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Is getting a CS degree really worth it? I'm going to college next year, and I'm torn between studying CS or studying robotics. I've learned a bit of C++ as well as some web-development basics in high school, but I'm not really interested in developing software/working in teams - I am generally more interested in how computers work. Any suggestions?
>Is getting a CS degree really worth it?
That depends, how interested are you in developing software as a career?
>not really interested in developing software
Then you're perfect. CS graduates have no problems not getting software development jobs.
Are there any good alternatives to software development after getting a CS degree? Wouldn't robotics be the better choice then?
No, the gold rush is over. Found out the hard way.
>Is getting a CS degree really worth it?
No. It's oversaturated an as fuck field and nearly impossible to find a job. Most CS jobs can be done by Ranjeet for much cheaper.
You gotta get good at the basics and ALSO learn cutting edge tech. Its not going to be easy
Most importantly you have to be able to solve problems that aren't already in github or stack overflow.
i have a cs degree and have made millions since graduating in 2010
Grandpa we don’t care
Just Do Computer Engineering , it’s way less saturated and has better job prospects.
Just get the government to pay for your school while you work part time and then make a hit indie game or at least a hidden gem that will accumulate a cult following by the time you are dead. That's what I'm doing
Ask yourself if you can really compete with math grads in terms of rigour, if not, ask yourself if you really WANT to compete with pajeets on price.

If neither, just follow this anon, pick a slightly less saturated degree >>32015697
Go with whatever program offers you internships.
Can’t recommend unless you’re some high iq autist cause that’s what the entire workplace will be like, and everyday will be fights over some pedantic bullshit
you don't have to fight if you're not an autistic. they want spaghetti code, you make a da spaghetti. easy
If you want to be an entrepreneur and gamble your luck then no, learn on the side. For getting a job in this bearish market? Fuck no.

Also if you are not passionate about math don't even try.
"Software developpement" is not an actual job. Never was. Never will be.
That whole industry is a fucking scam.
Don't fall for it.
I want /pol/ to leave. You fucks cannot even manage your own life, why do you think you are in the position to give advice to anyone?

unless you have friends in some companies that can get you interviews, its almost impossible.
where i live you have cs grads looking for more than a year at this point, setteling down for qa and automation stuff.
This thread is full of bad advice from frustrated losers who want to drag down others to their level. Especially the advice to do electrical/computer engineering. Are you fucking retarded? I know people who had to learn WebDev because they could not find a job with C/C++ and that was years ago when the economy was better. Saturation in the major is not equal to saturation in the job market. Most embedded stuff is being programmed in Shenzhen, not in the west.

Also, we are experiencing a recession due to covid and stopped money printer now. It will eventually get better by the time you finish your degree.
have you ever listened to a earnings call or investor meeting or technology briefing from a cutting edge tech company like microsoft, nvidia, openai, etc? all of them use coding as their products benchmark for success. unless you are smart enough to front run leading ai, you have no chance to stay in this field. this is literally the first job field on the chopping block to be replaced by ai, and no amount of money printing is going to replace those jobs its making redundant. sure if you love software design and you have some sort of vision or plan to make your own game or SaaS or whatever, then by all means, go for it, but those mouse moving busy body jobs of 2019/2020 are gone and never coming back.
I am doing consulting as a software developer since 2016 and use ChatGPT for actual work since it came out. I know the limits and opportunities of LLMs. now who the fuck are you to tell me about how AI will replace programmers? please, enlighten me, how much experience you have and where you got this info from. if you cite some business bullshit or tabloid, kindly stick it up your ass.
Study anything else. Do anything interesting, it's not worth it to do this and click your life away. Pretty much every job will graduate you to a good salary before your mid 30s and as you advance in your 40s you start making bank. And you get to do cool things instead of waste your life at a job where you might never, ever even interact with another human being. Never have anyone hear your voice. Never be seen.
Stop spamming already.

Even if the development becomes saturated with third worldlers, programming is a basic skill and you can easily switch to business, project management etc.

so far the only argument you have provided is "AI" will replace us. You don't even fucking know what AI is.
>Ask yourself if you can really compete with math grads in terms of rigour,
Math grads write the biggest slavoid/pajeet spaghetti code ever. If you study math and become a programmer, you seriously fucked up.
>muh interest rates
How fucking fat are you?
AI will not replace programmers, but the number of jobs will reduce significantly. One average programmer can replace tens of expert programmers with the help of AI
not in the forseable future. AI writes dogshit code. only the most simple codemonkey jobs are in danger. all this doomerism about AI in CS is laugahable. if it gets to the point that AI can take over the job of a software engineer the entirety of society will have changed
No, because your government hates you and keeps importing H1bs to take your jobs away.
You don't have to AI-generate your entire code. You can be an okay programmer and use AI as a helping hand(kinda like googling but more direct). It will only get better with time, as o1 already solves over 90% of leetcode problems
I always find it interesting that CS is the only degree asked "Is it worth it?" No other degree gets this level of focus and its been YEARS. Even before and after the pandemic.

There will always be computers.
True, it will change the profession but it won't make it obsolete. You still need to be able to code to check and have the scope of vision to be able to integrate the AI-generated code into a meaningful whole/project
It's because most people still think CS is the golden ticket to a 6 figure cruise control life

It kinda is. But there's a lot more competition nowadays. The face of the profession is changing. But a good engineer will never be in need of a job

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