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why was this ranked as my least attractive photo on photofeeler? It got a 3.5/10 for attraction when all my other photos usually get around a 7?
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a different photo which got 7/10 for reference
not to be offensive, but all the fat in your face makes you look beta. either lose more fat or gain more muscle.
looks alright to me
tan + weight loss + tilt chin a bit up + put thumbs in pockets

crop her eyes out + fat loss. Not a bad photo though
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what are you trying to do here?
Hey be grateful your issues resolve with a little weight loss / muscle gain.

Some people are stupid enough to get plastic surgery to "fix" things
The difference barely matters anyways, unless you’re a 9/10 or below 2/10 women will treat you the exact same.
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He's pointing ten fingers at his dick to enhance his chances of entering the Bone Zone. Ladies will know intuitively.
women don't like guys in bands
I honestly believe its the bitch in the front with the pink hat. you aren't even the first thing i notice in the pic.
You can sing? NGL, that's kinda hot. Who cares what some app says.
Don't listen to this guy, projecting his body dysmorphia on you. You look fine. Buuuut, you'd look really cute if you got into shape. Like Andrew Scott, like a boyband member hot.
yeah I'm into the finals for the karaoke comp there. I basically go there for the attention I get from women when I sing lol.
You just look kinda dumpy and ugly, a typical oofy doofy that gets constantly cucked and used for money
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I don't think the chubby cheeks can be helped by weight loss. I've always had chubby cheeks even when I was 20kg lighter. (picrel 8 years ago)
I do still want to lose abit of weight though
I wouldn't worry about the way you look, it's a losing battle. There's always gonna be some better looking guy out there.
I'm not really worried, I get enough attention. I was just curious why the karaoke photo ranked so low when in my mind it showcases my most attractive qualities (confidence, talent, etc)
>(confidence, talent, etc)
you look fat
are those not attractive qualities?
Have you ever considered how people actually view your photo rather than how you think people view your photo?
Some people will rank people they think appear better than them lower because they feel threatened, so sometimes these measurements are not totally accurate. I think you look nice. You look confident, happy, and approachable, but maybe someone is "threatened" by that and so chose to rank you lesser.

On the show "Four Weddings", women would regularly rank the wedding they liked best lowest because they were threatened by their own inferiority. They had to change the ranking system because of this phenomenon.
I think you look nice! dont worry too much :)
That's kind of a circular / paradoxical statement isn't it? If I view the photo "how people actually view it" I'm still viewing it "how I think people view it".

Anyway that's the purpose of this thread
>You look confident, happy, and approachable
>I think you look nice! dont worry too much :)
He's looking for something more along the lines of "I'd suck your cock" than "you look nice" which you say to your brother or any other male you are not attracted to
Op don't make the mistake of thinking this isn't condescending
Crop out or Photoshop the girl out. And I guess maybe people are hating on your shirt being unironed. And maybe cause your face isn't as clear in the others.

Idk also this >>32018455 apart from that maybe bots?
No dude... It's not paradoxical at all... Anyways you look like a fat slob in the first photo. That's probably why people are ranking you low. I doubt anyones looking at it and thinking wow what a confident man.
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That's a fairly decent interpretation of photofeeler. It makes a little sense as picrel is my highest ranked photo for attractiveness (8/10 100 votes) but it's also the photo where in my mind it showcases less attractive qualities (sloppy clothes, vaguely feminine pose)
Ive never heard of photofeeler before now but after a little googling i came to that conlusion. I think your expression in this picture is a little less welcoming, and personally would recommend you use the original picture on dating profiles or other things like that. I would recommend cropping out the woman in the front though, it takes away from you.
This is either an elite troll... or you actually don't know why this pic scored highest.... as a grown man....
I'm actually 8kg lighter in the OP than I was in the second pic. I'm a little overweight but I hardly think I'm a "fat slob" in either photo
The bar has a few more photos they havnt released yet that are closer at the stage so hopefully they are better pictures.
So everyone's calling you a fat slob but you aren't because why. You want girls you get thin you fat bitch, lovingly ofc
Fuck, don't be so self conscious. You look good. Just get muscled up if you want to split hairs. Then you won't be able to keep bitches off your dick as long as you aren't self conscious.
You are a fat slob in the first photo. I'm sorry but if anyone tells you otherwise then they are probably trying to be nice or they're american.
my mum says I'm handsome.
Bruh why are people being so mean to you You arent even ugly I think its just that there is more emphasis on the girl than you.
You look better with short hair
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Lose weight fatty. Your face is puffy, you'll look so much better if you lose 20kg. That first photo is a visual nightmare, so much fucking red, the weird girl at the forefront, you lost in the frame looking like you're about to shit yourself. Delete this one and never think about it again. You have a nice base and just by losing weight and not take a faggot pose you'll look good. Put that fork down and you'll be a king.

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