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I make $20/hr ($5 more than minimum wage) but it means absolutely nothing…
>Can’t afford to rent even a tiny shitbox apartment (average one bedroom is $1,400/month, before utilities)
>Don’t have any friends to try and split a place with
>Can’t afford a car and insurance (been in an accident before so my rates are high)
>Live at home
>Still have to pay rent ($700 month)
>Get to drive the old family car but have to pay the insurance on it ($350 month)
>Parents make me share my real-time location with them 24/7, so can only use the car to go to work and back
>Parents control my bank account and yell at me if I buy anything
>No friends
>No gf
This shit is a never ending nightmare
>>Parents make me share my real-time location with them 24/7, so can only use the car to go to work and back
>>Parents control my bank account and yell at me if I buy anything
Get the fuck out now. Budget carefully. See if you can find a place close enough to work to bike/bus to. Your dignity is worth more than the money you're saving staying with your parents. (I don't just say this because you live with your parents, if they weren't controlling weirdos it'd be fine. They obviously are controlling weirdos though, so get out)
There has to be something you can save money on. You make ~30k annually after taxes right? 17000 for rent is rough, how much is insurance? Someone in your town is living alone on less money, there has to be a way to make it work
>Parents control my bank account and yell at me if I buy anything
They don't control shit. Call the bank and tell them what's going on.
It's why being single is so fucked. If you have a good relationship and can pool your income together life suddenly becomes way more comfortable even if you're a normal wagie

Living alone is a drain in every way
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>Someone in your town is living alone on less money, there has to be a way to make it work
This is literally the cheapest one bedroom in my area
Are there cheaper studio apartments? Maybe there are some ppeople in a multibedroom setup who are looking to split rent with another flatmate
there is none. congrats
Move somewhere cheaper? Here the places 30-60 miles off big cities start at $300/mo, even though cities themselves are over 1K
Now you see why some people can feel comfortable receiving neetbux.
OPs situation is far from normal though
>Parents make me share my real-time location with them 24/7, so can only use the car to go to work and back
>Parents control my bank account and yell at me if I buy anything
Other people have this problem?? Thought it was just me.
I live in lower NJ, 1-2 hours away from any big city. Shits insane man
>i live in lower NJ
Are you me?
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Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?
I don't know how anyone lives like this to be honest. I hate going to work and making peanuts.
Move somewhere cheaper.
Literally how?
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I quit going to work after I realized 90% of the time I'm just wasting my time doing pointless shit nobody cares about and not getting ahead in life.
I worked there a lot over the past 12 years and the wagie community was a major factor in my decision to not work anymore. NEETs did it to an extent as well but WAGIES are far worse.
Someone could give a long drawn out and factually accurate explanation of what would have to happen for me to even be able to one day buy a home and have a family and why working was fraudulent. The post would get a dozen responses of
>when you know you know
>economic collapse is coming
>stack metals the end is nigh
>keep waging faggot
>100% eoy silver will reach 5k an ounce
Or some equally long schizo post explaining numerology, using bible scripture and random posts here explaining how by the end of the year billions will be unemployed because of the AI.
Here we are.
After seeing the nothingburger today I came here just to watch the seething and suicide letters. It’s beyond EOY, the jobs didn't disappear, the banks didn't collapse (unfortunately), no more use cases and all the dirty laundry is out in the air now.
It’s not going to be Millennial's Economic Paradise, it will not be the Roaring 20's all over again. The world will not be descending into hyper deflation and prosperity (as was obsessed over for months/years) it will be going on as usual with no major gains or rewards.
I will enjoy watching wagies burn every step along the way.
Because those fucking idiots deserve it all.
I live the opposite life of the neets in here and yet experience mostly the same thing. I earn 8k a month ( euroland - this is a lot here) as a software engineer in bioinformatics ( specialised in genome sequencing) working in big pharma, and my life is still terrible despite me having enough disposable income to lead a upper midde class existence of peace and comfort. It's a spiritual malaise that affects everyone to some degree

I have a gf that loves me, and yet, every morning when I'm sitting in my company Tesla I dread the coming day. On route to work I pass over this imposing bridge that crosses the widest point of the largest river in my country. Oftentimes my subconscious whispers to me to just drive off and disappear into the darkgreen water
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your fucking parents make you pay rent?
So you don't starve. Neetbucks won't be around forever
That's 2 hours of work every day.
I spend more time edging every day
if the cost of living is rent plus rent then that's 4 hours every day or 8 hours every other day or over 5 hours every week day.
Frankly it is quite unappealing to work just so you can work so might as well work to live somewhere nice looking.
My mom just wants to be able to have the ability, she's not a tyrant like your guys' parents. If it gives her peace of mind then I don't care.
It's not like I'm going anywhere else anyways.
I went to a college bar one time one a weekend afternoon and somehow in a crowd of people I was alone. I realized people go to bars with people beforehand, wow I am so fucking stupid I didn't realize that. I tried buying a girl's drink for her but she started acting like I've poisoned it or something and so now I'm drinking a mojito alone, people actually fucking avoiding me like I have the plague. And that was the closest I ever been to a tropical beach vacation. I decided to just leave before the staff kicked me out for being a fucking lonely retard loser.
And that's why I stay at home playing video games instead, you know in case any one asks me why I don't "just go out."
parents stealing their adult childs wage is actually more common than you think. you guys get exploited, ok. youre so fucking passive and dependent. its time to grow a pair of balls. i moved out just as i turned 18 in the 2010s. wtf are you scared about its not hard to find a place to live and to tell your hr department to change your bank details.

working without getting paid == slavery
there is no argument against this
The digital economy is everything now, just have internet.
There's literally no reason to work like a dog as a pencil pusher or servicetard in some shithole city.

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