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I went to a college party and I had a bunch of drinks. I'm not 21 yet but I'll be 20 in a few months so I felt like it would be okay. I started feeling really out of it so I called my step dad and asked him not to tell my mom, and while I was waiting for him a bunch of guys kept trying to get me to drink more and go back inside.

When my stepdad got there he saw I was trying to get them to leave me alone and he got them to go away, and I was really thankful for that and for his coming to get me but in the car ride home he kept saying he had to tell my mom what happened even though I begged him not to and now I'm worried she's going to make me move out or like stop paying for my college because she said before she won't support me going wild while I'm at college and I'm freaking out now because it was just a little mistake and Pat got me out of there before anything bad happened and I feel like she should cut me some slack but she won't and now I'm not sure what to do for damage control. I'm planning to apologize and promise to be better and not do this kind of thing again but I feel like that won't be enough but if I could jsut get Pat not to tell her that would be easiest and I feel like maybe he feels bad for me a little so I wondered if it would be super bad of me to try to play on his sympathy to get him to keep it to himself because I know I messed up but I'm not gonna do it again and if he tells my mom I think I'm going to have to drop out of college and that tanks my future.

Please help.
1. take a deep breath

its not that big of a deal. mostly everyone drinks in college. is your mom like super crazy religious or something? if not, she probably didn't mean "wild" as in one night of heavy drinking. i don't think she would make you drop out of college for this.

don't expect your step dad not to tell her though. they're married, and you're her child. it would look really bad on him if he didn't tell her and she somehow found out.
I'm on thin ice with my mom because when I was in highschool there was this guy I liked and we were dating for a while and eventually he asked me to send him a nude and I did and he sent it to his friends and they sent it to more people and then people called me a slut and my mom was ashamed of me and I was grounded for like, actual years and I feel like this will just make her hate me more.
Pat always seemed to feel bad for me but he never stuck up for me with my mom so I guess I can't expect him to helo me here either and it just sucks because I can tell he gets it but he still won't help me and I feel like I don't have anyone I can turn to because Pat won't go against my mom and my mom is just exhausted with me from just a small mistake like I wouldn't have done any of this stuff if I knew how bad it would go
First off you should do whatever you can in life to make things easier for yourself or get you closer to your goals, so imo you should talk to your stepdad and convince him in any way to not rat you out. Secondly, and I say this who grew up in a more religious background, your mom clearly isn't with your bio dad and got remarried so I don't know why she's giving you a hard time about not going wild or living a certain way when she isnt some beacon of purity. It's not the end of the world to drink at your age. Also what your ex did was beyond fucked up. It's not the end of the world or life for you because you made a couple of mistakes. If worst case scenario (and assuming she has some amount of love for you it wont come to this) she kicks you out you can find grants and loans to help continue to your education.
Have you considered not acting like a whore

you were 5 minutes from getting gangbanged at that party you know
I won't read that wall of text. Dincha lurn composition in skule?
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you are going to become a super fucked up adult if this is the type of relationship you have with your parents at 20. You need to live your own life.
Step fathers are all creeps so just abuse that.
Make him do something so creepy that you can use it against him, also make sure to film it and post it here.
This is good, now you don't have to go into debt for a worthless college degree. Do something actually meaningful for society instead of getting drunk with worthless woke trust fund nepobabies
Are you a female? I think he just meant to tell your mom because he was under the impression that they were pressuring you to drink so they can rape and molest, then loot you. The way you presented it, it doesn't really seem like he cared all that much about you drinking, he was just worried about your well being. I'd be more careful if I were you. Guys at parties are the niggers of college. Leave the gas valve open next time.

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