in.
Not completely the same, but for dogs lost in national parks or wilderness areas, rangers recommend taking something of yours (sweater, blanket, etc) that has your scent and wrapping it around the base of a tree. Try to include a bowl of water next to it.
Most animals will ignore it, but lost dogs can catch your scent and will sometimes stay nearby it out of reflex. Might be a good thing to try, especially if you're close to a huge wooded area
Try to stay positive though. My old dog was once lost for three weeks, till we got a call from a vet 30 miles away that someone brought her in and found our chip. Bless that old lady who did. Godspeed anon
See >>32008078
I probably should delete this thread since people keep missing this post, appreciate the advice though.

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