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/adv/ - Advice

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How to cope with coming to realize how stupid you are?
I want to help you OP but I do not at all have that problem.
I won't read "how to cope" threads. I won't read I'm sooo stooopid threads.
Ever heard of the multiple intelligence theory? How one could be, well, stupid in one area, yet a genius in another? In essence, learn to identify your own strengths and weaknesses. I'm sure you're not stupid per say, but rather that your view on what constitutes intelligence is limited/restrictive.
>Ever heard of the multiple intelligence theory
Yes. It's cope from brainlets who are too stupid to understand what "general intelligence" actually is, and how it was discovered
>hint: armies gave their millions of conscripts a bunch of tests to find out each one's particular skill in order to efficiently slot them into an appropriate specialty, only to discover that everybody that was good at one skill turned out to be good at all the others as well.
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Get even dumber. Get as dumb as you can.
And that's the reason why a lot of republicans can't join the armed forces.
I focus less about me
And focus more on his crotch
For it's as tangy as whiskey and hits me harder than scotch.
If you don't get what I'm saying, there's a film you should watch.
About his amazing penis
Do this, then come back smarter, because you can't be afraid of what you don't know.
It hurts. I've always been the dumbest one in the class or at a job
Brainfog isn't fun.
>man good at running at the airfield was also good at running in the trenches
A shocking find I say.
Drink more, sleep more, eat more, think less. Accept you're an idiot
Well lucky for you the world isn't made for the smart or even the median. We've built society for the lowest common denominator. You've a society cut out for you. It does not take much at all to make it in today's society.
Speak less
Assume less
Proceed only in the simplest terms
If you don’t understand it, leave it alone
Guard against anyone who is more intelligent than yourself.

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
By understanding smart people sometimes do really stupid things and that you are probably being way too hard on yourself.
I don't care.

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