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Yesterday my gf of a year told me she used to sell "naughty content" online. When I asked her to elaborate she said it wasn't onlyfans but she used to sell lewds/nudes to guys on discord.
I am not happy with this, she said she hid it from me for so long to because she knew I wouldn't be happy. What should I do? Break up with her? I must admit it disgusts me
Fitting that you'd post a screenshot of fetish porn while posting your own fetish porn. Cuck
Making multiple fetish posts in a day aren't we?
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There's a case of a violent psychopath rapist. He raped and killed a mother and daughter. As part of his rehabilitation, he got sent to rape therapy. Guess what? His therapist ended up having an affair with him and had his kid. Women are scum.
break up with her, it is better in the long run. you won't be happy with her.
Honestly I don't understand why it's an issue.
So what if someone else is a horny slut prior to meeting you? So long as they then become horny and monogamous for you, there is no issue.
You weren't supposed to notice this, you fucking autistic faggot.
>4chan is one person
>I am not happy with this
>I must admit it disgusts me
It may be good to make this decision, whatever it may be, after these interluding emotions subside.
No, but our resident shitposting autist absolutely is one person.
This picture makes me hate women so much. My god. Modern American women are trash
Your gf is a literal prostitute
I used to cum on webcam for old gay dudes. Easy money. Who gives a fuck?
You're a disgusting piece of shit.

There, I just gave a fuck. Bet anyone else you told that to would say the same, you nasty fucking gross whore.
>uhhh who gives a fuck
You'd never admit it to anyone irl. You give a fuck. Nasty, disgusting, degenerate piece of trash. Always know that I think you are a disgusting scummy whore. Now you can never say who gives a fuck again.
NTA but dude calm down, it literally doesn't make a difference
You do realize that I was going to jerk off and cum either way, right?
>Looks at name of author
>Lana Hoch

Of course.
Every. Single. Time.
based. degenerates deserve the rope.
A century or so ago people used to parade their bloody bedsheets on the streets as proof of their bride's virginity.
You're probably too stupid to understand what this means
>What should I do? Break up with her?
That's what I would do, yes.
I'd be pissed at the lie of omission and a whole year of my time lost, but she did come clean, so try to keep it as civil as you can and give her credit for telling the truth.
If I were in your shoes, I'd give her unsolicited advice to be much more upfront with her "content" in the future; her being uncomfortable disclosing what she chose for herself isn't a good reason to waste months or years of a guy's (and her) time on a lie.
She should also know that hiding the truth makes the reaction from men much, much worse. Most guys would just move on if they found that out within a few dates. But guys who invested years into a relationship, only to have their image of her shattered? These are the guys who end up snapping, up to and including violence. It's not just wrong of her to hide the truth. It's stupid, by her own reasoning.
>Women are scum
Not exactly. But what you said isn't completely without merit, either.
and it's a retarded backwards tradition based on folk medicine and a outdated understanding of biology

so what are you implying
>Why yes, I AM retarded, why do you ask?
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>Honestly I don't understand why it's an issue.
So what if someone else is a violent murderer prior to meeting you? So long as they then become horny and monogamous for you, there is no issue.
>Honestly I don't understand why it's an issue.
So what if someone else is a heroin dealer prior to meeting you? So long as they then become horny and monogamous for you, there is no issue.
>Honestly I don't understand why it's an issue.
So what if someone else is a terrorist prior to meeting you? So long as they then become horny and monogamous for you, there is no issue.
>Honestly I don't understand why it's an issue.
So what if someone else is arrested for domestic violence several times prior to meeting you? So long as they then become horny and monogamous for you, there is no issue.
Past bad decisions and immoral behavior has to be taken into account.
I think it is a bit of an issue. She knew the bf wouldn't like it and hid it, why?
-To save face: he had a mental image of her and she was okay with acting as someone else this long
-He might've broken up with her earlier, so she kinda wanted to "trap" him (it's easier to break up at the beginning, but when it's been long most people would think in terms of sunken cost fallacy)

And telling him now signifies what? She's no longer afraid of losing him? She doesn't care? She knows he won't leave?

And aside from all this, relationships built on lies don't flourish. Because from now on you'll think "well, how do I know she isn't lying? she was okay hiding this for someone else and acting as someone else for so long?"

In short: it's not the nude content imo, it's the lying.

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