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/adv/ - Advice

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> be transfem
> has dysphoria from face/body-hair/small boobs
> insurance only covers lasering on face, boobs, and under the belt if you have surgery date set
> wait lists are extremely long
> wanna skip the line so bad but cant afford it
> wants Electrolysis but insurance doesnt cover it
> want full body lasering, insurance doesnt cover it
> wait list for top surgery can take years
> decide to try to save money for it
> barely saving enough to eat
> met guy, 40s, decent job etc
> guy is obsessed with corruption kink
> he makes me an offer, willing to cover Electrolysis , top surgery and whatever goals i may have after that
> one catch.jpg
> he wants me to fuck men for money
> he doesnt want any cut of the money
> says if i do this, he will fund my transition and anything else i want
> im already a sex worker
> barely getting by as it is
> fuckit.jpg
> accepts contract
> hes now getting my appointment for Electrolysis ready, showing hes 100% serious
> I wanna make the most of this situation
> have no idea what should i ask of him
> clothes? More surgery? tattoos?
> he says whatever i decide he will fund it as long as i sleep with people for money
> Faustian Bargain.jpg

I am 100% serious, hes 100% serious, this isnt a joke, this isnt a troll, this isnt a story, i am not looking for anyone to change my mind, i am just looking for advice how to make the most of the situation i found myself in. I'm willing to put my body on the line to meet my life goals, I just dont know what else to ask for from him to make the most of this. Never had a sugar daddy before, and dont wanna waste this.

>this person is about to become my pimp
>i want to be dependent on my pimp
pls pay attention

Ive had offers from pimps before....'
they always wanted a cut of what i made
hes different he doesnt want any cut of what i make, thats what made his offer stand out to me.
Get a bible, follow Christ.
Read the bible. Jesus was friends with a lot of sex workers, go preach elsewhere.
In todays episode of made up fetish bullshit
Not made up, I came to /adv/ as im just looking for adv, pls treat my request as 100% real and serious, as it is.

This is not a fetish, im already a sex worker, its my job. I just came across this sugar daddy who is more into it for the fetish but is willing to fund me. I just want to take advantage of this best im able, if you arent here to give advice pls fuck off thanks
you cannot be legally obliged to have sex with anyone. do your stupid surgeries and then ghost the guy.

but this is bait thread anyway
Its funny when real shit is posted on 4chan everyone thinks its fake

I wanna ghost after get what i want out of him, hes hoping ill get addicted to it in some way, i know im not legally forced to do this, but part of this wants to see how far it will go.

Im already a sex worker, i dont make too much, but its liveable, hes offering to even find clean cilents for me,i know what he gets out of this, i know what i get out of this.

I just want to know what i should ask from him to make the most of it after the surgery and laser.

This isnt bait, this is real, and im not kidding around
b u m p
bb uu mm pp
>be mentally ill
>ask 4chan to feed into my delusions
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> go on advice board
> doesnt give advice

fuck off incel
b u mp
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>willingly becoming dependant on an old gooner
>willingly destroying body because of jewish memes
>willingly feeding big pharma all the pennies you have
>thinks he's trying to get the most out of the situation
>the whole situation revolves around exploiting him both physically and mentally
>will likely contract aids from a random man he'll fuck for pocket change
you're nothing more than a fetish. a phase. you'll pass away like they do.
I won't read frankenstein threads.
> im not dependant i can walk away at any time
> n o clue what jewish memes your refering to must be some incel joke im not in on
> yolo
> isnt he?
> but it was his idea....
> he isnt fucking anyone, and its rubber only safe sex

yet here you are posting to bump it anyway anon
with he I meant you
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well you are retarded, as my pronouns are she/her

i dont care about your transphobia, hence why i ignored it, you just make yourself look like an idiot when you get something as simple as grammar wrong.
>guy with corruption kink
>funding a faggot trannoid
what's even there left to corrupt
i assume the kink / ask of sex will get more kinky or taboo, honestly, idk
you didn't ignore it thoughbeit
I already won and your next episode will be stronger because these words will resonate in your faggot skull:
>you're no more than someone else's fetish
you're no more than someone else's fetish
>you're no more than someone else's fetish
you're no more than someone else's fetish
>you're no more than someone else's fetish
you're no more than someone else's fetish
>you're no more than someone else's fetish
you're no more than someone else's fetish
>pls pay attention
No, you pay attention. He owns the new you, you little fucking faggot, and you enjoy it. What you want us to say?
>Its funny when real shit is posted on 4chan everyone thinks its fake
woooow yea so eadgyyyy my GOD LOOOOL HOW IS IT REAL LIKE SOOO EDGYYYyy mommy trnany.
>hes rich
>he could pay something to beat you up if you ghost him seeing that he is into corruption kink
>you will ignore this message because tranny people always believe they know better
lol I hope your bargain results in your utmost suffering you stupid bitch
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>Jesus was friends with a lot of sex workers
Yeah and you know what he said to them? "Go and sin no more"
IDK why I'm bothering to reply, this is a b8 thread started by some mentally ill man. At least this post will not bump it.
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>be trans-
I will take your bait, there is no way this is real. If I were to pretend this were real though for fun, you don't want advice. You want attention and validation for your shitty choices.

If you wanted advice you'd be asking how to reject this offer. Here's your advice, get a real job and get away from him. You are suggesting making yourself dependant upon someone who doesn't even view you as a human being, what's wrong with you? Stop using hypersexuality as a form of self-harm. You don't feel worthwhile and you hate yourself, so you engage in risky casual sex to feel the validation you lack. If you treat yourself like shit, people will treat you like shit. Agreeing to this and continuing in your profession will make you a statistic.

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