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I'm a white guy dating a muslim girl.
She has no sexual experience and very religious.
She can't have sex before marriage.
But she doesn't have family around to control her.
We already kissed (her first kiss), did some dry humping and stuff like that, but it's clear she is hesitant about going further.
It's also clear she is into me.
How to convince her to try at least touching, handjobs, oral if not go all the way?
It's a big no-no to have sex before marriage in Islam.
She's not actually religious, if she was she'd never be dating you
Good...very good
So I just proceed slowly, step by step.
"Touching is ok, it was an accident, look it's not going in, it doesn't count"
She is overseas student so her family is not around to check on her and she clearly has daddy issues btw
She did stuff like biting me lip and wanted to turn the lights off, also moaned when I was dry humping and pushing my fingers inside her pussy through the fabric of her pants. I think there is a chance I can fuck her bros.
Just need to go slow and not too aggressive
See, when you forbid your daughters to go out with Chad, this is what happens. They settle for low value men like creepy, scheming 4channers, who bullshit them same way as the Chads would, but without the possibility to marry someone successful or at least get some experience and confidence from them.
>implying I'm not a tall fit-maxxed Chad
lmao, how else do you think I got her attention
>is chad
<asks for advice on 4chan
this has to be bait
No, it hasn't. I've been with many girls, but this is first muslim virgin. There are a lot of cultural differences that I have to learn.
Let her peg you first. Works everytime on the sheet head girls.
unironically I had a similar idea
let her explore my body without actually going on her
also she suggested to turn lights off
I think that may help as she may not see what she is doing so that would make it ok in her mind
If she had daddy issues she'd be fucking older muslim men, not you
Chads don't look at brown roasties
Cope. Chads fuck everything and love variety.
I date white girls as well. Just found her shyness really endearing, plus she has really cute face and hot body.
Older muslim men are ugly. I'm white and hot. And older as well.
No they don't, there's a reason the vast majority of passport bros are sub 5. But it also depends on where you're located, where I'm from both male and female browns find it really hard to date white people and call this area "racist" because of it
I'm not a passport bro tho.
Honestly, I look really good and women are attracted to me. But it's still hard to get shy virgins, since most western girls have been slutting around. So that's the main attraction to muslim girl
Muslim girls slut around when they move to the west too, especially with black guys
You're such a fucking incel, lmao.
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Sex outside of marriage is also a big no-no in
Han Buddhism
and so on.
But your girl is already dry humping a guy, so she's just another slut.
Overplayed your hand, incel, and revealed your true Power level which is KHHV.
>She wants the lights out to not see what she is doing
FFS, just shout "I am an incel" why don't ya'?
wtf are you spazzing out about
you are projecting hard bros
I don't know about the other guys, but I am laughing my ASS off!
You are so goofy and wrong about women you might as well say tits feel like bags of sand
ok, explain then how I am wrong
i'm all ears
Funny, I'm dating a younger ME girl too. She's Persian, 20 y/o, but secular and from the capital. Her dad and uncles over there stil think she's a virgin lmao. If they only knew what I do to her little beige body every night. I came all over her face and an hour later she had to facetime her dad
dude, it's clear >>32017361 is jealous because he's a muzzie

religious or not, no one is impervious to temptation. besides, liking someone makes it all more difficult not to touch them, want to hug them, have sex with them. but that anon is pretending he doesn't understand that because he's jealous a white guy is dating a muzzie. and chances are he's a muzzie living in the west, meaning, he fucks and drinks but wants to marry a hijab virgin
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You think most Western girls have been slutting around but muzzies aren't.
If you REALLY knew anything you'd know the easiest thing on the fucking planet it getting a beej from a muzzie girl away from her family for the first time.
And as for what others mentioned
You think girls want the lights off to 'not see what she is doing so it would be ok'.
She is obviously nervous and insecure about HER OWN BODY, as any man with experience having sex with actul 3D women would know.
But the absolute nail in the coffin, the pure D proof you are a faker, is this bullshit
>Chads fuck everything
One, actual Chads don't use the term.
Two, actual top dawgs don't fuck anything that moves, that's the dream of loser incels.Top tier men fuck top tier women. Only Incels fantasize about fucking trash.
Last but not least?
The idea that you are experienced with women but come to 4chan for advice on seducing a girl you're already dry-humping.
You are as ignorant of women as Schooler.
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> You think most Western girls have been slutting around but muzzies aren't.
> but muzzies aren't.
Where did I say that? Where did I claim I think that? Obviously she is slutting around as I had my tongue in her throat.
> If you REALLY knew anything you'd know the easiest thing on the fucking planet it getting a beej from a muzzie girl away from her family for the first time.
Yes, I don't doubt that and I didn't say it isn't possible.
> She is obviously nervous and insecure about HER OWN BODY, as any man with experience having sex with actul 3D women would know.
Maybe, but her body is hot and she thinks she is beautiful. I know mediocre girls had been doing this, but she isn't ugly at all unless there is some kind of scar or something she doesn't want me to see.
> But the absolute nail in the coffin, the pure D proof you are a faker, is this bullshit
Cope. Everything I said is 100% honest, why the fuck would I waste my time lying on /adv/? I think you just like to pretend what I describe is not real to make yourself feel better about not being able to do the same. Cognitive dissonance.
> One, actual Chads don't use the term.
Yes, they do. The term is a colloquial and used by everyone now. I fit the Chad parameters and have sexual history to prove it. But keep coping
> Two, actual top dawgs don't fuck anything that moves, that's the dream of loser incels.

I am selective and picked her because she is really cute obviously. Seems you missed that.

> The idea that you are experienced with women but come to 4chan for advice on seducing a girl you're already dry-humping.

Am not experienced with muslims or eastern girls, only whites and western. Also, this is /adv/, board specifically designed to give advice on various questions.

You are very clearly seething other people on /adv/ have better sex lives than you. It's ok buddy, maybe you will reincarnate into a tall white guy in your next life. Peace
>You think most Western girls have been slutting around but muzzies aren't.
How are you arguing this when he told you she's a literal virgin. Your definition of sultting around is her letting him kiss her? She's never done anything all her life, she's with someone she lies, her body obviously would react and she probably wants to do things AS ANYONE WOULD BECAUSE THAT'S HOW BIOLOGY WORKS. Yet she's reluctant, partly because she's religious, partly because she was never allowed to make decisions about her body herself

So how is this slutting around, rather than someone who's inexperienced, being torn apart between what they were raised on, what their physical desire, and them realizing they have been their family's puppet all their life and never were allowed to make decisions about their body by themselves?

In all fo your comment, I tried to look for even ONE insightful remark ... Nada. You're coming here to flex about your inexistent knowledge of muzzies and women. Please speak less.
>she's with someone she lies
she's with someone she likes***
Well if you actually respect her as a human being I’ll let you know that they do hymen check their women and they will kill her if they find out you fucked her. So enjoy I guess
> Well if you actually respect her as a human being I’ll let you know that they do hymen check their women and they will kill her if they find out you fucked her
Radical muslims will do that not all muslims.
But I see your point, yes, I read about hymen checks.
In that case we can just rub it outside and do other forms of sex.
Why do you feel a compulsion to make her do something she doesn't want to do?
Well do you like her like her, or do you just want to have sex with her?

If you think you can have something long term you'll have to address the elephant in the room that is Islam, and if you can get her at ease that you kind of agree on religion (she isn't really a muslim beyond "my family tells me I should be muslim" and I'm assuming you aren't religious) it could potentially go on at the cost of ostracizing her from her family depending on "how muslim" they are. I knew a Palestinian girl from Saudi Arabia who said her dad stabbed her for texting a boy with her mom's phone when she was 16.

If you're just trying to pump and dump then I don't really wanna give advice
>How to convince her to try at least touching, handjobs, oral if not go all the way?

How about having a fucking conversation like mature adults? Ask her how she feels about sex before marriage. If you respect her, cherish her and actually like her you will respect her answer. You might be lucky and she might be more liberal muslim since she’s away from family. But you sound like a fucking idiot for trying to get in her pants and not respecting her culture or religion or her trying to stay virgin until marriage. Fuck you for that. If you guys fuck, you will probably get postnut clarity and drop her in the future. She will become a used whore. Why not just marry her op? oh yeah because you are fucked up.
Typical narcissistic behavior. Instead of naturally letting escalate things and letting her naturally decide if she wants sex or escalate sexually he wants to manipulate ways so she gives in. Poor woman.
What you are experiencing is lust - not love. Seek Christ and repent for wanting to make an innocent sin.
OP is obviously deprived of intimacy and is addicted to pornography, hence the want of immediate sex rather than a loving relationship.
disgusting subhuman behavior
>Where did I say that?
In the quoted posts, duuuuuuuuh
>why the fuck would I waste my time lying on /adv/?
Because you're a lonely loser
I accept your concession
It is deplorable, indeed. Using a human as a tool for one's sexual gratification.
>>her body is hot and she thinks she is beautiful. I know mediocre girls had been doing this, but she isn't ugly
If you actually had experience with women you'd know the hotter the girl the most insecure she is, 1/10s are the most delusional people ever
>She can't have sex before marriage.
>How to convince her to try at least touching, handjobs, oral if not go all the way?
>It's a big no-no to have sex before marriage in Islam.

What an asshole.
But she got with him because he's white so fuck them both.
why are you pressed? she's in a white majority country. so if she's gonna go for a guy, chances is he's gonna be white.

plus, you say that like if you had an opportunity to date a blonde you'd say no. stop coping muzzie kek
Big cuddle sessions where you just kiss, hold hands, touch, rub, light dry humping, etc... Will slowly get her more comfortable. Gonna have to do this a lot, going a little further every time. All this in combination with dating, treating her great, having her become attached to you.

You need to find ways to explain how much you want it, and how it's very important for you, but you can't get married yet. She will come to the conclusion she will have to risk losing you or having premarital sex.

All of this probably isn't worth it, and you might end up making her hate you.
sneed muhammad
>"I'm a tall hot fitmaxxed chad"
>Is posting to 4chan asking for advice to pressure a girl into abandoning her religion to have sex with you
yes, literally doing that
you think thing like that can't happen?
just because I'm tall and fit, doesn't mean I know how to deal with muslims, I never dealt with any, especially not dating.
/adv/ is multi-cultural, so people here should know how it works in muslim culture
not exactly rocketscience
> But she got with him because he's white so fuck them both.
OP here. I'm pretty sure this is the reason. But not only. I'm white and TALL and look good. But whiteness must be the main thing. She wants to be bleached. I can understand her.
Good on me for avoiding sun and trying to be pale as possible to mug muzzies.
Yesterday was walking down street and another muzzie girl did a double take on me. She was too young, so I just ignored her, but it felt nice still.
> Why do you feel a compulsion to make her do something she doesn't want to do?
OP here.
Honestly, narcissism and conqueror mindset.
Also, it's how the game works. Guys always try to court and convince females to fuck them. Same with birds. Can't argue with nature. If she really didn't want it, wouldn't be kissing me.
> Well do you like her like her, or do you just want to have sex with her?
I like her genuinely.
At least that's what I think.
I guess we will only see truly after I pop her hymen.
I like that she is shy, cute, thin and unspoiled.
I love how her mind hasn't been twisted by the cynical, degenerate west. Seems like genuinely a good person.

> If you think you can have something long term you'll have to address the elephant in the room that is Islam, and if you can get her at ease that you kind of agree on religion (she isn't really a muslim beyond "my family tells me I should be muslim" and I'm assuming you aren't religious) it could potentially go on at the cost of ostracizing her from her family depending on "how muslim" they are. I knew a Palestinian girl from Saudi Arabia who said her dad stabbed her for texting a boy with her mom's phone when she was 16.

Oh, I can definitely agree there is a creator. Not an atheist.

> If you're just trying to pump and dump then I don't really wanna give advice

No, I stopped seeing other girls since I met her. She is special.
> Typical narcissistic behavior. Instead of naturally letting escalate things and letting her naturally decide if she wants sex or escalate sexually
So like every relationship between a male and female then?
Also, I told her everything is up to her and I'm not pushing anything. I'm not being pushy at all
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> What you are experiencing is lust - not love. Seek Christ and repent for wanting to make an innocent sin.
Fuck you, lust is hot
> OP is obviously deprived of intimacy and is addicted to pornography, hence the want of immediate sex rather than a loving relationship.
That's your assumption and it is wrong.
> Because you're a lonely loser
Projection. I went out to another date yesterday, I'm lonely now? kek
yeah like men have been doing from beginning of time lmao
not always the case, you are suffering from black&white thinking bias
> What an asshole.
Assholes get laid. Also, this is /adv/ not /niceguys/
finally some excellent advice. thanks bro
>you should let them get pumped and dumped in her teens or else she’ll get pumped and dumped in her adulthood!!!
Orrrr she’s just a whore that wasn’t raised right to begin with.

That’s just assuming the situation is real and that this isn’t faggot OP’s larp #2738299
you are coping with me larping so you don't have to admit there are other anons on this board right fucking now having sex with your women

think about it logically, why would i make up this convoluted story?

if I were to lie, wouldn't I make it more amazing, claim she is a white model, claim I already fucked her raw in all holes?

use your brain
>why would i make up this convoluted story?
lurk moar, neufaggit.
This ENTIRE BOARD is chock-a-block full of convoluted lies, you dumbass.
And further
>huuurrr if you teach your daughters to not be whores they'll be whore
is not convoluted, it is retarded
>convoluted story
>I am so inexperienced with women I can't figure out how to get a virgin to touch my PP
is NOT "convoluted"
muslim girls are different due to culture
and i'm progressing nicely with her
just wanted to ask for advice on advice forum meant for giving advice. that's what logical people usually do
> This ENTIRE BOARD is chock-a-block full of convoluted lies, you dumbass.
Just because you lie doesn't mean others do. Projection
fuck you
>I like her genuinely.
At least that's what I think.
I guess we will only see truly after I pop her hymen.

Lust detected. Asshole detected. Won’t last after a postnut clarity hit. Poor girl. Just marry her op and become muslim.
this is /adv/
you are supposed to give advice
> Lust detected. Asshole detected. Won’t last after a postnut clarity hit. Poor girl. Just marry her op and become muslim.
I will convert her to christianity instead
>I will convert her to christianity instead

christianity also prohibits sex before marriage
Yeah, but most Christians don't take their religion as seriously.
that’s not being christian why larp religion?
Just keep dating her and get blowjobs from her. Say it is not sex. Don't penetrate her and inform her it won't work out anyway but you can have fun while it lasts. She is going to have to find a muslim guy later anyway, and I suspect you don't want Islamic in-laws?
Just have fun. Don't fuck her and pursue other women at the same time. She can do the same
All religions are varying degrees of larp in practice. If you followed the Bible to the word, you would have to follow verses such as:

Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material. Leviticus 19:19

However, you may purchase male and female slaves from among the nations around you. Leviticus 25:44-46

If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay her father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives. Deuteronomy 22:28-29
most idiotic reply.
No, you are just a larper in denial. If you are not following the above verses, you are omitting sections of the Bible for your own convenience.
No. You are misinterpreting bible quotes and using to your convenience to pretend to get away with being fake christian. Repent brother. Heaven and Hell are real. Just marry the girl but don’t have her lose a virtue out of your lust and selfishness. If you love her that much then marry her and then have sex. The sin of fornication is heavy on the soul…
Ask her if you can put it in her butt. I dated an Indian girl for a while that would let me do that but not her pussy
I can't hear you over the sound of larping.
So anal is okay?
this is not going to end well.
Seen this before. White man Muslim women is a meme. They don’t submit to white man as easy as they do to muslim men. Most you will get is dryhump kisses just for her to leave and find a muslim man konths later and marry him
Oh, boy. Here is the LARPers ignorance cropping up again.
OP, you really suck at this.
You know ZERO about the bible except what you get on atheist websites, thanks for proving it.
Anyone who has actually read the bible and knows actual religious people can tell you exactly how those two passages work in the real world.
You didn't even bother to check Wikipedia before proving you are an ignorant fool.
>I have NO IDEA what the word "strawman" means
OP is a Chad that gets a lot of sex.
Yet OP is on 4chan 8 hours a day every weekday.
I mean it's a well-known fact that the Bible encourages slavery, even in Wikipedia. The fact is that the Bible and today's morality are at odds.
Honestly man, sex is not that important and you should feel disgusted with yourself trying to con a virgin into having sex before marriage. I had a Catholic girlfriend who was a virgin and I conned her into doing everything except vaginal sex, which is retarded. After having had sex with her in every way I lost all my interest in her and saw her as cheap and a slut, I couldn't muster up to respect her one bit no matter how bad she felt after sex. If there are things outside of sex that interest you about her, then wait until you get married.
>I still have no idea why I am making a fool of myself
I will accept your refusal to engage with the facts as a personal victory.

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