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is 16 and 18 weird?

I flirted with a girl who was 16 turning 17 in 1 month (im 18), 1.5 year age gap, on discord which moved to i messgaes. i thought it was normal. but when people found out they freaked out. Should i be worried? I've posted online in the past and plan to post more in the future so should I be worried about my reputation?
My God you zoomers are so fucking paranoid. You are a literal child, she is one also. It will only be a problem if you walk among tranny people who spend their day on Twitter.

Rest assured, if you you let this eat your mind, if you keep the fear, you will live a shit life. Yes, it may damage your reputation, but again, will you live a life like an afraid mice?
It is not weird
It's illegal in many states so check your laws
it was just online cuz im an autistic retard irl and wanted to practice talking to women
It is not wierd at all, no need to worry. At worst people might assume a college student dating high schoolers is creepy, but if you say ages there is no way to misunderstand this.
I won't read nigger-themed threads.
he got caught tlking to a 17 yo as a 20 yo and had his whole career ruined.
Lol only amerfiats would find such a tiny age gap problematic. The rest of the world wouldnt give a single fuck
When i was also 18 i also e-dated a 16 old, and looking back at it, i feel shame on how i acted on certain things, i feel i messed it up due to how inmature and emotional i was, and if i was the one inmature being 18, imagine how mature your partner at 16 will be?

So, i don't want to scare you, since both of you are on relatively close age gaps, she's "mid teens" and you're borderline a young adult, physically developed but mentally i guess the same as the average 17-16 teenager roughly.

Beware of your emotions please, both of you are probably unexperienced in how to proceed in certain things, so take it slow, don't rush or pressure.

Just keep in mind, do the proper thing and meet her parents, be straight and get their approval so things don't turn very bad if they actually turn bad.
she was just trolling me i was too retarded to see. this happened a couple months ago. I've learned my lesson and nothign similiar will ever happen to me in the future.
no but if shes evil she will make it a problem make sure shes not crazy and delete her nudes if she sends her any duh this kind of age gap only affects celebrities
No its not weird. There is a weird hysteria about age gap relationships that only came about in thr last 10 or so years, and yeah some of them can be bad, but 16 and 18?? Thats nothing. Legal almost everywhere in the world. Pay no mind. Especially when its just a fake discord relationship.
I started dating my bf when I was 16 and he was 22. Im 19 now and we live together
No, its not. Most states the AOC is 16, but even ones where its 17-18 there are romeo and juliet laws to cover such cases.

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