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Any advice on how to cure sadness/hopelessness?
Been feeling depressed for more than a week now. It's pretty bad.
Used to like doing hobbies but they're not fun anymore.
I know this kind of thread is posted a lot but I didn't see one on the catalog and thought it might help someone else too so why not.
Anything apart from therapy?
Therapy feels extremely humiliating. It's like officially declaring that you cannot solve your own problems.
Therapy is mainly geared towards women and exploring their feelings through talking. It could work for you too.
For men, it's usually different. Go resolve a slightly stressful situation and you might find purpose in this world. Busy men don't have time for being sad.
stop being a man child and maybe read a book
exercice, eating well, sleeping well, seeing friends and family, meditation.
I've already read at least two books.
Just admit it that you cannot change your current feelings of depression and despair. Dont even think about it.

Now, DEEPLY surrender to this tought, KNOW it as so, and release yourself from these feelings. Be okay with feeling hopeless, its all good really.
Taking joy in the little things in life, and insisting to yourself that they are joyful regardless of what you feel is usually the ticket for me, OP. That could be anything from video games and ice cream to walks and meditation, some combination of both, or neither. A good meal will do it, a hot cup of coffee in the morning, or a solid match of vidya.

Make sure that you remark on the fact that it really is nothing short of a minor miracle that billions of people work in concert so that we can have coffee out of season or an entire industry devoted to cranking out a FIFA game once a year, because its the truth. These things are here for you Anon, and we're all extremely fortunate to be in a position to take advantage of them, but if you allow it to feel trifling and banal then that's all its going to be.

There is not, as far as I or anyone else I know knows, any higher purpose or magic thing that will grant fulfillment. Every person alive struggles with their thoughts and feelings and its up to you to actively manage them so you don't feel like shit all the time.
I won't read threads where you know OP is just gonna nitpick any advice.
>Go to a psychiatrist
>Get diagnosed with depression
>Take SSRIs like Prozac
>Wait for a month
>Feel better
>(Cope with the side effects)
that's my 2 cents.
What if I'm am incapable man who can't solve problems?
I won't read whiny frog threads
Antidepressants don't make you feel better, they blunt your emotions and make you feel like a block of wood. Shitty advice, as always.
Finding pleasure in small things and writing down your feelings are things that helps me when I'm feeling like this. Going for a walk or talking with friends are a good choice as well.
Remember that you are not alone and, unlike it's been said in some replies here, there's no real reason for feeling ashamed for being sad. Sadness is a utterly normal thing that everyone feels once in a while.

I agree with this reply.
So which is it then? I was given some antidepressants when I was in a psych ward, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on me. Perhaps I just lack the self awareness to feel the effect.
That's the neat part you don't

holy fuck kill yourself
There's only one escape isn't there.
>just pay a foid to “listen” to you instead of paying for s*x
Therapy is garbage.
I've tried it multiple times with different therapists, it's pointless.
Don't listen to this retard.
SSRIs are garbage too, even worse than therapy.
Not only are they completely useless, but also, if you're unlucky enough, you might find yourself with PSSD, meaning that there's a chance it's side effects may persist even after ceasing use of the medication.
What do you suggest?

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