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I was forced to give written information about my personal life back in school. I was wondering if anyone has been thru similar or has any info.

Many years ago in high school, I was called down to the office and was met with school security. I was told that I must fill out a packet they handed me, and not doing so was not an option, and they would not answer any of my questions.

I vaguely remember, but I recall it had very specific questions about my life. Like specific questions about my family life and if I had friends and if I was suicidal etc etc etc

I have never made a threat or joked or alluded to hurting myself or others.

It was a stressful situation and it made me cry lol because it made me feel vulnerable and insecure.

Is this some legal protocol that has a name? Like would I be able to find a blank copy online? What was the purpose of this?
Sounds like they were tryinf to fins out id you were suicidal. Maybe someone said something about you. I would've refused to fill out anything without a parent present as they cannot legally make you do that. But at the time you didn't know. Not an option? Or what? Expulsion or arrest? They can't grab your arms and force you to write.
I don't know if it has a universal name, but our schools did this every year to every student, mostly as a response to all the school shootings. We did nothing about the problems. School shootings continue now twenty years later.
You are the next Trump shooter. Congrats
At that time, I was genuinely scared and didnt even think to try and resist or question them.
They could have handled it so much better for sure
Interesting. But I went to a large school, and I've never heard anyone ever mention something like that. Also, they would have to do this with multiple students everyday nonstop for the entire school year.
That's what they did at first, but moved onto mass questionnaires pretty quickly. It wasn't difficult to pinpoint problems, we'd write out stuff like Mike and Harry always pulling the class dweeb through the gutter and hitting him. They'd collect the papers and promptly ignore them, because nothing ever changed
Whatever the story, there is a separate fact that should comfort you.The single biggest lie they tell you in school is that someting will "go on your permanent record."

Well, learn this: THERE IS NO PERMANENT RECORD. Anything they had on you back then has long since been pulped or shredded.
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This is not exactly true, I requested my school records from 25 years ago (A public school) and they had demerits I had from 28 years ago in a private military school and records even from when I was 10 in there. It was like a 6" thick packet of records.
i had a similar thing happen in elementary because i was a gloomy kid lol. the packet thing is weird, but it is likely so they have proof to file a case if you are being abused by your family. They may have also wanted to show that packet to your parents if it turned out you were a suicide risk.
I'm studying to be a HS teacher and my closest district encourages teachers to keep tabs on students' safety. A teacher can reach out to other departments if they suspect that you're at risk of safety. But legally, if a teacher sees signs of abuse or outright suicidality/homicidality, they have no choice but to reach out and intervene via other departments. A teacher or staff member likely clocked you as depressed or something, which isn't uncommon, especially now. Depression among teens and kids is getting worse so maybe teacher was on high alert and misread you.
If you're graduated, they've probably shredded it by now to make space.
They were trying to bully you and pressure you into seeing if you want to kill yourself or others, and ironically by doing so, made you feel more depressed about it. It's a standard psychology test which anyone will just lie about. Who will tell authority the truth when they always make shit worse.

Abusive homes, "don't come to school tommorrow" kids, and rapists are never really addressed in the proper way. They usually end up criminalizing them or sending them to a foster home which makes shit worse.

It wasn't just you but they probably did it to a bunch of kids who had the "look" or didn't fit in with others.

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