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Help needed. basically I blackpilled myself so hard at this point that I can not conceive of getting girls, yet by all means should be getting them. here's my short story

>be me
>look atrocious
>start selfimprooooooving
>ditch porn and gooning
>higher t levels
>start looking decently
>go to uni
>meet new people
>actually talk to girls
>one day my highschool crush/oneitis messages me
>can't let that slip
>start to watch youtube videos about how to text girls
>get to manosphere redpill part of YouTube
>eventually see blackpill content
>get hooked
>watch it daily
>my brain starts to rot with blackpill
>I can not look at any girl (even my sisters) without thinking about their entitlement and how they're probably fucked by chad
>stop texting my oneitis
>basically go silent without any reason
>out of despair go to omegle like websites and goon to latina/south east asia girls who show me tits after giving me their instagram

is it totally over for me? I basically thought myself into being unable to get a gf, even tho I am pretty handsome. should I just go to closed monastery instead and repent?
You're addicted to being unsuccessful and miserable because it's become comfortable for you.
Stop reading/watching this blackpill incel garbage and go live your life, you frogposting retard.
you have no place to judge others as a whore when you are one anon, kys
>go to /adv/
>acknowledge I have a problem with myself
>ask what sould I do to fix myself

you're a retarded fag
ask yourself, why do you care if a girl is "fcked by chad"? arent you trying to be a chad? why do you care about random people's sexual history? as long as they have no STD's theres rlly no problem with having lots of sex. Ask yourself, why the hatred and distain? why do you feel the need to judge others for things you probably do / aspire to do? get away from the manosphere, all they do is farm hate and discontent. do you want to be happy?
Exactly. Like a lot of these fuckheads, OP is at that fork in the road where it's unclear if his priority is getting women or "getting back at" them, or actually being a chad or just seething at them.
If he gets out of his own way and stops being a fag, he might actually have some success. But it'll be up to him. We can't make these choices for him.
op here
but that's the thing. I don't wanna be a chad. I just wanna to get a girlfriend at least once. I never really been in any romantic relationship (one that I was for like 2 weeks at 14 years old doesn't count). I just started by self improvement. getting my acne good, my hair neat, getting in shape and even some small stuff like using cologne.

I can see I am no longer totally unnoticeable by women as I used to. some girls were blushing and smiling at me when I walked by. the only problem is in my head rn.

also I feel very stupid with just stopping talking to the previously mentioned girl I texted.

idk academic year at uni starts soon (I'm from europe that's why so late). maybe I'll try to pull some girls there if I'm able to
I think you should be ok as long as you go cold turkey on manosphere redpill blackpill content. read book, invest time and effort into hobbies that will make u a more interesting person and therefore have things to talk about w women. Lots of girls love a guy that will make eye contact while talking, listen to them and respond w questions (ie actively listening not just pretending to) and give them compliments (but not too many cuz thats annoying n makes u seem like a creep. try to compliment smth specific like eyes, hair, style. thats memorable and gets her thinking abt u and what u said when ur not around) dont stress about ur interactions w girls too too much, just go with the flow and relax. u got this bro! as long as u quit the manosphere lol
yeah I gotta stop watching those faggots
seriously manosphere rots brain worse than fentanyl
Lots of sex means lower chamce of bonding. OP only go for virgins. Be the true Chad you can be and take advantage of it. Leave the blackpool and manospbere but don't listen to this dude. In fact some could even lie about stds.
lol virgin take
So people can't lie about stds? People that have a lot of sex aren't more likely to get one? I just told him to take advantage of being a Chad. So how would that be a virgin take which is also a hilarious assumption.
i mean ppl do lie about stds but its easy to get around. use protection, get tested together if u wanna stop using protection. i dont get why u 4chan incels r so obsessed w virgin women. why would u want someone who doesnt know what theyre doing?
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You have a fragile psyche and have allowed malevolent energies online to destroy you. Restore a previous version of your operating system or build up your inner strength to a point where this stuff doesn't cause an existential crisis for you.

Get off the internet and 4chan. Do something productive with your time instead of integrating the collective mental retardation of other men with your problem and no solutions.
Cause virgins feel better? Also since they don't know anything and have no experience you can easily teach them and strengthen your bond through that. Also people can lie about their results and probably pay for a fake one too

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