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My family has always sabotaged my dating life. Often I would have to cancel dates because they suddenly needed me in an emergency situation, I used to fall for them but now I know it was their manipulation tactics. They always say they sacrificed so much for me and that's why they don't want me to leave them. Which is why I think they've been sabotaging my life this whole time. I'm getting older and I really wanna start dating seriously now but I feel guilty like I would be betraying my family if I did. Can anyone relate to my situation?
Move out into your own place, with roommates that have no connection to your family if necessary.

Stand on your own two feet

If your life

Visit your family once a month

Set clear barriers on what is and isn't acceptable behaviour from them. If they cross that boundary, don't see them for awhile until they apologise.

Then, and only then, should you even consider dating.
Living with them is way cheaper than anything on my own, I'm trying to save money rn
You deserve everything that you get.
Get away from your family. They're toxic and they're ruining your life, don't let guilt drive your life, don't let them guilt you into doing things, your parents are supposed to help pave you the way to your future, not hold you in shackles.

Never allow anyone guilt trip you over anything, it's manipulation and nothing more.
Don't tell them about your dates. If necessary, lie about when you have a date just to see if they still have an emergency. When you actually have a date, just go out and don't look at your phone other than to coordinate with who you're meeting.
But I hardly ever go out without them so it'll seem suspicious either way
You have three options. Two of which are largely the same.
1) Ignore them and risk alienating people who already mistreat you.
2) Skip option #1 and just go straight to disowning them.
3) Continue with the same patterns of behaviour while nothing ever changes for you.
That's it, those are your options. I don't want a bunch of shit about your family or some other whiny garbage. Just go do one of those things and don't be gay.
Then go out more. It sounds like you don't have a life of your own.
They don't mistreat me, other than this we have a great relationship and I'm lucky to have such a supportive family
Then you did this to yourself, loser.
>people who already mistreat you.
By giving him a free place to stay? Oh no the horror!
t. landlord bootlicking serfs
I can see what you mean. You'd kinda be a traitor if you left them desu
Just bring your gay lovers to dinner there, dumbass
I agree, OP is a traitorous wretch.
I wouldn't abandon my family like that, I instead aim to develop my family and make it stronger.
If the girl I'm dating doesn't like my family then they can fuck off.
Whores in europe give you sex for cheap, it's not really that valuable.
>they sacrificed so much for me
They're obviously narcissists. No truly loving parents pull that bullshit. Do whatever the fuck you want and when they complain tell em to pound sand
Your family is trying to protect you, they care more about you than these random sluts could ever
>t. landlord bootlicking serfs who actually get laid and don’t have cock-blocking relatives
But can they offer him sexual gratification? Checkmate.
Sex with a whore has no value, family is priceless
Try getting married in your mother's house.
I can't fully relate. I always told them to eat shit when they did that. Now one of them is dying and I don't particularly care. I mean, it is sad, but why should I owe him anything if he ruined my life? Let's move into the future, anon.

You're wrong. Not all women are whores and not all family members bring goodness into your life. A new family would be priceless. Sitting around with some stupid shits who intentionally sabotage your growth is worthless. You got me wondering if you're from some remote village where everyone is intent on dying out.
>Can anyone relate to my situation?
If you mean someone lying to me to try to get me to cover for their problems, yes.
I told those people to fuck off.
The area I live in is very small and rural so you're kinda right
Stand up to them OP
Learn to say no
Just tell them to fuck off and stop telling them your whereabouts
Unpopular opinion. If you can't live on your own and support your own existence you have no business dating or complaining about the sponsors of your life interfering with it, no matter what all these edgy white kids who hate their parents tell you

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