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How can an autistic person prevent themselves from becoming like pic related?
just bee urself :)
whenever the incel rage manifests, go punch a punching bag until you're worn out and the anger subsides.

If depression, kys.
This is actually a good question. Not for the board, but for society in general.
Child-rearing should not be left completely to mothers. The father has to be in the forefront.
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understanding your limitations, generally trying to improve and not letting your ego take over I guess
both are total failures to manage their oppositional defiant narratives. it sucks to be raised to be stupid and capable of nothing at all because your parents sucked shit and it feels good to be a waste to get back at them and assert yourself. but nevertheless, you will have to conform and comply with something to get yourself out of the hole, and it's best to get on that before you're too old
Left was coddled his entire life and became a narcissist with a god complex, right I don't know about but having a degree of self-awareness helps massively in keeping autism in-check either way. The problem is that part of the catch with autism is a lack of self-awareness and social awareness so it might be impossible to overcome in that case. If you can't support yourself having a friend group or family willing to shoulder the burden also helps but again this is something most autists lack.
Its fairly easy as most autists arent like either of those people
To not, don't.
Pretty simple
not fucking your mom or shooting up a school would be a good place to start
Chris-chan was like that long, long before he ever fucked his mom.
This. Chris chan had ineffective parents who tried to let chris live in a fairy tale but yeah, it failed.
Adam was a weirdo who chose to dedicate his autismo to killing kids instead of obsessing over anything else.
Maybe start with genuine introspection, looking inward, and being self aware
Being honest with yourself about where you're fucking up and not blaming other people for your problems.
You're not autistic if you think like this, do you think chris-chan or temple grandin thinks, "Well, as an autistic person, how do I not"
Quit LARPing on image boards that you have a developmental disorder you were never diagnosed with.
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AI will eventually do it better than either. We'll be able to put dysfuncts back in the vat and just press 'Reset'.
I don't think the right was autistic. He was likely schizo and zonked out of his mind on antipsychotics.

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