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How are you supposed to just be friends with a girl? I used to have a really close friend since Kindergarten and she started dating around Junior year. Her boyfriend didn't let her hangout or talk to me, and I understand- a guy talking to your girlfriend would be weird, but if that's the case, how are you even supposed to be platonic friends in the first place?
>How are you supposed to just be friends with a girl?
You can't. The sooner you realize that the better.
it’s only possible if you have no sexual desire of them. like fat chicks and ugly chicks. anyone moderately bangable im only talking to you because i think there’s a chance you will ride my dick. and i play the long game bitch
>how are you even
You don't. Men and women cannot be friends. Acquaintances, sure. But not friends. Not unless they're fucking/dating/married to each other.
Women respond to male loneliness with "Just make friends with women then." This is bullshit then right? I mean I have most certainly tried.
Am I the only one here who thinks you can be friends with girls without a desire to bang them?
>inb4 g4y
Most of them are in relationships and I respect those boundaries. I like joking around, they like joking around. It's almost like playing with orange cats. But then again, very few of us are stereotypical jock tools or travel thots. I'd argue that they are far more fun to be around than normie women.
>This is bullshit
Yes. Women like it when men try to be friends with them, because it means more orbiters, more validation, and more free stuff for them.
Could you be less of a flaming faggot?
No but it's not really worth arguing here. I just wanted to open a dialogue. I think it's possible just very hard.
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No you're not the only one. The thing is most people are deranged and perverted, they can only think about sex and money, because thats what they been brainwashed to think of. Theyre NPCs and theyre evil, stay away from them. Never let anyone convince you you're wrong keep watering that garden, anon.
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based hope-haver
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There is some good in the world, and its worth fighting for
>How are you supposed to just be friends with a girl?
you don't, men and women can't be friends
actually retarded take
only to a simp or an idiot, which are you?
I personally would not want to be friends with a woman in most cases, but saying that they just can't be friends is false. It's definitely possible, as long as you are not sexually attracted to the girl. A chubby fetal alcohol gamer girl, for example. And I know you might be thinking you wouldn't even bother talking to a girl you aren't attracted to, but there are situations where you might be forced together (class, work) where having a friend might make things easier. In that case, being casual friends with a girl is possible.
It's already been established itt that a man and woman can be casual acquaintances though. That's very different from being friends, which you would know if you'd ever had any. Friends, I mean.
You go from "Men and women can't be friends." To "Men and women can only be casual acquaintances." I'm waiting for your next dumbass reply where you change your mind completely.
Hangout in a group and be cool and fun to be around for him too, instead of being a low-energy beta orbiter lurking in the shadows.
There are absolutely zero benefits to having a female friend. Only a true beta cuck will be friends with a female. The only reason some guys (cuck simps) are friends with girls is because they enjoy being an emotional tampon.
you can absolutely be friends with women. one of my best friends ( for over a decade) is an attractive woman. she even took me in for a few weeks when my gf kicked me out and I had to sort some stuff. no sexual tension between us whatsoever. I carried her home drunk once, undressed her and tucked her in. I only felt care, not a hint of horniness and I'm a pretty high libido man who's had gfs since 16

only coombrained or fake alpha MGTOW morons don't believe in friendship between men and women. it's hard and rare, maybe even morseo than a traditional male friendship, but all friendship is really rare past a certain age
You can definitely be friends with women, including hot ones. You'll probably have sexual feelings towards them but that's normal and you can just ignore those thoughts, it's really not hard
There's no "mind changing" there - those two statements are not mutually exclusive.

And he's right.

>> middle school

Kek. Why are you referencing childhood as if any social interaction from childhood is relevant to adult life?

Plenty of single women you can be friends with. Also, plenty of males who will let their women hang out with other men.

My wife used to let me have female friends. But now if I came home and said "honey, I made a new friend today" and told her it was a woman, she'd immediately assume I'm cheating on her and kick me out. Especially if she's half my age like last time.

That aside, it is in fact possible to be just platonic friends with a woman.


What she's saying when she says that is, she thinks you're either gay or so pathetic as to not be considered a threat by anyone. Either way what she's saying is YOU can be friends with women because no woman would want YOU sexually. It's a back handed insult. She's insulting you.
that fat ugly girl will think you like her and you will hurt her more than anything, men and women can't be friends.
If you think acquaintances are friends, then you have never had a friend. Which is just sad. Predictable, given the forum, but sad nonetheless.
Hey you fucking retard, Junior year is not in Middle School, you would know if you fucking went, idiot.
How do you think friendships start bro? Do you think they just start hugging immediately? Why give advice from the trash laden basement you dwell.
>> middle school
junior year is in high school
What's the point of even being aquaintences with a chick if you think they are completely inferior to you? Why even date women at all then? Your argument is on the precipice of faggotry.

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