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im mad my gf doesnt want to do the sexual stuff she used to do with other men, is this behavior normal? im planning on doing the same to her, not licking her pussy, just vanilla shit until she dumps me
It means she isn't that attracted to you.
>im mad my gf doesnt want to do the sexual stuff she used to do with other men
Dump her.
You're justified in your resentment, but shouldn't stay in a resentful relationship.
i knew this was the answer, didnt wanted to believe it, but it is what it is

well she says she didnt liked the stuff i proposed but she alrady tried it out with other men, i need to calm down, cant just dump her because i feel obligued and guilty i need a way to stop feeling like that then dump her, any advice on it?
>i feel obligued and guilty i need a way to stop feeling like that then dump her, any advice on it?
My advice is to stop being a pussy and just fucking do it. It's not going to get better, it never gets better. Cut the cord, go no-contact and be fucking strict about it.
Every second you waste with her because you feel "guilty" is another second you could be using to find a girl who will treat you like a king, who will let you blast her face with cum or give you free use of her asshole as a fuck toy or whatever it is that you want. Don't worry about your soon to be ex, she'll find another dick that same day and she'll be that dude's problem. Worry about YOURSELF.
>well she says she didnt liked the stuff i proposed
Which were?
Ass play, cum swallow, she said cum taste like shit, i told her on the spot "so other dudes had It but not me" and she got angry obviously because being called on her bullshit.
These are the sorts of conversations relationships don't survive. Leave yesterday, nigger.
She keeps saying she loves me but i think she lies, im not chad of course but im not a dumb motherfucker, More like she wants an emotional tampon or something, unfortunate for me i dont like hurting others so i cant fathom the idea of dumping her, More like i will mirror her so she dumps me first
You aren't entitled to her body
She aint entitled to my love or money either
She isn't entitled to a relationship, someone to care about her, love, or anything else.
Relationships go both ways, if she isn't interested in him sexually why the fuck would he want to be with her? Sex is a normal, important, and core part of a relationship, if she doesn't like what he likes then they are incompatible.
Nobody says she was, but you are in the relationship willingly. Not sure why if you are so upset.
So if someone won't do BDSM and let you whip them it means they dont love you? No, it means the aren't comfortable with that sexual act. Stop being dramatic.
You would have a point if she hadn't fucking admitted to doing it for someone else before, retard. It isn't like some new, unexplored boundary is being crossed. She just isn't letting her "boyfriend" cross them. Someone else probably is in that case. Fucking drop her OP. She'll be out soon enough, just rip the band aid off already.
>So if someone won't do BDSM and let you whip them it means they dont love you?
Where did I say that?
If she isn't interested in him and what he likes to do, they are not compatible sexually and shes in the relationship for other reasons, its as simple as that.
Whatever you think those other reasons are is anyones guess, but its obviously not because shes attracted to him.

Sex is the foundation of any relationship.
>You would have a point if she hadn't fucking admitted to doing it for someone else before, retard
How are you supposed to know you dont like somethinf of you have never done it before? Use your brain. It doesnt mean she did it all the time. She tried it and didnt like it. Get over it man.
>How are you supposed to know you dont like somethinf of you have never done it before?
I think you need to use your brain, there are plenty of things you know you will like or dislike before ever trying them.
I have never tried eating shit, but guess what, I can tell you with certainty I won't like it.

Doing something you know you will dislike to please one person but refusing to do the same for another is a quite clear statement.
Holy shit there is a point here
So? She was WILING to try things with the guys before. She won't even humour OP with anything he wants to try. If a woman is attractes she will submit. Fuck off with this whore witholding apologist shit dude
Ok so what you are saying is that Everyone who ever did anything sexual knew beforehand they would like it? Nobody ever discovered something new that they enjoyed? Man you are so immature.
>having sex outside of marriage
>there are plenty of things
can you even read?

clearly not, so lets rewind before you get ahead of yourself

>So if someone won't do BDSM and let you whip them it means they dont love you?
Remember when you said this?
Where did I say that, like I asked in the earlier post, answer the question before you move on because you clearly don't fucking understand whats even being said, if you can't address why you asked that and why you jumped around and pulled shit out of thin air, you don't deserve to ask follow up questions.

How about you actually make a point and stick to it instead of just trying to hurl insults you loser, trying to drag down other people because you are alone and clearly can't find a man, did you ever think your attitude is the problem and the reason other women can have relationships that last but not you is because you have no idea how to actually behave with another human being to be likeable? because you have demonstrated here you can't even have a conversation with someone.
You are beyond hope
enjoy being alone.

oops I guess you have your cats, all 6 of them.
Its very telling that you get so mad people won't do sex stuff with you
No, me and my wife have a great sex life.
You immediately jumped to assuming you need to convince your partner to do something you would consider degrading but never considered that many people struggle to find someone who are willing to do something TO them, its the same in both circumstances and its pretty telling how you try to shift it as a double standard because you are such a prude and don't think people should do anything vanilla sex.
Lets say i have a gf, but i also had a female friend, Lets say i used to buy my female friend food and gifts, pay for everything you name it, lets say i dont do that for my girlfriend, would the gf be pissed?.
You should be honored and need to unfuck your mind. She feels safe with you not having to do any gross porn degenerate stuff.

She's more attracted to you - more than ever, and more than anyone else. Don't ruin it by being a creep. GET IT OUT OF YOUR BRAIN
>gross porn degenerate stuff
oh yeah oral is truly some degenerate behaviour, absolutely vile.
Fuck off prude.
This sounds like a full brainwash women fuckology and bait ngl, you also sound like you would call your bf cock "boyfriend dick" when with your friends
That would be fine if she didn't whore herself out to others.
She can't have it both ways.
Thanks doctor chud, let pray together for op
To be fair, I tried swallowing cum for my husband and I actually gagged. It's a texture thing for me. I've wanted to try again but he doesn't want me to. Also assplay is kind of gross, imo, and lots of other people (men and women) think so too. You're not likely missing out on much.

That being said, I feel like this suggests a larger difference in needs/desires. She's ready to settle down. You want to experiment and be sexually adventeurous. I think that a lot of people's first reaction would be frustration and maybe even jealousy. I'd have a serious conversation about it. If it's important to you, you shouldn't just let it fester. Maybe she would be open to a compromise. Either way, being in a relationship where you're unhappy is kind of a waste of time.
Talking shit never works thats the advice woman give because they believe shit they see on TV and socials, its about desire, talking this would make me feel she Is obligued to do so, not like she wants to, fuck you and your stupid logic and also poor husband, he must be a top simp only fucking missionary because you would get the piss
>She's ready to settle down.
>You want to experiment and be sexually adventeurous.
Those are not at odds with each other at all
>"so other dudes had It but not me"
She hated it too, but being young and inexperienced she was too afraid or forced herself to do it. That's how it is with girls, they do dumb shit while young to impress their bf and when they are older they stop doing it. Though it also can mean she's not that much into you as she was with others.
maybe she found out she doesn't like that stuff?
That was my point. Maybe she doesn't realize how important those new experiences are to him. And if she does realize and isn't willing to compromise, he should dump her. That was what I meant.
That's a lot of assumptions to make about a total stranger lol. In case you haven't notice, this is /adv/. Nobody is obligated to take my advice. But OP did ask for it. So....
Just dump her lol. Spare yourself.

>> my gf doesn't want to do things she didn't like when she tried with other people before me
>> I'm resentful I don't get to try those things if I stay with her

Oh noes. Kek.

Grow up you spastic loser. Either accept being with your gf is worth not trying those things, or end the relationship.
Just dump her lol. Spare the poor girl.
If she doesn't want to do it because she tried it with other men then that's normal, I wouldn't get mad at her for something like that. Now if it is things she liked to do but just doesn't want to try with you then that's a different case, dump her if you're in the second scenario.

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