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I can only get off to gay porn. But in real life, I see a lot of alluring women. Something innate they have draws me to them like no man has. I can recognize this beauty but I think about boobs and shit and I'm disgusted. I can only get turned on by the biggest hairiest men.

But, when I think about actually having sex with a male, it makes me sick. All that hair and it'd involve either cock sucking or anal sex. That is fucking gross. So why am I only turned on by men? Is there any chance I'm secretly straight and just need to become more mature about women's anatomy? I can't imagine ever being attracted to vaginas, they disturb me.
Being disturbed by boobs or vagina sounds like you just have some mental issues. You need therapy to figure out where that disturbance comes from, maybe you have a sister that would torment you with her body or your mother did something nasty to you when you were little.
>maybe you have a sister that would torment you with her body or your mother did something nasty to you when you were little.
No, that definitely didn't happen. My mother is awful but growing up I actually really endeared her. But I still am completely disgusted by women's anatomy.
>when I think about actually having sex with a male, it makes me sick. All that hair and it'd involve either cock sucking or anal sex. That is fucking gross
You can just jerk off with a guy. You can also choose a guy that isn't hairy. There's no rule that says you have to do things you don't like.
Get a trans gf
Something had to traumatize you at some point for you to be that disgusted by boobs and pussy. I saw a pussy for the first time when I was 10 and it didn't disgust me. You're not supposed to be disgusted by body parts.
You're a faggot
>You're not supposed to be disgusted by body parts.

Are you not disgusted by dicks?
No. I have a dick too you know, why would I be disgusted by it? I wouldn't want to suck one, but it's just a dick.

You could've had trauma that you repressed or were too young to remember, these things happen.
> Get a trans gf
Absolutely not. Just having a dick wouldn't suffice.
The thought of engaging is sex with one is disgusting, but if your telling me I’m supposed to have a visceral reaction even in say a medical context to a penis you are a closeted over compensating faggot.
>I’m supposed to have a visceral reaction even in say a medical context to a penis you are a closeted over compensating faggot.
I'm not saying you're suppose to, I'm just wonder because for me, vaginas are absolutely disgusting in any context.
You're trans, you want to be a woman, and the thought of lesbian sex disgusts you as it does many straight women

Your attraction to women isn't sexual, it's aesthetic: you want to be one not fuck one.
Yes we know trans people are mentally ill and had trauma in their lives, there's no reason for OP to become one, he can resolve his trauma in a healthy way and get over it.
You can be gay and not do anal.

You can do tons of non peentrative things.

Homosexual =/= Sodomite.
Are you a black or brown haired white male?
did i say op should become a trans women? i literally said you're trans you want to be a woman. i said zelch about him transitioning
the group of men who are gay and will accept a guy who wont do anal or suck dick is about as tight as a nun's anus
But they exist.

I only do frot and muscle worship, imo anal sex as the default gay sex is a huge mistake.
You are just a faggot in denial come out of the closet anon
>Your attraction to women isn't sexual, it's aesthetic: you want to be one not fuck one.
Not at all, my ideal look would be being as big and hairy as possible. I do not want to be a woman just because I'm attracted to men
Are you a black or brown haired white male?
>You are just a faggot in denial come out of the closet anon
I refuse to believe that for the rest of my life I'll be a faggot, surely this is just a phase that I'll move on from.
Meant to reply to
Stop watching porn

There is nothing wrong with liking dudes and being gay imo, somenpeople are just freaks and we had them since the dawn of time.

But your case since it brings so much confusion seems to be a porn induced learned condition, so drop the porn.
So are you attracted to penises? Or hair? Are you interested in animals?
>I can recognize this beauty but I think about boobs and shit and I'm disgusted

In what fucking clownass bizarro world does that imply you're straight? I can appreciate the look of hotdogs in gelatin but that doesn't mean I'm going to load up my plate full. You are GAY but you don't wanna be GAY so you rationalize having anal sex or giving blowies, or receiving, as gross. You're turned on by big hairy men. There is nothing wrong with it but if you keep fighting it you're going to end up one of those weird twitter faggots who have special pronouns and sexual diagnosis for you being gay. Just be gay you closeted turbofag from fagtown.

Now that I am done insulting you I want to say there is a good chance you're asexual since asexual people don't like the SEXUAL bits but they DO like partners in fetish porn or for their looks. That might be what you have. Gay-asexual. If that's the case you're fucked.
>Now that I am done insulting you I want to say there is a good chance you're asexual since asexual people don't like the SEXUAL bits but they DO like partners in fetish porn or for their looks. That might be what you have. Gay-asexual. If that's the case you're fucked.

This idea might have some weight because I use to only get off to fetish porn. It took a few years before I could be attracted to real men, before that it was degenerate fetish furry shit. I guess it is undeniable that I am attracted to men.

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