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I heard bad things about root-canals but 2 dentists recommended them to me. I don't like the fact that they will be killing the tooth and leaving it in my body. Can I insist on a filling? Should I just get it pulled? I dunno.
Get a second opinion, preferably from an older dentist with a solo practice
This is what i would do:
Is it a front tooth? Take a chance with the root canal.

If its a back tooth. Pull it and save up for an implant.
If two recommended it that means you really fucked up. You could get a third but you have to bring up why not a filling.
If that tooth is rotten to the root, there's no saving it. It's gonna be really painful if you leave it like that. Do the root canal. Speaking from experience.
>I don't like the fact that they will be killing the tooth and leaving it in my body. Can I insist on a filling? Should I just get it pulled?
natural tooth insofar as it can be saved is almost always better. pulling it out might open a fistula to your sinus. taking the tooth out also kickstarts all kinds of bone loss, i had to have a bone graft in between the two different surgeries to get my molar #2 replaced with implant. its also something you have to be much better about cleaning, they're not shaped perfectly like your real teeth so there's always a little place you have to scoop scum out of with the floss

root canal is a really weird idea in concept i agree, but you really shouldn't do implant unless it's really totally rotten and unsaveable to the core
Do what >>32007770 says. I made the mistake of not doing thar and I wound up paying for 4 root canals and crowns when I didn't need 2 of the others. Paid 2.4K USD
depends on the situation, I had 2 dentists recomend the same thing to me, however one had told me that I could wait like a month to see if it got better with pain. I ended up waiting and the pain had stopped. What is ypur situation exactly cause mine was after I got a filling
Your tooth is already dead, the nerve is just stuck in a rotting tooth which is causing your pain.
They can pull your tooth out but it'd be difficult because your gums are still attached.
It took me about four years for my tooth to finally get loose enough for them to put a crown on.
Basically you're fucked either way so why not go with the less painful of the two?
Root canals used to be the go-to joke for comedians talking about pain. But a modern dentist deadens the mouth or knocks you out so thoroughly you feel nothing . I've had a couple, and ordinary cavity drilling hurt far far more.
Disinfect with vodka and fill with potatoes.
My gramps is getting a root canal. should i talk him out of it? i dun want anything bad to happen to him
>wound up paying for 4 root canals and crowns when I didn't need 2 of the others. Paid 2.4K USD
2.4k USD is less than the cost of one implant
root canals are just cavities that require extra sterilization because the decay has progressed into deeper chambers of your tooth where the nerves are located. They removed the nerve from the tooth, clean the rooths of your tooth by sticking these little pipe cleaners in them, then fill them up with this really hot substance that cools really fast with a light. overall the worst part of them is that they are extremely expensive. generally most dentists would only recommend them if you needed them, because its a further step down the road where they could have fit in other treatments before them in there to really milk you. If they say you need a root canal they reall mean it. They could have said a filling, then a crown, then a root canal. It really is better to save the tooth then get it pulled. Have you seen those meth heads with the weird jaws? They look that way because without teeth their jawbones have decayed without blood supply going to the teeth that were once there.
Your gramps wants to be able to eat and chew his food and likely sees the alternative to a root canal to be worse in either expenses or risk. And as repeated bone decays with tooth removal when you stop growing your bones.
>2.4k USD is less than the cost of one implant
Don't they usually sell those in pairs?
Go to a practice that does not perform root canals and see what they say. If they recommend it too then it's probably the right call.

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