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My bf and this girl who's in high school are best friends outside of us. I'm worried but at the same time my bf has been so reasonable idk if i'm being unfair or not. My bf has always invited me to play games with them, my bf has never hide their relationship or friendship, and iv even forced my bf to show me his discord messages to see is their hiding anything, my bf was literally sweating about it but I think he was more so socially nervous overall because while there are sexual discussions they had its more so banter / jokes or her legitimately asking "guy" questions that iv asked my bf like questions about being uncut, how to avoid std's or talking about abortion. Closest thing to anything sexually explicit was both of them talking about killing each other and letting a "homeless guy" rape the corpse but it seemed like banter. I want to get bothered by it but really it seems like a meme they have going on where they joke about homeless people. Idk, iv read long and hard over every single message my bf and this girl sent each other and it seems like their good friends yet i'm super bothered by their relationship... what do. I'm super jealous of this fucking high schooler my bf is friends with, but Idk if their friendship is pure or is i'm being a lame ass gf.

My bf said he loves her like a sister / daughter. He knew her longer then me, bf doesn't at all hide their conversations and I say that as someone who has been cheated on. But its really fucked up my bf is besties with a fucking 16 year old outside of me. I just want her gone, and I tried talking to her but she's so mean and aggressive we don't get along, meanwhile my bf is mean with her (which I don't like) but he's really nice to me. IDK how to explain it. I don't like that their friends. Am i justified?
should say we're in our early 30s btw. Me and my bf are the same age yet I hear him in the middle of the night laughing while talking to this fucking teenager. I'd be down to legit adopt her since her life seems to be really bad but she's so mean and aggressive for no real reason.
Idk much about that, but it does seem kind of weird. Idk, maybe it is all innocent, maybe he genuinely has no desire to fuck her or because of his male brain, he has subconsciously had an intrusive thought of thinking about fucking her but has no conscious intention to make it a reality, but if you're around your 30s, idk what sort of scenario has you befriending a 16 year old girl. Seems kind of sus.
You are obligated to tell the kid’s parents.
Nope!!! That is weird as hell. I think close opposite sex relationships while you're dating somebody at all is kind of a red flag, but 16 year old discord e-bestfrend is diabolical hahaha. Take it from someone who just found out his GF with "male discord friends" was fucking her ex the whole time they were together, run while you still can
dude i had to make sure. i don't think you'd get it unless you were in my shoes, what if sus shit was happening? would you rather i not check? bro my bf is literally best friends with a fucking 15 year old that just sounds sus

funny thing is she's in the south and surrounded by shitty people. her mom knows about my bf (according to her) but doesn't give that much of a shit about her which seems common among kids now.
> iv even forced my bf to show me his discord messages
This is terrible.

> I think he was more so socially nervous overall
He was feeling uncomfortable because this is a form of abuse and he didn't know how to react

> its really fucked up my bf is besties with a fucking 16 year old OUTSIDE OF ME
I think the way you phrased this speaks volume. I hope he has the guts to leave you because you seem to be a really unhealthy partner. Maybe stop being jealous of youth and realize what you have before it's too late.
Oh my God I assumed you had just graduated or something, and that he knew her from school. That is actually wild. Femanon listen to yourself. Your boyfriend is 30 something years old and plays games on discord with high schoolers hahaha. Even if he isn't a pedo, he sounds like a fucking dork
how do your bf react when you share those concerns with him
i'm trying to be really unbiased, nonchalant at first, then he got annoyed and now he just invites me to play with them. one time he got really philosophical about it. i'm going to say my bf is really deep and intelligent on certain things, but he brushes off my concerns now rather then explaining their relationship to me like he used to. iv only 1 time asked him what he would do if i demanded he stop talking to her and that's one of the few times he got pissed of.
> he just invites me to play with them
seems like a good reaction to me

> he brushes off my concerns now rather then explaining their relationship to me like he used to
Since he already explained it, what more do you wish he would share?

>iv only 1 time asked him what he would do if i demanded he stop talking to her and that's one of the few times he got pissed of
that seems like a reasonable reaction if they are actually friends

From what you're sharing, It seems you boyfriend is being open and reasonable. If him being friends with a 16yo girl gives you the ick, which is understandable, then you should tell him and leave him if the situation is irreconcilable. But you'll get nowhere by being overly controlling and acting like you're jealous, his behavior seems perfectly fine if we forget about her age.
Doesn't really matter that she's underage. You would feel the same if he's talking to a 50 year old woman.
Yea this is a larp, no teens would ever be friends with random middle aged people unless she was the sister of one of his best male friends around his age. Next time include that to make it believeable
this isn't a larp i'll make a 30 second video link
maybe he does not think of her sexually, but pretty sure she is. That's why she's so aggressive towards you.
holy shit. ive never in my life made a post on this site but this was just bothering me too much. your bf is a 30 year old man grooming a fucking teenager. thats weird as fuck and the people saying its normal or that ur in the wrong are disgusting pedophile freaks. in what world would a 30yo man have something in common with a child to the point where they are laughing and chatting constantly online. and the sexual shit makes it even worse. wtf was that about. why is a grown man speaking of anything remotely intimate or sexual with a random highschooler. im not calling ur bf a pedophile but its just plain weird. you are completely valid and if you feel ANY sort of uneasiness you have every right to feel that way. express to ur bf how you think its weird that he as a grown man is this friendly with a child and see what he says. he seems reasonable enough but dont let him gaslight you because this is not normal at all and i dont know how he could justify this. also just putting it out there it is illegal for adults to flirt or exchange expilicit messages online in most countries...
with minors online*
we already have the normienigger take in this thread >>32011172 move on
The fact that you even need to ask is OUTRAGEOUS. Your BOYFRIEND is a PEDOPHILE! HE LIKES YOUNG GIRLS!
none of the posts expressed enough how weird i found it. its so common that people in this situation overlook how serious it is so i need op to actually take the advice seriously rather than end up dismissing it bc its so frustrating when they do
why is he so open tho? the weird thing is that i suspect he's a pedo (but i give him the benefit of the doubt) but he's so open to letting me check his dm's, joining him and his friend when their gaming, i don't get that
yee, iv recorded some video of them talking but it shows my bf's discord, idk if i want to share it
>femanon is literally dating a groomer
>hasn't reported him to authorities yet
he showed you the gf save dms. While keeping the sex talk dms hidden.
where would a guy hide his sex talk dms?

i'm familiar with all the cheating apps ever since iv been cheated on in 2021 and he doesn't have any of them. what would you recommend i check for sexting?
you can js post screenshots but black out the user
any other account, on any other app with dm possibilities. If you can just check his phone, you'll check any app with notifications turned off. Or would have a 2nd secret phone. Then you check the router if there is a connection with another device you never seen. But then again him just giving you his phone means he doesn't hide anything, and it's just paranoia from your past experiences.
honestly the fact that he's open about it doesn't change anything. plenty of groomers think what they do is normal and he may also just be doing that on purpose to seem less suspicious
or he could be deleting any incriminating msgs which is why he's so open to giving her his phone
this whole thread should be filled with "normie" takes.
i'm on my bf's shit when he's texting / gaming / on discord with that girl. admittedly i haven't found anything, if there's a specific app or way people cheat let me know. only app so far that i truely don't know shit about is WhatsApp which my bf has

i just rather my bf think he's a normal and a groomer vs american psycho shit. personally
side note, iv recorded my bf and his "friend" chatting, i need to go to bed but when i wake up i'll link it, i'd love to hear people's take on if my bf is giving groomer vibes
Everyone always talked to people of all ages growing up but a few years ago someone on twitter decided it's "grooming" to talk to older people when you're underage which literally everyone did, I guess the whole world has been groomed now, ffs
What videogames did they meet trough?
Wrong. It was only common in institutional contexts such as church, or school, where the adult had authority and did not emotionally involve themselves with teenagers. OP is dating a groomer.
I meant online obvs

tried not to dox him but this is a conversation they've had, usually they're up in the middle of the night cussing and yelling at each other.
when you guys break up and he starts fucking her report him to authorities
If you don't like how your boyfriend is with her (mean) that's more than a sign he's not a good person and it's valid to break up, grooming aside. I don't think this is worth pursuing but now it's up to you to build the courage to actually break this off or not.
I'm ngl just basing off this video they just seem like friends and I don't get weird vibes. but in no context does a grown man have any good intentions being friendly with a child and that's all that matters. if their relationship makes you uncomfortable and he won't do anything about it then leave him because it's still grooming
just because it's always happened doesn't make it any less wrong? women were burnt for being witches for 300 years does that mean it was okay... in fact it makes it worse. as you've said in your post grooming was always a thing, it's just now getting actually called for what it is. yes we used to do it all the time but just because "everyone would do it" doesn't excuse the fact that it's predatory and weird. which is why we know it as grooming now. genuinely get checked if you think a grown ass adult with good intentions would want to sit there and make friends with kids online
your bf's voice sounds stupid, like kermit the frog. She sounds like the average annoying teenager. No sexual vibes though, if you didn't know the backstory you would've guessed it's cousins playing with each others. Idk much about grooming, I guess you can be like that until one day he's like
>now send me nudes or I'll never talk to you again
kek this girl demands to see private message from his boyfriend, state in the first post she is jealous, and post video of private convo from her bf on YT for 4channers to see knowing well what they are capable of but yeah all this is normal and it must be his boyfriend that is crazy.

You're all deeply retarded. This bitch is a psycho and an abuser, if it's not obvious to you I hope you never meet someone like her because you're cooked.
Online is even worse. Straight pedo status.
Hmm, I don't think the problem is that he's friends with her, I think it's that you're dating an immature nerd with the mental age of a 15 year old.
Women are fucking retarded and think talking to anyone younger than them makes them a pedo. Age of consent is 16 in 31 states. 16 is by far not a child. You're retarded if you think she is and you're an old hag.
Break tf up, this is not normal
I have multiple teenage girls messaging me I met on my stream. They are artists and like to tall about art and ask for advice. I'm 35.
I'm ngl I still find that weird but it's fine ig. but op's bf has an actual relationship with this one girl for over a year where they're super close and talk about explicit things. do you not see how thats a little different
It's not looking good for you sister. You're supposed to have a baby by 30
just tell me what a 16 year old has that other people his age don't have. there's your answer.
Well they're naive, impressionable, not able to navigate society well, dependent on adult figures for emotional support and material sustenance... need I go on?
Nigger, what does an 80 year old have that people your age don't have? Absolutely retarded rhetorical question.
That’s sus. I could maybe understand if it wasn’t a girl and it was a mentor kind of relationship but even then what could he possibly have in common with a 16 year old?
yes that's exactly my point...? read the comment I replied to
you sound slow. where did I even state my age?
>>32013635 pretty much summed up my point if u didn't understand.
I think under 21 is too much, but am open to 18-21. I just get depressed when I think about missing out on having dated women in their twenties. I was dating this extremely hot 28 year old years ago, and every time she talked about her past I just got depressed and wished I could have gone back and time and experienced that with her. I want to build a lifetime of memories together.
desu he apparently enjoys playing games with her and they have good banter, she even receives it well, that's already solid friendship material for guys. And rare among women of any age. There's a reason the tomboy gf fantasy is a meme.
That said, I guarantee at least he wants to fuck her assuming he isn't already lol, he is a male, the real issue is the OP is getting mogged hard by this girl apparently. The only hope is that the kid is physically ugly or fat in which case it might be actually platonic if a bit odd
The world is fucked if people can't be strictly platonic friends with anyone of any age. The sexual topics are naturally bizarre, but if they were instigated by her, I'd say it's more likely that she sees him romantically or at least she's seeking out a different paternal figure, which can cross a few wires, rather than the other way around. We have virtually no context for any of their relationship. OP has even stated herself that their conversations are largely innocuous. I'm saying all this as someone who was targeted by a pedophile.
To be honest, my impression of you is that you are a bit of a pervert. All you can conceive or think about is that all adults are sexual predatory pedophiles when interacting online in your head.
I get it, it is odd, but you get used to people younger then you and older then you when playing a lot of online games. CoD didn't even put in age matchmaking until like 2 years ago.
Afraid of being replaced roastie?
I grew up online before the modern zoomer pedo hysteria and would engage with adults sexually as an underage teen and so would most of my friends and no one thought we were groomed or traumatized because there weren't retards on twitter telling us we were
You know these are niggers from twitter when they use "weird" as a substitute for bad
If it was grooming it wouldn't be just "weird" you fucking retards
Probably bots or some shit, they all type the same
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OP here, First let me say that I do love my bf and think he's almost perfect for me even if he's goofy. I don't want to leave him without solid evidence but still his relationship with this underage teen bothers me alot. Talked to my bf and he explained it like this

>There's a reason the tomboy gf fantasy is a meme.
>The only hope is that the kid is physically ugly or fat in which case it might be actually platonic if a bit odd
My bf legit told me that he likes that he can just be silly with her and she's not at all sensitive. IDK what to make of the fact they both like talking about killing each other / commiting suicide but they are very immature with each other and don't take it seriously. My bf to be fair has tried to joke like that with me but I'll admit i am a little too emotional so my bf is gentle with me. My bf laughed and told me that i'm "hot as hell and really attracted to me" and would never think of cheating on me.

my bf didn't phrase it like this but he said something like this, that its sad and he feels bad that I think he's a groomer.

I asked him this exact question, "what the fuck do you have in common with a 15 year old?" and while she's 16 he knew her when she was 15. He said quote "Ok... well we both had fucked up childhoods, umm.. we don't take ourselves seriously and like to talk shit to each other, we like the same games and have the same taste in movies and anime. And it feels nice to be silly with her, you hear our conversations and I always invite you to talk with us." ect. BF got nervous when I hypothetically reported him to the cops and he asked my why I would do that and felt hurt, it made me feel bad but idk if i'm being a bitch or not. BF tried to explain how would I even have kids if I couldn't relate to them.
>I hypothetically reported him to the cops and he asked my why I would do that and felt hurt, it made me feel bad but idk if i'm being a bitch or not.
Try a shitty stunt like that and it might cost your relationship regardless of him being a groomer or not
You will have to get a 1 on 1 talk with the girl alone.
>hypothetically called the cops on him
Threaten to report him to the cops? If they play games and got along because of games I advise you not to do that. Anyone will get nervous when you threaten to ruin their entire life like that.
>>IDK what to make of the fact they both like talking about killing each other / commiting suicide but they are very immature with each other and don't take it seriously
It's cause like you said they both had fucked up childhoods, it's natural and very human to joke about your past trauma, it helps you cope with it and move on
>>I'll admit i am a little too emotional so my bf is gentle with me
You just answered your own question about why he likes talking to her, he can't fully be himself around you and has to constantly walk on eggshells, who wouldn't wanna a break from that?
>>>The only hope is that the kid is physically ugly or fat in which case it might be actually platonic if a bit odd
Wait a min... he doesn't even know what she looks like? And they've known each other for over a year? You're just making problems where there aren't any and looking for drama if he was interested in her sexually he would've dropped her by now
seems like i messed up badly with that police report question. fml. yeah you're right i shouldn't have said that. i wasn't going to do it, i was just trying to ask FUCK
Let me say this, the only "selfie" iv found in their dm's was dress she was wearing for a high school event. she was asking my bf if it was nice and my bf said it looked cool and cute that she should buy it. but in the pic her face was shaded out and it only showed her wearing the dress. for what its worth my bf hates short girls and told me even before he we were dating he liked tall girls, she seemed short and i'm 6'1 she has to be 5'3. idk if that even matters
Like i said you need to get a 1 on 1 conversation just between you two. Your jealousy won't allow you to take his word for it.
Yea you really did. This is how I know it's a larp no one would be retarded enough to think the police could arrest someone for discord conversations
This could be acceptable if he knew her when she was a literal child growing up in the neighborhood or something, but as best friends?

squints eyes
>well we both had fucked up childhoods
Probably because he didn't have anyone back then to help him out and now he wants to help her and in the same time he helps himself like he wished someone did for him. The issue is still there that she might become too attached to him. But clearly you are anxious with pedo hysteria and jealously, hypothetically reporting him to the cops was a shit move.
Wow, games have age based matchmaking now? That's messed up. I played games online from like 9yo and ran into all ages including schizos and shit lol and it was fine. The segregation hysteria is reaching critical levels, I swear if kids are forced to only interact with other kids it'll probably stunt them terribly, some lord of the flies type shit. Yeah they have parents and teachers but you need more than your parents and teachers are almost all female, neurotic and weird af.

>BF got nervous when I hypothetically reported him to the cops
lmao what? How the fuck did that go
>"hey honey, you know just in case I might hypothetically try to destroy your life, would you be okay with that or not just asking"
wtf don't even bring up that kind of stuff unless you want to break up, and it's stupid anyway because it's not illegal to be friends with a teenager, and hell even if he's fucking her she's reached the age of consent in most places

OP just needs to accept that her bf is a little weird and maybe immature and decide whether she's okay with that. I can understand being insecure and kind of paranoid about it but in the end what can you do?
maybe everyone is different and has something unique to offer? This person just happens to be younger, it doesn't give them a special ability no more than being 30 gives you a special ability.
>not able to navigate society wel
> dependent on adult figures for emotional support
None of these things applied to me when I was 16. You're just an old hag that forgets what it's like to be young. Being 16 doesn't make you a weak, pathetic, and useless human being that can't think for themselves. You're literally retarded.
One of the worst things about this, OP, is that we're all a little traumatized by the world, but if you show that to anyone besides a loyal friend or a therapist, you'll often get dropped. I'm not accusing you of getting the ick, but I get the impression that you never let him be vulnerable with you without the threat of leaving him floating around in your mind consciously or otherwise.
>None of these things applied to me when I was 16.
Apologies, I forgot I was posting alongside supreme gentlemen super-geniuses who figured it all out before hitting puberty. Truly sorry, exalted one.
Not everyone is a retard like you and can actually think for themselves, even as teenagers.
>ITT roasties threatened by legal teen pussy
I can tell by your posts that you still can't think for yourself to this day.
Yeah, you should be worried, he will definitely, 100%, trade your old hag ass for the young pussy when the time comes. I say cut your losses and try to find a better boyfriend.
That's because you're retarded. We already covered this, remember?
listen your only options here are stay with him and accept their relationship or give him an ultimatum. there seems to be no proof of anything actually incriminating so if you genuinely can't live with the fact that your adult bf is besties with a teen girl then you really only have one choice. if you feel unhappy in this relationship because of their relationship and he won't do anything about it then leave him. you will find someone :]
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>sees her as a sister/daughter
>sexual jokes/banter
>mean to her

bro I think you should get another boyfriend, no 30 year old that is friends with high schoolers have good intentions, a 30 once entered my friend group back in early high school and he was caught sending a dick pick to the 13 year brother of one of our friends

there's plenty of fish in the sea, choose one that won't feel attracted to minors
>red flag
Kill yourself faggot
Jealous, roastie?
He wants to fuck that tight little teen pussy, deep down you know it too. Break up or get heartbroken, your choice.
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why would I be jealous, jeet
Mention indians for no reason award
didn't know this website is literal copy of reddit now

it used to be before as well but this is way too blatant atp
There it is again the new gen zoomers literally write the same way it's kind of disgusting you can tell how low their iq is in general
Your boyfriend is 6"4 and is the two time right boys and girls?

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