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25M, wagie. Help me find purpose in life. I'm currently working as cashier 6-1 8h per day I also work on holidays and honestly I doesn't mind it too much the pay could be better and sometimes it gets really stressful to work with people but the real problems are my days off I live alone for years now and I'm starting hating my days offs because I have no friends and my hobbies are becoming meaningless for me and I can't enjoy them as much as I did I don't know how to start searching for a new hobbies all I ever do on my days off that I take pleasure is walking around listening music for a few hours but then I get home and i can't distract myself from my own thoughts it's less painful dealing with asshole customers and co-workers than this shit but they won't let me work on my days off even if I ask to what the hell should I do
i'm 23 and in the same boat. bumping because i don't really have any advice.
Have you guys thought about being social online or maybe getting a hobby which forces you to interact with people?
Practice and instrument or duolingo like 20mins a day. It adds up. You might not become world class, but you can add a lot to your life with half assed efforts over time. Also try to make friends.
Avoid Duolingo if you can. It's horrible and it will hurt you.
See https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/why-shouldnt-i-just-keep-using-an-app-instead
I tried duolinguo once but hated how they don't teach you to conjugate verbs you just memorize the word
If I knew any social hobbies that I can go I wouldn't be asking here, worth note that my city is very small and activities are limited everyone just go to the beach to socialize here its like the only thing to do
Go play an online game then.
That's not socializing.
That's up to you to decide. If your situation isn't going to change and you could easily invest in avenues online it's worth the commitment since you have nothing to lose.

You could move out of your area and then look for social hobbies, or you aren't trying hard enough in your current area.

If your own thoughts are horrid enough to make everything feel purposeless then that means trying anything is a step forward in the right direction, socializing online can be one of them. Right now you're online replying to someone that's being social in itself.
I can't afford moving it would be of great help if I could but I can't. I honestly have NO IDEA of hobbies in my area I can't think of none.

And yes 4chan is the closest I get to socializing but webfriends won't fill the void and I don't like multiplayer games I used to play them when I was in HS but not anymore I'm losing interest in singleplayer games too
>I can't
>I can't
>I honestly have NO IDEA
>I can't think
>4chan is the closest I get to socializing
>webfriends won't fill the void
>I don't like
>I used to
>I'm losing interest
Just from you typing those things I can determine that you have a fixed mindset which holds you back.

You probably think you need X to obtain Y to do Z. That's fine, I'm not here to judge someone anonymously online.

I will tell you that just trying something, anything be it online or irl is worth more than being alone with those horrible ruminations you think and want to avoid. Something feasible and you can do within a few hours with a computer is try an online game, or some online circumstance that allows you to socialize. MMO, TF2, new FOMO game.

Listen, you can either do something or go back to your thoughts which will paralyze you. That's it, it's all you and in your head. It's always like that for everyone, it's always in their head and the perception of how we view the world is laden with how we think and present ourselves.
Look I can't afford moving cause I'm poor I work as a cashier with minimum wage in Brazil, my pc is not good enought to play FOMO newer games doesn't run here I have an ps5 tho it's the worst regret of my life spending money on it cause I barely use it I purchased it to play elden ring cause I loved dark souls when I was younger but I never progressed much in it and now it's taking dust
PS5 should have some free online games you could play. You could complain more or just try to search for something to do. When you're actively seeking things solutions will avail themselves.
it sounds cliche I know but you have to put yourself out there and try new things. just find some activity or place u can go to on your day off and just do it. it may or may not work out for you. keep trying until something sticks
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Here's a purpose
Fucking third worlders should be forced to disclose their third world status before anyone wastes time reading their bullshit

Stop speaking our language
Stop using our websites
Oh nooooo I live in the most rich country of the world where anyone that's not a imbecile can make shitton of money and I have depression nooooooo what will I do :CCCCCC

leave my board and don't come back here faggot
quit your job and school, you know what to do
Kill yourself third worlder

Your ancestors never did a thing to deserve the use of our technology

They sat in a shitty hut, just like you, and waited for their betters to hand them something to make their life better, just like you

Your board? We invented electricity and the internet. What is yours? Your heritage is nothing because your ancestors were worthless.
Quit the only thing thar you do to relieve stress I think I'd kill myself

I'm not on school tho but I think I'll start a 2 years computing course I don't really care about changing professions or anything but maybe studying can occupy my head on my days off and maybe I can find a job where I can spend more time on it or do extra hours

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