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My gf has anxious attachment style. Supposedly. I never noticed this and she admited this too, that she doesn't feel anxious with me, that I'm secure etc.
But I don't like it. I feel like I'm TOO secure, I want her to be anxious about me and feel that she can lose me at any moment.
How to achieve this?
Why would you want this lol. Just go fuck random bitches at the club if this is the type of relationship you're looking for
I want to feel wanted by her more. I want her to go crazy about me not responding. Wanting assurance. basically not taking me for granted.
That's just gonna drive her crazy and she's going to end up hating you and leaving you
The fact that you want it is the reason you don't get it. women are essentially psychic in regards to the emotional states of men. A secular explanation is that people are constantly telegraphing their fears and weaknesses subconsciously and women pick up on it, but unironically your best bet is to assume she can magically understand your emotional state, no matter what. She knows you're not going to leave and that you're the type of dork to go on 4chan in an attempt to get her to love you more so she has no need to be afraid of you leaving. It's unattractive, gaudy, and frankly laughable my good sir
You are extremely childish and your relationship won't last, she'll leave once she realizes how pathetic you are.

Picrel doesn't deserve love or attention with a lard ass and thunder thighs like that. Fucking yuck!
Fat chicks are disgusting. If your gf looks anything like picrel start making side mouthed "jokes" about how fat she is. That'll help her become more anxious around you.

That's a good idea. Hopefully it'll get her to lay off the bread and cheesecake long enough to lose that elephant ass too. Bitch shouldn't even own shorts like that, she should feel nothing but shame looking like that. Cover that shit up, ain't no one want to see it.

>> women are essentially psychic in regards to the emotional states of men

This is a lie. Women aren't magic nor a monolith. They do not know what all the men they come in contact with are feeling. Most women don't even care what men are feeling.

A spouse in a long term relationship should have a good idea what you're feeling, or at least when you're feeling something negative. Because they're close to you and good relationships have strong emotional intimacy. But that goes for both males and females in relationships, hetro or homo. It's just relationships. Nothing special about women.

>> people are constantly telegraphing their fears and weaknesses subconsciously and women pick up on it,

Whatever ted talk you watched lied to you. That's not real, or how cold reading works.
If your gf looks anything like picrel she has every reason to be insecure.

You could make friends with a girl who isn't fat like piceel. Then your gf would be anxious she might lose you because she knows the other girl isn't grotesque, so why wouldn't you leave her.
Tell her to lose weight
>Whatever ted talk you watched lied to you. That's not real, or how cold reading works.
>This is a lie. Women aren't magic nor a monolith
Your writing style needs work. Logical skills and general understanding could be a lot better but fall within the normal range
Also incorrect but I'll let the consequences of that play out in your life rather than arguing about it
This won't work bro she'll just leave you

Kek. Stop projecting.
anxious attachment style will gas you up for years, making you think you are a king whom they are luckiest girl alive to be with and land. however, they will sabotage the relationship eventually. they will start thinking you might leave (mostly on unfounded basis) and will leave before you do to them, or start getting validation from another man and then leave you to die in the cold. considered yourself warned
Do two things for me:
1) Break up with your girlfriends
2) Find her someone who will actually respect her as a person.

If you really loved her you wouldn't play with her traumas like that.
Just focus on yourself more, that's literally all you have to do. You'll stop paying so much attention to her and in the mean time you'll gradually become a better person. The one thing girls hate the most is when they feel like their man is becoming too good for them. It's not manipulative on your part either, you're just doing you. It's actually healthy for both of you to be doing self improvement while still being in a relationship, but it sounds like you don't really want that. It sounds like you want her to stay dependent. But with this plan you win either way.
wait this is literally me and im a male
>wait this is literally me
describe your relationship to your parents
why the fuck do you want this
You're a despicable person and you probably think women that have multiple sexual partners are immoral.
that's very easy OP
casually mention that some pretty woman hit on you or seems to be interested, every now and then. that will keep her on her toes.
Fat chicks are worthless
Still no helpful post itt. Guys I know you can do better.
>send yourself scheduled SMS'
>make sure she sees you smiling or hears you quietly chuckling/snickering whenever you pick up your phone to read them
>when she asks what you're so amused by, tell her it's nothing then drop it and act like nothing has happened
>repeat this process at a pace of your choosing
>take sudden detours from ordinary scheduled activities and routes, leave the house suddenly at night and don't return for a few hours
>when she asks you where you've been, either tell her you've been nowhere, or make up a story that sounds like bullshit
>have your friends leak information about a fake gf who you had in the past that you were madly in love with and that other women can't measure up to her in your eyes

That's all I can think of for now. But if I get anything else, I'll be back for you, bro.
Thanks bro! I like the part about sending scheduled texts to myself.

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