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>go to a party
>bunch of girls and a gay guy are talking
>girls say to the gay guy: "how low are your standards, low enough to fuck anon?" before pointing at me
>he replies saying yes
>they all laugh
>one of them guffaws in disgust
>get sad
>go home
Why are women so cruel? I didn't even say anything to them.
You're quantum entangled to vaginas in a way that radiates low reproductive value because you have quantum entangled to your sex hating mother's vagina.
I'm truly sorry to hear that your dreams of taking miles of faggot dick have been dashed, anon.
>I'm truly sorry to hear that your dreams of taking miles of faggot dick have been dashed, anon.
Think about Pius XI and follow his instructions as a voice or text inside your head.
What do you look like?
Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you interact? It was a party and it sounds like you were just observing. You had an opportunity to turn the conversation around but you completely wasted it.
This is the problem with so many people here; they want attention from women, but when they get it they sperg out and don't have a clue what to do.
I was just so crushed that the hot gay guy didn't want to pound my bussy that I couldn't think straight.
A girl pinned me down in class once while a bunch of other kids were around looking at us. She asked me whether I liked her and I said yes, to which she responded "well I don't like you, ha ha!" and left me there to wallow in my shame and pain.

Years later she added me online and confessed that she liked me and she was just shy. I hope this is the same for you man.
Stop posting your fantasies in OP's thread. He literally said that the gay guy would fuck him.
Why didn't you say anything back? How could you let someone say this to you and not say anything? That's probably the reason they knew they can do this to you: they either did it before, or you just seem like the type of person who'd let others walk all over them and not say anything
Not everything requires a reaction. What would he even say to that? He could maybe use guilt tripping to make them feel bad about what they said, if girls like that can even feel bad, but other than that, he would only make things worse.
They think they can. You should show them they aren't in a position to call others ugly
>What would he even say to that?
How about something like
>look who's talking. You think anyone would want such a rotten person?
>cmon, you haven't drank that much, you know how much of a bitch you're being right now. Calling others ugly, who even does that?
holy fucking CRINGE
Are you the girl?
I hope you asked her out and stood her up lol
Dogshit. You have to fight back harder, not react to what they're saying. Call her out for being a slut or something.
You should have asked him if his standards where so low that he would fuck her.
Women aren't cruel, you're just a homo.
Anon, they were teasing you.
The punchline of the joke is it could be any guy standing there.
Unironically fuck the gay guy. What do you got to lose? Women don't want you and homos are usually nicer if not catty. Sometimes signs are given to you and you have to go down that road.
>He could maybe use guilt tripping to make them feel bad
NO! Stop being a little passive agressive bitch. Also almost anything would've been better than silence. Even go fuck yourself both of you is better than silence.
>quantum freudianism
Holy fucking lmfao
Don't listen to these faggots >>32017905 >>32018502
Not everything has to be a quick, snarky... remark. You're free not to engage with these terrible people. You can say your piece and leave. Don't entertain it by trying to make it a little "funny" exchange because society and optics. Fuck all that. Literally say your piece, leave, and never ever talk to them again.
Guilt tripping is the best way to make the girls feel bad for what they've done and prevents them from doing it to other people. Additionally if one of the girls likes him and she said it in a teasing way, will apologize to him afterwards and suck his dick.
Guilt tripping doesn't always work. It doesn't on people with 0 conscience. Besides, being embarrassed would achieve the same effect if not stronger, because if she were embarrassed for sth, next she'll think twice before she opens her mouth because the one who'll end up looking bad is her, not someone else like op.
Third, some women are emotional and do respond to pity and all that. Some aren't. But do you know what all women can't resist? A guy who doesn't take shit from others. And by telling her to go fuck herself, he would've achieved that. I promise you had he told her that, she would have fallen in love right then and there. And the more he rejects her, the more she would've wanted him. That's because she would've understood that he isn't a doormat, and that is, whether you're a woman or man, an attractive trait about a person.
>get sad
>go home
and that is why they treat you the way they do.you could have thrown a drink at the bitch or at least complained loudly what the fuck her problem is. every time you take abuse, you encourage it.
holy shit HAHAHAHAHAHAHA fucking hang yourself
Clearly you also don't command respect.
they fighting for clout with this gay dude, some kinda cringe ego 'I can turn him straight' fetish or lesbians, whereas you discovered yourself desirable to that one guy. I'd say take it as a win, although the story would tell better if you gave a good comeback or befriended the dude

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