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Vent here. Its safe friends.
I don't deserve to be sexually harassed at work. I'm so nice to people. I do everything I should. They tell me I have to take it and that's what adults do. But every time it happens I just wish I could die
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I have been sick for three days now. Sure, I'm tired as fuck, my nose alternates between faucet and clogged, and I ache at random. But past that it's just like being drunk without the irritated stomach or wanting to throw up The world is spinning. I feel warm and fuzzy. Balance? What is that? And I am happy. As long as I stay hydrated and get rest I'm good. WTF. I actually am ENJOYING being sick.
You're nice to the wrong people. You do everything they say you "SHOULD" do

Look for another job before something worse happens
My laziness is starting to catch up to me. it might be wraps for me if I don't make some drastic lifestyle changes soon
You can't treat somebody bad/like shit and ignore their question to you and refuse to answer them. Then lie to their face by saying something totally different then what they actually said and then say "I love you". Fuck no you don't. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THEN WORDS. Your actions have spoken that you don't love anyone but yourself.
Report them to your boss. Duh
At places where sexual harassment happens, the aggressors are usually protected by the boss or it's the boss himself. She's more likely to get fired if she brings this up than the aggressor getting any punishment.
Go to the human resources or to the owners of the company unironically
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I fucking hate this place. I left my family and my friends to be with this man. I feel lonely, I don't fit in anywhere and with anyone. I get looked down on because I didn't go to college like all his friends did. I'm sick of making 3 times less than everyone here and getting treated like shit for it. They're always talking about college and work, knowing I can't be a part of those conversations. I have no friends here only him. And I'm sick of doing everything for him when he's not showing commitment. I want to leave everything and go back home. But I'm afraid of having to start everything from scratch after 6 years.
When people want to “get to know you” at work it just feels like an excuse to get into your business and it’s irritating as fuck that I keep giving into it. Fuck this shit I’m better than this. I’m not some weak bitch that needs coddling. I’m fucking awesome at shit and I can handle my own business.
why stay?
Just get fafsa and get a degree part time nigga
Because I do love him and everything has been fine between us besides that. His friends just suck and he's not in a hurry to make a family. I just feel super isolated at times.

I have a full time that makes about 60k a year plus really good benefits, it's not like I'm making minimum wage. Him and his friends are just all professionals with doctorates and very high paying jobs so I'm the bum because I work on spreadsheets.
That's tough, and it seems like he's fine with it
60k is Median its not 50k anymore. Look it up
>Friend of mine just found out about a warrant he had
>Apparently it was over some shit that happened four months ago, but the cops never came to arrest him
>He consulted his dad about it, who said "don't worry about it, because they would have arrested you by now"
>His mom found out about it
>She calls the sheriff's office for some reason to ask about the warrant
>Sherriff literally says "oh yeah we forgot, we got backed up with warrents. He has to turn himself in now"
>Now he has to turn himself in due to his mom being retarded
What is literally wrong with women?
I can relate
The aggressors are probably clients
He is definitely fine with it and I'm getting tired.

I have no kids and my boyfriend also works so it's more than enough. I also like what I'm doing especially since I get to work from home and have Fridays off. It's just annoying everyone here wants to make me feel bad about something I'm actually grateful for.
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Don't you want something more out of life? Ever finished a marathon or gotten 100% on a test and gotten a seratonin boost?
Why not aim for a similar goal in your career? It won't necessarily make you a young millionaire but project based work involved with stem jobs usually more satisfying than regular excel busy work since you get to see what your colleagues are collectively building.
& why settle for a job that never allows you to use your creativity ?
>get no sleep
>go to class
>go to class
>do homework
>go to class
>do homework
>go to class
>go to dorm
>do something fun
>night already passed
>still shit ton of homework to do
>go to "sleep"
>go to class
It's all so fucking tiring.
Because I feel like I got burned out. I've always had creative hobbies and skills but I can only pick them up once a year or so. I have no motivation or energy to do any of it anymore. I've had a messed up sleeping schedule since I was a kid and I've been working a lot at weird hours since pretty young so that may have something to do with the burnout. I've tried a couple of times to do something different, I even learned coding and was doing automation for a while but got tired of that as well. So I just stay doing what I'm doing because it works for me and it's comfy.
Please, God... I really need this. Please let it work out. Please give me the strength to go on.
whether he resents me or too depressed to see my humanity, maybe it is a good thing he blocked me everywhere so I can find someone he may have never wanted to be. happy with me.
Fuck you cunts at work, you're always gossiping and get all cunty when others call you out and other bullshit.
Why does society look down on wagie workers, everyone says its a job for teenagers but if teenagers were running that shit it would go face up. you want your food made by an adult whose brain has developed and realizes everyone just wants to eat good food. Working at a fast food job isnt even bad its just the customers that constantly shit on you to feel better about themselves! Everyone wants to complain but they keep coming and consuming the food, make it from home then retard.

the coworkers who i work with are so chill, theres no competition or anger we are all in the same boat. and most of them are real ass people no one is fake or think they are better than everyone else, and you can make real friends! I love working fast food it makes me happy, besides the social aspect of what do you do for work and being looked down upon despite it being a viable job!
I wish my job was like that. Everyone at my job talks behind each other's backs. It's all fucked up.
Im sorry dawg, its annoying to have a work environment where you are forced to go in and there's all this uncomfortable energy from talking shit, i've been there. wish people just realized we are all human and chill out
They don't change. It's the same b.s everyday. I'm starting to miss my old jobs which I can't go back to anymore.
why cant you? just burned that bridge?
No, one of them closed the other is in a city I wouldn't have a place to stay and things have gotten worse in that city.
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Despite being the eldest, I'm the only one of my 2 brothers that isn't married. Culturally, I must now take care for my parents and not marry. My younger brother is self centered and I don't interact with him because he's too hot headed. My youngest brother is being influenced by him and we're drifting further apart. I don't think he wants me in his life. I will die alone. Most of my life I've been alone too. I never had any actual friends and I still don't. I can't an hero because I have a duty to my parents. I live to suffer and have to pretend I'm fine. Such is life.
You could just talk to your brothers about this but that would be wild bro
Middle threatened me with a gun years ago. He's a hot head. There is nothing to discuss anymore with him. Even if I tried he will get ornery and start acting like a cop as soon as I bring up anything he doesn't like. He's not a cop but he has the same demeanor especially when he doesn't get his way. Youngest hasn't told me he's married yet. I heard it through the grapevine. The ball is in his court but it's been almost 2 months. If he wants to talk, I'll talk, however.

There's a lot more to this drama, but that's take an essay to get you there. Solid advice unironically. Just may not be good for this situation.
I made it through an entire day off without getting drunk or high
I'm quite pleased with myself
Keep it up
I have to learn to be happy alone
god I miss you so much h, you have no idea, cant go on in this miserable fucking life without you... please come back...
If you live in a first world nation, stop taking about it publicly, lawyer-up, and ride that straight to the bank.
To yourself, nothings going to change by bitching at your parents. You won't get the lost time and everything back, I know it's hard but you have to admit that you just got a shitty hand in life. Nothing that you can say will change the past. Sorry bud, but it looks like you're going to have to just fucking deal with it as much as it sucks
I know you had things you wanted to do and accomplish, dreams and goals you wanted to reach. You just wanted a job, you wanted a car, you wanted to move out and separate yourself from your parents and their bullshit. Sorry thay never happened, and you never got to be the man you wanted to be, but it's not going to do anything but cause an argument where they'll treat you like shit again. It's not worth it.
Seems like he's got you by the balls and things are working out for him. He's probably not that fearful he could replace you. Godspeed anonnette. You lock down your man.
It'll just be the same shit, they don't care dude. If they did, none of this would have never happened to you. But don't go out there bitching, you know that'll exactly happen. As bad as you want to vent to them and wring their necks, it's best for you to keep it here, and off Facebook.
just fucking message them if you miss them that much. Not that hard. Or just get used to without them
Yeah, I wish you got to go back to school and move on with your life too. It'll be alright, but I know it sucks thinking that at this point, and all the damage done as you were held back from development and growth, you'll probably have to get on disability and live an even shitter life that you didn't want and tried so hard to break away from
I just want to quit my meds and go on a magic adventure, but my SO would dump my sorry ass for sure.
Lost the birth lottery to two people that obviously aren't mentally and emotionally fit to have kids, and justifying destroying their sons life for no reason.
I started uni a year ago and my first friend was a friendly latina girl from overseas who happened to talk to me cause im latino too.

We started being friends. She was cute and funny so I started to like her, she had no bs whatsoever other than her religion, shes super strictly religious. She was the fist person who ive started liking like truly and the first one I saw myself getting into a relationship.

Welp things didnt went where I thought it would so I ended up just giving up, we stayed as friends. She started talking to more people as people do in social settings.

Now she got someone she likes, a transgender woman, not judging but yeah i was a lil dissapointed when I discovered that. Furthermore that woman started hanging up with the group and being more involve in her life and everything. That woman now is living with another friend of mine and that friend is telling me everything she knows about how their relationshio is going.

I gave up on her a long time ago but now I have a first hand diary of how they meetup at their place to kiss and shit. She told him that she would gave her virginity if she would ask her.

You dont know how shit I felt after my friend told me that. They are in love for real and im happy for her as a friend but im resentful and envyous about him. I dont really like him but I got to pretend.

I started to avoid her in uni cause shes always with his "boyfriend" but she comes and expect that I entretain her.

Im jealous, im sad, I feel like no one will ever Love me as purelly as she love her "man". I tought we could be close but I guess we were never that close to begin with.

Im "better" now, still angry at them but better. Until one day my friend will just casually drop that they finally had their first time. Then I will crumble again, I know for sure.
I still want to say something. It won't fix anything, I'm not going to get an apology, I'm not going to change their minds, it won't do anything but cause an argument. They're good, I'm bad, they're helping and I have to get on disability instead of doing literally anything else with my life and obey my parents once again to keep peace.

I just wanted to grow up.
I dreamed about someone else for once. I guess it's time to forget you.
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It's yourself desu
I want to get tested for ADHD but i'm too scared to go to my family doctor behind my parents. I'm an adult but I fear my parents would get offended or offer to pay for the diagnosis themselves. Plus I'm a bit of a coward.
I turned myself in on a warrant once and they said "yeah we don't have space to jail you just pay up and fuck off" (paraphrased)
Yeah, I think that's what's gonna happen to him. His job charged him for breach of trust (he basically gave away store products), so I think they're just gonna slap him on the wrist with a fine.
Tell him, it's his mom's fault for being a cunt
how the fuck i'm i supposed to keep going on feeling this lonely and miserable? I think i'm going crazy already.
You just cope like the rest of us.
She never understood that I loved her the most when she was crying. In the end, I was the one who sabotaged everything because I thought I was destined for something above it all. I could have happily laid in her arms all day for eternity. On her end, she was a whore. I wish I could have lived with that fact but I loved her too much.
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It'll be okay anon
Thank you. It didn't used to be like this, but now year by year it feels heavier and heavier. I'm trying my best, i'm taking care of my house, of my body and mind. I'm really trying, but sometimes its just too much. It feels like being outside a big party.
I'm tired of working. I know a man is supposed to provide for his family and do things he doesn't always like but I'm no man. If anything I'm trans. I shouldn't have to work this hard to have next to nothing. Capitalism at its finest.
I find out if I have autism, ADHD and or OCD in a little bit. autism is pretty much confirmed but I'm kinda nervous about the other two
I understand how you feel. Try going out to local events that don't overly cost too much. Remember to treat yourself
Tell your gf or wife to work too
She does work but I wish she made enough to support me so I didn't have to work.
Should I get a cheeseburger?
vegan burger
cheesey burger day
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You should cook one at home it’s cheaper and better
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Maybe being one of the crazies or being a crazy cat lady won't be so bad. At least I wouldn't have to pretend or mask anymore, or be stuck in a relationship I don't like.
She ghosted me again. She didn't block me or anything but she stopped responding again. And this time I'm not messaging her first.

I was there for you when you were freaking out because your meds turned you into a manic, anxious, emotionally clingy bitch and ruined a friendship. I helped you come down from all that. Stupidly, I thought that would lead to us getting things back to the way they were. After all, it wasn't you not messaging me for several weeks. It was your meds making you crazy.

You finally got back to normal. I flirted a little bit because you brought up how much the sex you've had lately sucks. And I even respected you when you said you weren't interested at the moment. Backed off, promised to behave, and went back to being friendly and supportive.

And now you've ghosted me again.
Fucking fuckity fuck.
Just find yourself a guy who meshes well with you so you don't pay too much taxes.
I wish I had a gf that I could buy gifts for and have some cool time together. Go out on dates, praise her, listen to her silly stories and banter.
But no, not happening. I know, basic normie shit.
>start new job
>can already tell people are cliquey and bitchy here
>get paired up with the pariah of the work group
>hear some shrieking giggling of two girls in the office
>pariah literally mumbles "laughing whores dot jay pee gee" under his breath, barely trying to hide it
I hate this fucking planet.
Hmmmm challenge accepted.
>low on money
>city has a program to help people with utilities in such cases
>call them
>can't get an appointment to even be considered for a MONTH
>have to bring half a phonebook's worth of paperwork from every utility company

Socialism is fucking worthless
It would be faster to pick up cans on the side of the road than to try and get help from these communist fucks

and they think this should buy them my vote

what a fucking joke
...you understand the issue you are facing has to deal with capitalism right? You're an idiot
And you're a rancid cunt that nobody was talking to

Get lost faggot, I wasn't talking to you, not now and not ever. I would never speak to a piece of shit like you.
>6 years
You'll feel even worse when it gets to 7, 8, 13. Quit now, for your own sake. You may have punched above your weight when you really need someone more your speed with a good work ethic and positive qualities that don't include being a snooty upper-class faggot.
You are so fucking annoying when you're like this. Only you could take some good news and start making everything difficult and stressful like this.

I've had a long day after very little sleep and you fucking bombard me with problem after problem and expect me to immediately have some solutions. It's absolutely ridiculous and I am so fucking sick of it.
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I genuinely don't give a fuck
I admit defeat. She destroyed me so much mentally. Not because I wanted her. I never wanted her. I wasn't attracted to her. But she made me feel so guilty, I've become a mess.

I don't know if the issue is me and "normal people like her" are simply playing on a different ball game where this doesn't become an issue, or if she really is this toxic that she drives people insane.

Either way, my therapist advised meds
Your therapist sucks. Get a better one and a guy one. He wants you to get addicted to those pills
I have a bias against therapists and I agree. You should only have a therapist that is the same gender as you. Girl therapists never work out for me and tend to push meds. They simply do not understand my problems like a guy therapist does.
Fr? I scheduled another appointment with her tomorrow simply because she detected issues I did not reveal in our meeting and said they could be my underlying problem (I did not bring them up so I was impressed). She said she didn't want to push anything and she gave me a lot of information. She said meds together with CBT can help deal with the underlying issues that made me feel the way I did with the girl.

I was kind of impressed by her, but she did advise meds and she realized she might've come across as pushy so she said she didn't want to push them on me (though she did say she could give me some if I wanted kek)

I saw a guy a few months ago and he just treated me like a retard, telling me to just let go, like I hadn't tried
Don't take meds it'll fuck you up more, mentally. Always say not to the meds.
I'm a newb in therapy btw. Second time going now. Girl absolutely defeated me to the point of desperation.
Have you taken them? It felt like the way she explained them, as if they would address my issue, but I'm very hesitant to them as well. Afraid of psychosis and other side effects. My mental state is important to me and my personality, I don't want anything to change there. But I do have mental issues I want to fix desperately
Yea, it didn't help.
Did they worsen something? What did you take them for?
Fuck you phoney assholes. I have to endure a few more years until you'll either let me go or I'll end up moving away.
he blocked me after I hurt his feelings by accident. I miss him and want to work things out but don't know how to go about it. he blocked me sunday night pretty much everywhere except on one app, but I waited too long to reach out on that one and now I'm blocked there too.

I still have his email and I really want to reach out and apologize. I wish he would give me another chance.
Depression and I was in a similar situation you're in.
My therapist explained the way I talked about my situation that it reminded her a little about OCD. The thing is, I have OCD, but that is not what I went to see her for, so I was incredibly impressed she picked up on that. And she said meds + CBT can help treat it. That's why I'm kind of considering it. Maybe OCD is why I'm so hung up on the relationship
Well tell her to give you the lowest dosage so it doesn't fuck up your sex drive and affect your mood
She did say side effects included lower sex drive. How bad does it get and is it permanent? What does it do to mood? My mood is important and it is what I have the biggest issue with. I want to feel good again. She said there is a temporary dip before it gets better again. Did you also go for OCD?
I'll backpedal a bit - I don't like therapy because I've had people that have been very pushy with recommending medications. There are also a lot more female therapists than males. I don't know if that's just the correlation, but both male therapists I had seemed to have helped me out much better than the several female ones I had. It seemed more relatable and easier to open up to them on issues.

In addition, after meeting and trying out therapy for the first time, I also met with a psychiatrist and wanted their second opinion on such. I told them the same stuff I told my therapist and they recommended me not needing medications at the time and wanted me to work on other behavioral techniques first. I have not met with him since, and I'd say generally speaking I seem to be in a better place mentally, I don't know if his opinion may have changed since then and now, I don't believe it would but I take the fact that they overruled the use of medications to be something substantial to me.

So if possible, I would meet with both types and see what they say. Everyone works through their shit differently so my advice may or may not apply to you.
No I didn't. I have GAD and SAD, depression and the situation didn't help
Maybe this has all gotten out of hand with the travel, I just wanted something fun, exciting, and interesting. But not exciting in a fucked, up way. The local scene was boring and everyday life was well just ordinary. I just can't turn my brain off and play house or pretend anymore. Sorry.
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I'm going to kill myself aren't I
Thank you. I was mostly impressed by the fact that she spotted OCD when I made no obvious indications of it. Simply retold the story I was ruminating on. I do have OCD, like tapping on things so it feels right, it's weird, but I didn't go to therapy for that, and she spotted symptoms on her own so I was impressed. I Googled a little and it seems like OCD needs to be treated with meds, and that meds can be helpful. It's just baffling that rumination can be because of OCD.

I hear what you say though. If my issues stem from OCD, it might not be possible to treat without meds. I'm going to talk with her more tomorrow. My issue with guys in general is that it often becomes an ego thing. With women I can just relax. I don't need to prove myself. Maybe I just had bad luck with the male therapist I got last time
I see.
I've spent the past 5 hours coping with my thoughts of her. Instead of focusing on the future, I'm obsessing about someone else's future. Maybe I have OCD too
Is a future you think of with them?
No. I'm thinking about what she must be going through and what her opinion of me could be. I'm obsessing over changing her perception of me.
That doesn't sound healthy. Do you have anything to distract yourself from that?
>Open up a dating app
>Every other women is a Pajeeta
I hate being Canadian
I feel like I'm being forced off the internet with how awful everything has gotten
broken recommendations, algorithm slop, streamer clips, tiktok trends, 4 hour video essays
Ragebait, trolling, twitter crap, racism
I don't even need to explain this one

Like really. How'd it get to a point where there's NOTHING good online. I just read books now
Yeah I'm trying but the thought is lingering in the back of my mind. She pops back in every few minutes, and it will never stop. It's been like this for months. I see her every now and then, so I start ruminating after every encounter.
What does she look like?
because people have realized that doing things in bad faith is not only accepted, but monetized.
They can be cute sometimes
Damn right, kike.
I see. This is going to sound cliche for here but go for a walk or try mindfulness when your mind lingers on her? Just something small like watching the birds, or noting the taste of coffee I your tongue.
Wouldn't you like to know, player? You know you're actually not my issue, right, N? You brought back old trauma. I would've loved to connect with you but it is way past whatever now. Let's keep this going as I work on building resilience because I need it for other things
Not cliche at all. Going out actually helps a lot. It's only gone on for so long, I'm losing patience with dealing with it
Then get do so, or if you have his number shoot him a text. If you've known him long enough he'll probably forgive you. Either way it doesn't hurt to try.
Called some staffing places and the workforce center here, nothing..fucking nothing.
That's great! If you can get a walk in nature of the park then go for it and clear your head.

NTA, but who is N?
*in the park*
>new term, meet girl classmate
>we get along very well, way more than normal, she seems really into me
>she has a small tattoo on her arm, dont think much of it
>add her on social media
>some dude tag her on a photo
>its her boyfriend
>her boyfriend is covered in tattoos and is skinny as fuck, probably from drug use, he looks like a trapper even some face tattoos
>realize shes probably some BPD psycho bitch to be interested in a guy like that
>realize that she was probably having an episode and wanted to cuck that weirdo with me or monkey branch
>I'm the complete opposite of the guy, and I'm way better looking
Well that was some crazy shit, I started avoiding her after that hope I dont see her again.
Problem is I'm feeling so bad emotionally, I don't want to bump into someone.
>NTA, but who is N?
Anon I responded to and who got quiet suspiciously
he blocked my number too I think, or atleast it went straight to voicemail. I think that may be a sign he blocked me. I mean he prefers texting over calls but I still tried when I found out he blocked me everywhere else, I was frantic.

we've been talking/dating for 5 months. I hope that's long enough for him to accept me back. I also have fear of reaching out after I messed up so badly. I need someone to tell me to be brave. Thank you.
Without a doubt, I am no N.
What did you do?
it's the whore with the hickey I bet
I've been on this board too much recently when I know exactly who you are talking about lol
I'm literally spending more money in rent while barely saving anything for myself. I literally can't get a GF because I don't make enough to have fun outside of my hobbies already. I can't move somewhere cheaper because there is nowhere cheaper around me unless I move states. I've been looking for jobs in other states for a year and nothing. I'm only getting older and everything keeps getting worse. I wish an asteroid would hit earth.
She owes me to listen to my explanation for why I annoyed her.
A girl that I was close friends with but haven't spoken to in 4 years, because she played a part in destroying my career and basically my life.

Anyway, I found out the other day that she has killed herself 2 weeks ago. It turns out in the four years that I haven't spoken to her, she was diagnosed with BPD and had been sectioned twice.
I deserve more.
>Be me
>Make eye contact with stranger from afar
>Break and look away because can't be bothered staring at strangers
>Get closer
>Notice they're still looking
>Make eye contact again for 2 long seconds, wonder if I know them
>Slowly look away and walk past
>Look at time
>"Oh, it was her again...."
>Feel bad
>Regret not staring the entire time and maybe said hi
>"Wonder what she thought of me"
>Idealize her
>Not attracted to her but start get limerence
How do I break this cycle? She didn't catch me staring at her, it was the other way around. And I could not have done anything different, I simply did not recognize her.
I bet someone noticed
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> 30 year old man
> Have great wife, same age.
> Have a great life
> Good job(s)
> Own a nice home
> Nice car
> Not rich but never worried about having money for the month, saving for retirement, vacations etc.
> Good social life
> Fun activities and hobbies, train hard 5 times a week.
> Have a child because we "got our shit together". And egg quality drops off even more sharply after 30.

> Got a son, boy is almost 3 months old, big healthy fucker. I can't think of anything I'd change about him except for his sensitive stomach.
> I haven't felt anything for him.
> Thought it was just because suddenly there's someone new in my/our life
> Been like this since the start.
> Nothing has changed.
> I feel for him the same as I'd feel for any child on the street. Pretty much nothing. "Ha, cute baby I guess."
> I feel responsibility for him as I'm his father.
> I want to love him and care about him.
> I just don't feel anything of what others claim they do.
> Are they lying? It feels like everyone is saying the sky is green, and then I look and it's just blue. Not the slightest hint of green.
> I feel like I am trying to trick myself into feeling something for him.
> I thought I would instantly just feel something deep for him. Or anything at all.
> I just feel a lot of responsibility without any motivation so to speak.
> I just feel like I'm doing what is expected of me and what I would expect of myself. I don't want to. There is no "carrot", only whip.
> I want to be an awesome father for him, play with him, help and teach him, give him the best tools I can to navigate his life and become the best version of himself.
> How can I do that if I feel nothing for him?
> He is what I envisioned my son being, but at the same time I don't really feel anything for him?

> You wrote all this yet claim to feel nothing.
> Shoulda thought about that before having kids.
I had a kid with the expectation of feeling something.
Start holding him, speaking to him, get close with him. It is when they are babies that they develop social needs. If you neglect them as babies, by the time they grow up, they won't even try seek your attention. It won't come natural to them.

Try make him laugh. Laugh with him. Maybe you have a problem relaxing or are taking yourself too seriously
I deserve someone who puts in as much effort as I do.
I wish I wasn't an asshole to that girl at Panera bread.
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You said it brother

My advice, which I'm having to follow again because I recently let my guard down: Do not befriend females. I look at my ex girlfriends and how those relationships started. They were straightforward interest off the bat. The females that hurt me started out as friendly, allowing me to get emotionally invested in someone that wasn't going to choose me. We have guys for friends. And a good friend girl who is even remotely attractive we're going to fall for.

This one let my guard down for recently had me fooled. She was telling me to put my guard down (her exact words), and she chipped away at me. I really thought this time was different despite my better judgement. Of course I ended up giving her the attention she wanted and it wasn't reciprocated.

Hang in there, champ.
Late reply but I understand. It’s hard to avoid certain people.

Why do men always assume women owe you something?
>Why do men always assume women owe you something?

because you're fucking vain and stupid, fuck you
The end cannot come soon enough.
You don’t even know me. Touch grass.
as if you're fuckin' unique bitch
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>old high school crush reconnects with me
>talking to her is great
>and you like her
>but suddenly
>the chemistry is fading
>she starts talking less
>leaving your messages on read
>for days or even weeks
>so you stop to give her space
>then you and her never speak again
Not really, but I’m not the women you’re angry at. Just wanted to know why men think women owe them, that’s all .
We don't we just know you're stupid.
Who are “we?” You schizo or something? Lol.
I’m not opening your link, anon.
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Yeah this pretty much sums it up.
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Well, you proved that men like to hurt women, so well done I guess?
You are correct. They are patients of the hospital. If I request a male to help me so I'm not alone with someone threatening me, I'm laughed at.
I'm still in college for my healthcare job, so I can't go anywhere else. I'd have to move to another state that offers this degree and even then I'll still be "at the bottom of the totem pole" as my teachers say. It comes from other healthcare staff, but mostly the patients. I tried to ask the chairperson of the program for help, but they said I have to just take it until I graduate because I'm at the bottom of the foodchain and I'm at the hospitals mercy
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I think we can all get along.
Just realized today my parents ruined my life. We lived in a nice house in a suburb, I attended a good school. Then they moved us across the country to a trailer in the middle of nowhere to join a cult. I could have had an idyllic normal life. Instead I had nothing and have not been happy since I was 7.
theres nothing more disgusting than a woman who uses 4chan

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