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File: doll_in_question.jpg (88 KB, 1200x1207)
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> be me, peppy homofag nerd
> kind of annoying but generally liked for my genuine interest in others
> hate last class of the day, super boring and confusing
> cant tell if classmate is making it better or worse
> guy brings an anime doll with him every day and doesnt talk to anyone really
> asked to sit beside him today cuz someone was in my seat (extremely smooth)
> awkward small talk turned into halloween plans, he joked and said last year was "horrible" cuz he wore a maid outfit
> he laughs nervously but i say it sounds cute
> try to downplay any embarrassing aspects
> his voice is kind of nasally and he talks quickly and quietly enough where i have to lean closer and ask him to repeat himself
> eventually blurt out "your speech patterns remind me of a character from a show i really like"
> biggest understatement of all time. ive read fanfic.
> he very quietly says thank you and we dont continue the conversation
> internally pulling out my hair screaming crying
> never been more physically attracted to a person in my life
> been fantasizing about grinding in his lap and having him explain nerd shit to me its that bad
does him confessing to wearing a maid outfit imply hes gay? how do i sus out if hes into guys without being super obvious about it? i cant tell by his mannerisms because he could just be autistic or something.
As ironic as it's going to sound, be straight(forward) with him.

Him wearing a costume on halloween means nothing.

Tell him that you're gay and you're kind of into him, if he tells you he's not into it, then that's that and don't bother him about it again.
Everyone except him, knows you are gay for sitting anywhere near him in the first place.

Since you didn’t “Heeeey buddy! Mind if I sit here? This class is SOOOO interesting right? Whats your fav part?”

Bruh is this even legal? U wanna fuck a retard u stupid homo lmao.

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