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So just recently I've found out that my ex of 5 years
>made us both move countries to 'build a better life'
>had affairs the whole time
>was fucking some guy for the last 6 months
>lied to my face when confronted about it
>is in a cult with her ex husband (jehovah's witness)
>never officially divorced him either
>was on the pill the whole time we were trying for kids
>suffers from a cluster B disorder
>leads a double life of clubbing and fucking other men
I'm 32, man, I was hoping this would be the mother of my children. I've wasted so much time, money, and effort into this relationship. I am completely, utterly broken and devastated. Sure, I wasn't golden the whole time either, but I don't think I deserved this amount of betrayal.
What the Hell do I do now? Every day feels like I'm drowning.
See it this way, the bitch also wasted her years and you are in the prime age to find a new gf. Aim for age 25, like the type of girls who finished college a year or two ago and are looking for a partner outside their job.
How did you not notice any of these?
Cluster B's make it sound like it's your fault for noticing. It all unfolded in the end.
5 years is a long time. it will take a while to get your shit together again. to sort all your thoughts. i think writing this thread was already a good exercise. blame her for everything and hate her to feel better. because it is what it is. you got emotionally raped by cluster b shit and now youre here all alone.
try to find something to keep your mind busy, play some game, drive around, idk, whatever you like. dont drink too much (once a week is ok) dont do drugs. the usual.
once you can feel like a normal human again without all these intrusive thoughts its time to date again and find a normal loving woman to finally forget about all the garbage that happened to you.
I want to know too. My wife became interested in her boss and ultimately cheated and I could tell something was off before the actual fucking. I didn't want to believe it and lost two weeks but still do not think anything I would have done can keep a woman away from new dick. However, because I did not ignore all the warnings I was able harden my heart and get evidence quickly and divorced the cunt. In fact within days of her fucking him she was served divorce papers at her workplace.
She was doing it behind my back, and whenever I suspected something and tried to communicate as much, I was called a jealous controlling asshole and a fight would ensue.
Truth be told, she made me her bitch.
>Sure, I wasn't golden the whole time either

Sounds like you deserved each other then and I'm glad a good woman didn't fall into your grasp.
>taking accountability is le bad
How about you eat shit and die, idiot?
Doesn't matter if you noticed or not. You wanted something that was better than reality and foolish enough to think that you had it.
Why would you still waste your time with women? It always ends up like this
What is that you did then? Cause if you also cheated and did things behind her back then don't leave her and try to keep each other company and spare others from getting with either you or her. Be the hero everyone needs. But what did you do?
I thought JWs were better people, this ruined my day
Everyone knows that just because your religious your good.

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