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I'm bothered by my GF's outlooks on things. She has feminist and liberal tendencies. Not a lot but she will sometimes tell me a story about "Andrew Tate said X stupid thing" or "Young men are so disrespectful to girls" and I never understand the point she's making. It sounds like she just hates the tone they take and I even tell her that I don't understand her point. She knows I am not feminist and doesn't seem to care much that I'm not. I'm just wondering if she's just gonna get worse with age or what. She's so intelligent yet she bases these discussions on emotion only.
>people aren't one dimensional
>stupid is as stupid does
>emotional arguments are as emotional arguments are
Try to explain to her what ragebaits are and how she's being taken advantage of by the predatory media that likes to sping these things.
>She's so intelligent yet she bases these discussions on emotion only.
All opinions are emotions-based. Reasoning comes later as a way to justify those opinions.
Sounds like cope from someone who can't come up with any reason
Yeah I don't know. She's smart but she's a tad immature. If there's something she doesn't understand she doesn't even see it. She is an eternal procrastinator for example and I am constantly giving her advice to manage it and she's not even listening lol.
Exactly. Last time she said something about how Andrew Tate was wrong for saying scandinavian women are the easiest. I asked her "don't you agree that swedish women are the most sexually open" she said yes. So I said "therefore they are the easiest" and she still disagreed so I don't know
She's not intelligent, she's the typical brain dead retarded femoid any other answer is cope
She is very smart actually. Right now she's at a fine level I'm just concerned she will get more feminist
Kind of understandable and logical why a figure like Andrew Tate ( open misogynist pimp/sex trafficker) won't be terribly popular with women no matter what he says no? The same reason why he's so glorified by a subcategory of men ( mostly thirdies and western incels) no matter what he says. People mostly look at what he does, the character he portrays
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the trick is to not engage in political discussions or debates about this matter, just let her vent and ignore. any attempt at reasonable discussion will piss her off, there's no winning in this.

>She knows I am not feminist and doesn't seem to care much that I'm not.
decent looking women, feminist or not, don't date male feminists.
most radical woman I ever dated, privately enjoyed very much being submissive and degraded.
I don't care for Andrew Tate but she brought him up the other day and the quote she used was completely true. She just didn't like the tone he used. Meanwhile I looked at the quote in isolation which made sense to me.

In general she seems to exaggerate women's issues to the point where I don't think she understands a man's perspective.

What's good is she doesn't get pissed. She lets me say my peace I am just concerned that we are not really aligned and she might grow more and more feminist to the point where she drops a bomb like she doesn't want kids or wants to go "explore herself" by leaving me or some bullshit
>I never understand the point she's making.

Listen to her. You have a lot to learn. Even if you ultimately decide you don't agree with her views, you have to understand what they are to be able to disagree.

And who knows? You might actually have your limited view of things enlarged.
...do you have an actual advice question? because right now it sounds like you're the typical dysgenic autist who literally can't comprehend that people are going to have different opinions from your own.
That's my point. It's not about the literal meaning of the words, but her judgement of his entire character. So while in isolation what he says might be correct, that's not really her argument. She's just venting about him being a deplorable person and reaching for everything she can. You can support her, let her vent a bit. There's no indication she'll suddenly turn into a hardcore feminist. Hating on Tate is like the most milquetoast expression of feminism ever
It sounds like she is consuming a lot of online short-form content and taking them on as her own opinions. That's not very intelligent at all.
I'm asking if this is a sign we are gonna be in trouble in the long term or if she might change. She's 24 and still in college so I don't know if she's gonna become more jaded and opinionated or something.

I try to listen. I am a bit stubborn but I'm not too extreme most of the time

Yeah well I told her to stop looking at that shit lol
>So I said "therefore they are the easiest" and she still disagreed so I don't know
Just because domething is true doesn't mean it's okay to say.

You are ugly, dumb and smelly but people around you won't say it to your face since it would make you sad.
Why do you like that guy anyway? He has major creep vibes.

Anyway you can either be right or married. Not both. Tlae your pick.
Maybe this is the autism in me but it's still true. Even if it's rude and I would never say it

I don't like him but in this case he said something that was true so I didn't understand. But like you said she's focusing on the character as a whole meanwhile I am looking at the individual statement without the connotation behind it
>Maybe this is the autism in me but it's still true. Even if it's rude and I would never say it
Don't you think saying the entire femalenpopulation of a country is a bunch of sluts is a little uncalled for, rude and generalizing?
>I am looking at the individual statement without the connotation behind it
And that's kind of silly.

And I'm not sure how "true" this is. Generalizations are mkre often than not quite dumb.
Bro i'm as /pol/ack as they come but the whole manosphere shit is lame and retarded as fuck so i don't see anything wrong with your gf dabbing on these retards.
Nothing exists in a vacuum anon don't be stupid
>Not a lot but she will sometimes tell me a story about "Andrew Tate said X stupid thing"
Her problem is that she's addicted to internet ragebait.
And her bf goes on 4chan what's your point?
>Another retard gripped by The Tate
Tell your retarded GF if more people ignored that retard he wouldn't have a platform. The simple fact that he gets people to hate him gets more people to look into him, which increases his following. But everyone thinks their high IQ nowadays, and fighting some indominable beast so they let these retards live rent-free in their head 24/7.
You can go on 4chan without paying attention to ragebait. Avoid containment boards and hide tranny/roastie/PUA/racebait threads. Easy.
Forgot to add this on
>Young men are so disrespectful to girls
Because they have no father figure in their life. Blame all the single mothers who fucked around with the bad boy and got left. While they all continue to hop on dating apps looking for men to fix their fuck-up. But these single mothers still want the bad boy instead of someone who can be a good father-figure to her son. So their sons seek out a father-figure and land on Andrew Tate. Because he gives off the "I am da alpha and dis is how you act if you want to be a MAN!"
tl;dr woman (single mothers) fault for young men being disrespectful to girls.
You're the issue, blame the single mother and not the dudes who left like it's only on them because you can't expect a dude to be a father.
You're a joke anon, hopefully when you graduate HS you'll grow up
I thought woman were smart enough to know not to fuck around with a deadbeat. Guess I'm wrong and proven time and time again why woman shouldn't have the same rights as men.
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Liberal women only get more angry and strident. But liberal women give the best blow jobs. So do this. Take her out, get her drunk, Fuck her in the ass HARD. DUMP HER AND HIT ON HER GIRLFRIENDS
Literally from your example it's the dude who's in the wrong and "should have less rights" because of it.
You're just fucked in the head anon go suck tastes dick
Love that you didn't refute that you're in highschool you child
>Don't you think saying the entire femalenpopulation of a country is a bunch of sluts is a little uncalled for, rude and generalizing?
Not every scandi is a slut but in my observation they are usually more open about sex. It's like saying Southerners are religious or something
I learn from woman, and having solidarity in men is important. Oh, I bet you don't like that now do you? Who the fuck is tastes? Are you retarded, no need to answer we all know you are.
I learn from woman

Glad you fucked up your sentence trying to correct mine
>But liberal women give the best blow jobs.
18 year old twinks do and it's not even close
No, fat women truly give the best blowjobs. Even better if they haven't eaten all day.
It's slowly getting worse. My gf wasn't as much of a feminist when we started dating and I was teaching her the woke propaganda shit, but she keeps watching her own stuff and at times some of that poison slips into her mind. She's still aware of a lot of woke bullshit and hates it, but some feminist stuff is starting to seep into her and it's getting on my nerves when she starts talking about shit that has nothing to do with her life.
Leave her. I'm the one who dates feminists here.

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