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I need to make a website using only HTML and I don't know how to code at all as I have profound mental retardation.

Is there some tool that a brainlet can use to make a website which will then shit it all out as HTML which I can just copy and paste?

Can one of these new fancy jewish AI things help? If so, what? And how?

Is there another way?

For what it's worth, the website needs to be kinda like a blog or something, like the old days of tumblr I guess
Your credit card.
Pay some Indian to do it for you.
The internet is dumb, don't bother
I believe there is a general in >>>/g/ for this, it's full of autistic webdevs just salivating to help you
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An Indian isn’t going to help him if he’s trying to make a thing that looks a specific or unique way or whatever
WordPress or Squarespace. Old ladies use these OP there's no excuse
do those things shit out an HTML version? or are you just posting to be a meanie-bobeenie?
There are WordPress plug-ins that can
>Can one of these new fancy jewish AI things help?
Sorry, but thwe only guy named Al I know is Catholic.
when making a website, there's 2 (3) languages you need to know
html creates the elements, the text, the images etc.
css is the one that controls how things look.
it's honestly piss easy, go to w3schools.com to learn them
if there's a specific website you like, you can right click and choose 'inspect' to see the source code of the site, and copy it

do this, blog with free hosting.
any questions about how to do it just as an llm
I always used blogger/blogspot to make sites. You can use a readymade template to get 90% there then modify the html/CSS to your liking then buy a url to get rid of the blogspot domain. It allows you to view and copy/paste the code. The editor is extremely flexible as well, you can do pretty much anything if you can figure it out. There are widgets and stock stuff and a code editor for fine tuning. I’m a novice too, but I got results just experimenting and googling tips if I ran into an issue.
HTML isn't coding, it's fucking markup(Hyper-Text-Markup-Language). Extremely simple and easy to learn, although a pure html webpage will look like shit.
And you can probably get chatgpt or a similiar LLM to vomit out a webpage that's 90% of the way there, that you just need to tweak a bit

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