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I'm 22. My grandparents were married when they were my age, and my parents were dating each other when they were my age. My younger sister has a long term boyfriend, all of my cousins have girlfriends, so I'm now literally the only one in my entire family that is single.
Clearly, I'm not the only one with this problem, since most young men are single and the entire west is facing a population crisis due to no one breeding.
How am I supposed to get a girlfriend? Please tell me, this shit is fucking maddening.
>Dating apps
0 matches over the span of 4 years
0 interest from women, get ghosted all the time, women just want to sleep around then ghost you
80% people over the age of 50, the young people that are there already are there with their boyfriends, I've never seen a single woman my age at a church
>Clubs and hobbies
No women my age there
Don't work with any girls my age
>Random approach IRL
50% chance girl will freak out and call police on you
Is this how it ends? Am I going to end my bloodline? Is this how white people go extinct?
Also, I'm:
6' tall, normal looking, have hobbies, have lots of interests, can cook, I'm a musician, I go out every day of the week, I've tried asking girls out and i've tried every single one of these approaches, I dress well, and I have good hygiene. So wtf is it because I always here people say "oh youre not tall enough", "your face isnt good enough", "you aren't interesting enough", well guess what faggot I'm all of those so what the fuck is going on?
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>Meanwhile, the women:
I don't know man
It's fucked
My bullshit detector went off several times while reading this post.
What are you some fucking boomer? Any young man reading my post will relate to me, it's entirely my lived experience and is 100% true.
no one cares about your bullshit detector, idiot. You are insignificant in this world and absolutely no one would care 2 years down the line if you killed yourself right now. You have no role to play in the history of humanity. You are a meaningless NPC in a world of evil and injustice.

Keep tricking yourself into believing that you're important.
What no pussy does to a nigga
Buddy, I'm going to give you a harsh truth. It's called "fate" and it exists whether you're an atheist, a theist, buddist or whatever.

It means that if you don't have a girlfriend, then you are not supposed to have one. Fate gives men girlfriends, riches, poverty, disease and there's NOTHING we can do about it.

Don't even bother. If you lift a finger your life will only get worse because people will smell your desperation.
You are insignificant in this world and absolutely no one would care 2 years down the line if you killed yourself right now. You have no role to play in the history of humanity. You are a meaningless NPC in a world of evil and injustice.
>You are a meaningless NPC in a world of evil and injustice.
Are you a malfunctioning bot? You said this already.
Not a bot, you just don't seem to be getting the message.

You are insignificant in this world and absolutely no one would care 2 years down the line if you killed yourself right now. You have no role to play in the history of humanity. You are a meaningless NPC in a world of evil and injustice.
Run a meme page on instagram and post actually funny shit. It worked for me and many others in my milieu, I see it happen all the time. If you can handle the kind of e-girls you'll attract (if you're actually good at curating/creating/reposting) you'll have more than you'll know what to do with. I can attest to it personally and I have less than 5k followers, 43% of which are women shockingly.
You'd probably be surprised by how active women are in that space. The one thing The Almighty Algorithm is actually good at is connecting you with like-minded people who will have a similar sense of humour to you which is why it's notorious for forming echo chambers. If you can find your niche, you'll be golden.
This is fucking insane and retarded
>church is too old
Go to a different church. Shop around. You could even try the megachurch young adults nights. Not every church is 80% old people, but you have to put in effort to find a church with a community around your age.
>school, clubs, and hobbies have no women
find different groups, find different hobbies with more women involved. (e.g. You're probably not gonna meet girls at the chess club)
combining church and school, try campus ministries, most girls will want boyfriends and not just hookups.

Work on building a social circle of BOTH men and women. Befriend men who are in healthy relationships that you would like to emulate.
I'm Catholic should I just not be Catholic?
Is there only one parish/church in your town?
Explain how or gtfo with you FUD. It costs nothing but time to do and if you can get a foothold I'm telling you it works. Once you bait em in with memes and shitposting, all you have to do is not sperg out and you'll have an online harem, then the next move is to move it offline.
It worked for me.
I've been to 5 so far
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pic related is one of the first results for young adult churches
Not a single woman my age in this crowd, and overwhelmingly nerdy weird men
Ok fine how do I do this? This seems insane, I can't get that many followers on Instagram
Same but 21. 6'0. No GF though. Friends are all busy doing their own thing so I cant just beg them for help. I'm fucked. I shouldve went to Uni after graduating HS, I would've been better off.
who were you swiping on when you were on dating apps? 0 matches over 4 years seems insane if you're not like visibly disfigured and 4'5. were you only swiping right on girls that were objectively hotter than you? if not, idk. women that are on dating apps have higher standards because they get more attention and they feel like there are more options available to them- they're less likely to settle.

also if you're in some random town in the middle of nowhere, that could be difficult, although college should make that easier. i would echo what other replies said about joining clubs that are likely to have women.

are you very autistic? do you have negative charisma? do you radiate a "i will chop you up into bits" vibe? all things that probably put women off.

all things said, i'm sorry. it must be frustrating being a man today trying to find a gf. i think dating apps are to blame, they're just worsening the cultural rot. as a woman, it's also kinda hard to find a bf, but it's nowhere near the same situation. i think we're just in the end times. GL
No I actually swipe left on women that are really hot like these model pictures. I swipe right on the homely and nerdy looking ones.
I live in fucking Connecticut. It's a total hit to my confidence that I haven't gotten any matches over 4 different dating apps over the span of 4 years.
I'm a little autistic, I wouldn't say I have negative charisma, however I have been described as creepy when I was in highschool but I don't think I'm creepy anymore. I'm very popular and very liked in a couple spaces that I'm in musically.
This totally sucks and it makes me want to kms. Im so sick of being alone
And what exactly is your age? Because I count 11 young women in this pic alone.
>I shouldve went to Uni after graduating HS, I would've been better off.
No you wouldn't have been. I'm in uni and it's not better. I should have left the fucking country when I turned 18. America is a sinking ship
I'm about to be 22. Every single "young woman" in that picture is at least 4 years older than me, and girls don't date younger guys
i'm sorry i don't want to twist the knife but that seems insane to not get any matches over 4 apps over 4 years... were you not using them often, or were you swiping every day? like not even one match?

also, do you go to a school that has a specific vibe? like if you go to a very liberal arts hippie sjw vibe school and you're more of a preppy sporty guy maybe you're just not trying the right target audience.

overall, if how you've described yourself is true, i think you'll find a gf eventually. being tall helps a lot, and you see like a normal, well-adjusted guy. i totally sympathize though, it's hard being alone. when i feel lonely i try and spend time with friends or family, and keep busy.
I'd sometimes get matches but they'd never lead to anything. I haven't been on a date from them. I'd get girls numbers and we'd text for a bit and they'd ghost, shit like that. It's fucking infuriating.
I go to UConn. Giant school with lots of Asians, lots of hoes, lots of frat faggots, art hoes, etc. My confidence is so drained that I just see it as there is not a single woman that would want to be with me.
>Every single "young woman" in that picture is at least 4 years older than me
Oh wow, not FOUR (4) whole trips around the sun older than you!
How do you know their age anyway? Did you check their IDs? Cut them in half and count the rings?
>and girls don't date younger guys
I love when self-admitted incels suddenly pretend they know anything about women.
You are so fucking retarded
Look at this, straight from /gif/ mismatched couples thread

>>27862294 (OP)
They'll fuck disabled men
They'll fuck fat guys
They'll fuck canids
They'll fuck downies
They'll fuck lanklets
They'll fuck manlets
They'll fuck old men

Basically, the hardest part is getting started. You're better off starting by having people you know (who aren't going to be bothered by shitposting) follow you to give you the initial boost you'll need. If you're in any discord servers or whatever you can shill yourself there or ask people nicely to follow you. You won't need tooooo many people, it's more a matter of quality over quantity; the more people like your posts and send them to others, the more you will naturally gain and the audience you want are not "normies" so to speak. Your posts and attitude should reflect that. From there, you'll have to do this:
>Make posts regularly; regularity is crucial but even more crucial is that you post shit that's actually funny or filling a niche (you can go for fandom-related content, post racist shit, focus on memes, make your own memes/edits, post videos exclusively from /gif/ which is where I sometimes go for content myself).
>Make story posts. These are more popular than you might think and not as easy to report, plus they contribute to FOMO with their ephemeral nature which you want to generate.
>Talk to people in DMs. Answer people when they DM you (if they're not bots) and try to strike up conversation with them. Cultivate parasocial relationships. Join group chats and use them actively
>Follow your followers back, especially women, and send them things you think they'd like without being overbearing and do not bother them with stuff like "Hey hows it going blah blah blah," just be funny and patient
>Don't try too hard. It should be fun and easily enjoyable for both you and your followers
>Cultivate a lore or mystique around your page; indulge in inside jokes, repeated motifs and make use of polls/questions to get your followers engaged
>Put the content before your ego. Remember it's about making people laugh to eventually make them cum.
Make sure the content is good without being sterile or too derivative. Remember to be active.
damn that sucks. yeah the ghosting is really weird i honestly don't get why people do it.
since you go to a big school i would definitely try to find some clubs to join that are more female-focused. there's different clubs for different types of women, so if you know what kind of women you like, you can choose a club she's likely to be at.
i'm sorry it's affecting your confidence. the state of dating in the west is in such dire straits...
It's too late. I switched campuses this semester since I couldn't get housing and now I'm at a branch with literally 0 clubs. I was there for 3 years and I tried all sorts of clubs to no success anyways, a fourth year wouldnt have made the difference.
It's horribly affecting my confidence when I can go on /gif/ and see the uggliest, fattest fucking niggers fuck hot white girls that are my age. White girls will fuck dogs, retards, niggers, drug dealers, but they won't let me take them out on a fucking date
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But you don't know anything about women or dating though, remember?
Also why do say "you" when you really mean "me" aka, YOU.
i know it's difficult out here but you should probably try and tamp down the rage and resentment towards women

i get it, you're in a bad situation, i'm sure women in your life have not been kind, rejected you etc, but women can sense incel rage, and it's just going to make your situation worse.
>But you don't know anything about women or dating though, remember?
I never said this. I know that those things are happening because you can go to /gif/ right now and see it happening.
I didn't even write that post, someone else did.
I have resentment towards every zoomer. An entire generation that rejected me, rejected tradition, rejected their parents, rejected society.
My resentment is not towards women, I have plenty of older friends who are women, my resentment is towards the zoomers.
Destroy feminism. Thats the main thing we all need to do right now. Until thats gone, women will never be worth it and even if you get an 8/10 woman she will probably be trash later on as you learn more about her.
>It's horribly affecting my confidence when I can go on /gif/ and see
Well here's a thought, stop going on /gif/ then retard.
This is you:
>go to the cesspool of the internet where the dregs of humanity are compiled in gif form
>look for stuff to get mad at
>wtf how could this have happened to me?
more like
>I see the truth and the truth is evil so I'm mad
There are other things to look at in life retard.
/gif/ isn't there to showcase the good or beautiful or wholesome things in the world, it's there to post shock for rage or lulz, but either way for (You)s.
So if you don't want to spend your time seeing gore vids and women fucking dogs or whatever, just stop going and looking. You don't actually want your life to improve, you want things to be mad about.
I do want my life to improve thats why I made this thread asking for advice, and no one can ever give me advice otherwise i wouldnt be in this situation its always just
>go to Asia
>go to church
Lmao no shit you had no success. You're fucking miserable, dude, no one wants to be around this pathetic chudjak energy. You deserve to be alone until you decide that basing your attitude on fucking porn you see on the adult GIF board on 4chan is a completely retarded thing to do (a conclusion that everyone else came to a long time ago).
Yeah but I'm correct.
It's objectively true when I say:
Women, on average, would rather fuck fat niggers than let me take them on a date.
There are millions of women fucking fat niggers, do you know how many women have let me take them on a date in the last 4 years? 0
that's fair enough i guess. i think holding onto any resentment in general isn't great for your life quality, though. i can agree that zoomers are godless and lost. but i don't spend my days stewing over how angry i am about it, and posting about how stupid women are because they don't want to fuck me, because that would just make me more upset.

the real answer to your problem (and probably most problems posted on this board) is to spend less time online. i know it's ironic saying that on this site, and i should take that advice too, but the internet, especially this place, really rots your brain and twists the way you think about other people. i know you don't want to hear that, though.
>the real answer to your problem (and probably most problems posted on this board) is to spend less time online. i know it's ironic saying that on this site, and i should take that advice too, but the internet, especially this place, really rots your brain and twists the way you think about other people. i know you don't want to hear that, though.
Well where do I go? It's 2:30 PM right now and I'm still in bed because I've been posting and feeling like shit. My sister and her boyfriend and my parents are out having fun at the fair while I'm moping. I'm so sick of this shit. There's not even anything to do.
What am I going to do go drive an hour away to the fair to eat shitty fried food? it's too late in the day for that now anyways. There's nothing to do IRL. The internet is all there is. Such is life in a gay fake state like Connecticut
>Women, on average, would rather fuck fat niggers than let me take them on a date.
You're doing something very wrong then.
Until you can identify what that thing is, or even just admit it is there, you're not going to get any better.
>Well where do I go?
>My sister and her boyfriend and my parents are out having fun at the fair
Well just FOR STARTERS, what was stopping you from going to the fair also?
It's an hour away and it's already almost 3 PM
So, they ARE there, and you don't talk to them.
There it is. That is what you're doing wrong, you fucking retard.
literally do anything else. read a book, take a hike, watch tv idk. isn't Connecticut supposed to be really pretty in the fall? maybe take up weight lifting, don't men say that helps with their confidence and maybe testosterone? idk how that works
>maybe take up weight lifting, don't men say that helps with their confidence and maybe testosterone? idk how that works
I can't even start it since my confidence is so low that i know I just can't do it
I've tried it before and can't get into it
I talked to one of them, got her number, and she ghosted me.
There's 20 people in that class and there's no other women in that class i'm attracted to. (all fats and browns)
In my other classes it's also all fats and browns.
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>I'm 22
that's what it is
even if you're doing the right things, you haven't been doing them long enough for things to have the same probability of producing results. being lonely and struggling through your 20s is pretty normal for men now, so the worst thing you can do is get discouraged and slow down your efforts at all. that's the main thing that you'll regret as you add on years

wrong mentality:
right mentality:
OK so what exactly do I do?
>Women, on average, would rather fuck fat niggers than let me take them on a date.
Yeah, you are objectively correct. And that's because you clearly fucking suck as company and are a seething retard getting mad about "trends" you've managed to divine by perusing >>>/gif/. Do you realize how retarded that makes you? And do you reckon that retards ought to breed?
Even outside the matter of breeding, you are clearly miserable and probably not much joy to be around. I can feel you sulking on the other side of the screen, I can only imagine how much of a sour, whiny pussy you look like irl. Maybe, just maybe, it's an issue with you and not women. Given what's been on display here, women are better off fucking those undesirables than they are giving you any attention if only just to make you more upset because it's kind of funny. I do wish they would give you mfs a crumb of pussy tho just because it's getting pretty fucking old watching you and your ilk whine and cry like the sorriest bitches in the world because you can't seem to wrap your head around the fact that some women don't find being a pathetic, racist baby attractive.
well, only you can figure this one out but the point is, build up your skills and think of a plan to meet other people into them, interacting on a regular basis. if you can do this regularly at your age, you'll be ahead of a lot of people by your mid to late twenties. if whatever your interests are have a lot of women into it, that's bonus points, but if it doesn't, find a supplemental activity that helps with it but also gets you talking to more women.

good luck bro, you've got more time to make things work than I do. literally all you have to do is not get discouraged and stick to the plan
27 here and it doesn't get better but male friendships get easier. If you want to get close to people again it really is like friending people MMOs and forming a consistent party in one but in irl. Which is kinda shit and it wasn't this way before. You have to basically lead everyone everywhere all the time on a set schedule to form any connections at all. Contacting people when you know they are off week to week, setting up things to do when they were the ones to offer initially... It is tiresome but it is what it is.
>And that's because you clearly fucking suck as company
OK but I don't suck as company because I have lots of friends, theyre just all older.
Retards apparently are breeding, and I don't know what that has to do with anything, as I'm not retarded.
You sound so seething
>racist baby
ohhh ok so you're some indian or nigger piece of shit okay that makes sense
Where do I meet them though
If someone tells me where I will abandon this thread and leave rn to go but there's fucking nowhere
I'm probably going to leave the country if this doesn't get better by the time I graduate
>Where do I meet them though
listen to >>32013742, that guy knows what he's talking about. if you're a musician, you might have to suck things up and go to open mic nights for a bit, try to make friends, meet potential bandmates that way
>open mic nights
Faggot boomers with their guitars LARPing as sad cowboys
>potential bandmates
People only play guitar nowadays
>OK but I don't suck as company because I have lots of friends
Who are you trying to fool, anon? If that's the case, why can't they hook you up or expand your network of women? Are you all just a gaggle of retarded undesirables?
>ohhh ok so you're some indian or nigger piece of shit okay that makes sense
Far from it, it's more like anyone who isn't totally pozzed by /gif/ demoralization is going to find your rhetoric pathetic and, yes, racist. Such people are going to include the women you want but who clearly want nothing to do with you. And, again, given what's on display here no one could fault them. It isn't the racism, anon, it's because you're a fucking whiny little girl and it comes across strongly in your interactions.
>why can't they hook you up or expand your network of women? Are you all just a gaggle of retarded undesirables?
What, other people are supposed to just throw their daughters at me?
You sound like a redditor
at least school lets you speak to women, fuck and go on dates with them

school is your only option to do anything worthwhile, your 20s will just be shit but then when you save up you can come back to school in your 30s and have great time sleeping around, partying and eventually settling down

its all about just coming back to school
>at least school lets you speak to women, fuck and go on dates with them
I'm a senior and havent had this
>What, other people are supposed to just throw their daughters at me?
You could have just said "yes" because you basically just did, retard. Okay, so your "friends" who definitely exist don't have any friends of their own they can send in your direction which makes sense all things considered. I think the best thing you can do is maybe post this thread 300 more times this month and dismiss all the advice that everyone gives by saying you "can't" like a spoiled little kid who doesn't want to take the trash out.
>I'm a senior and havent had this
nta but you're not as seasoned as a 30 year old would be
I think a sometimes about how school would be a different story with the social experience, wealth and physical fitness I've built up over the years since my early 20s
move to nyc
luck is made not given. nothing is written.You can have Gods favor but without the agency to act you will accomplish nothing
You don't. You wait until you're 25-27 then marry a fat woman who settled for you out of desperation. Hope you helps.
>6' tall, normal looking, have hobbies, have lots of interests, can cook, I'm a musician, I go out every day of the week, I've tried asking girls out and i've tried every single one of these approaches, I dress well, and I have good hygiene. So wtf is it because I always here people say "oh youre not tall enough", "your face isnt good enough", "you aren't interesting enough", well guess what faggot I'm all of those so what the fuck is going on?
That's the bare minimum anon. But are you rich?

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