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Whenever I try to enjoy a night out with my friends they always seem to bring up [insert school shooting here] and it trails into me owning guns. It's happened a few times now and it's getting frustrating. I don't even like debating and I genuinely don't care about politics so I never push back on it. What should I even do?
Nothing, don't respond next time and continue a different conversation or just leave. You can also joke about committing the next school shooting, maybe then these idiots will leave you alone or even better, stop inviting you altogether and then you can enjoy life without their presence in it.
Make better friends. Who the fuck wants to constantly talk about school shootings?
How is this your problem?
"Damn, anon could shoot up a school."
"You gonna shoot up a school anon?"
>Fuck you *laugh*

Situation resolved.
It mostly just ends up with them grilling me why I own them, explaining the pros of gun control, and then doing a moral victory lap when I don't push back or just call me stupid when I have a poor response to their arguments. Again, I really don't care about politics, I just wanna enjoy my hobby.
They're all I have.
You keep a kind of weapon that kills tens of thousands of innocent children and will kill tens of thousand more because of people like you and your selfish “muh rites” mentality you deserve much worse than being mocked

>> I never push back on it

That's why they keep doing it. Communicate
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I don't like those friends and neither should you
Your bait is shit, next time you wake up reread it and cringe at yourself
They're not your friends. Real friends would just drop it.
take it as an example of what propaganda can do to people. guns dont kill people, people kill people
>They're all I have.
Grow a pair, pussy. 7 billion people on this planet and they're the only people you can be friends with?
Tell them about how Marx said any attempt at depriving the proletariat of arms and ammunition must be frustrated.
Meet with them halfway with how black people shouldn't own guns- only police and other enforcement officers.
You need different friends, they seem obsessed with your guns, fuck that
Blacks with guns kill more black people than any cops or chuds could ever dream of
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suggest that they kill themselves.
Get better friends. My guns are for protecting my livestock from vermin. God forbid I should ever need to protect my family from more dangerous vermin, but they're there if I need them. My wife doesn't like them, but she likes having alive chickens just fine.

There is a very good chance my kid will be around someone being unsafe with a gun someday (idiots playing at parties, kids trying to act tough) and I want them to be comfortable and knowledgeable enough to make safe decisions in that situation.

The good times won't last forever. Widespread violence has always been part of human history, and plenty of places are already warzones. You don't want to be defenseless in this world, and if your "friends" don't understand that they are stupid.
It is very noticible that you offer no positive justification for having guns. Is it possible that you are so troubled because you suspect they might be right?
But at what cost?
I think guns are a good purchase for a responsible and informed person. The problem is that capitalism puts weapons into the hands of many who are not both of those things. I am not going to argue that (You) should not have weapons. But do (You) need ONE VERY SECURE firearm or a collection, is where I draw the line. I also see it as a massive failing of our police institutions that we still have gun violence in America. Also guns malfunction all the time and very often injure their user as well, sometimes even fatally. The statistical incidence is low, but not zero. this is why you have to be responsible in maintenance of a firearm. the more guns you have, the more likely you are to neglect some of them.

I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times. Bruce Lee.
just say "today's not the day. I don't even know the day myself." lotsa laughs
so weird... i love guns and all my leftist friends dont give a shit because they know that me owning guns doesn't mean I'm contributing to any mass shooter issue. Do your friends think that you're gonna go schizomode and shoot up a mall or something?
shoot them
Find new friends.
I did it and so can you. Leave their lib-brain mindrot to fester in on itself. Wasting your time continuing be courteous to people; who would sell you out if things were to go south isn't worth your time.
When the time comes you don't wan to be isolated.
>What should I even do?
Stop being a little bitch and defend your opinions.
Hang out with new people, I guarantee you they have other shitty opinions and beliefs that will turn them into a net cost to be friends with over time.
You're thinking of Islam.
uh get better friends
all mine have fun shooting guns and several of them own some of their own, and none of their wives give a shit about it

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