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I'm 32, I'm in a committed relationship. I'm happy with what I have an where I'm at but I've been in 2 other long term situations prior to this and no matter how happy and satisfied I seem to feel in certain areas I can't ever seem to shake the desire to want to have sex with different people.

It's not something I've ever brought up to a partner because why would I? I wouldn't want my feelings to be misunderstood. I've never cheated on a partner either. I've at least stuck to my guns when I've committed to relationships and the breakups that did happened happened for other reasons

But lately this is something I can't seem to shake, is this just life bros?
Some people have the "cheater" gene, which you too probably have. Seems like long-term relationships are not for you, unless you can find someone who's into open relationships/open marriage.
I don't desire to cheat on my partners though, never have and never will, like I said, I at least stick to what I commit to
It just feels like, when I'm single and fucking around and sleeping with different women all the time it's surface level and short term fulfilling so that typically cycles me into seeking something long term.
Then when I'm in something long term I eventually miss the thrill of new and different partners
I just can't seem to find a place of balanced satisfaction, I think sticking to long term commitment and fighting off the desire for sleeping around is probably the wisest move at this point in my life. I probably couldn't continue to sleep around the way I did 2 years ago before I met my current partner and I really do love her but some days that internal mental battle feels too annoying, so here I am yelling into the void about it
it’s very easy to be satisfied with one partner if you are attracted to them. it’s a lot harder when they get fat
I'm attracted to my partner though. Its never not been the case, I don't date partners I'm not into.
The sex with my partner is good too.
It just feels like despite that, i still can't shake wanting to fuck other partners too
I don't have an obvious wandering eye but I'm always looking at other women I find attractive in public and thinking of fucking them.
Younger college girls, hot moms and grandmas, it doesn't matter. I know that at a base level theres nothing wrong with me thats just being human but it seems unshakeable somedays
yea that’s normal as long as you were born a man. she’s doing it to but in a different way. women don’t immediately go to sex they go to emotional support
It goes away if you have something that keeps interested in it more than the sex.
I know it sounds silly and cringe but for a while when I was so into video games, I literally lost my will for sex. Now that I 'm not as much interested in gaming, I got back my appetite and its way worse than my addiction to gaming. Because now I look like a creep to women and people in general...

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