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/adv/ - Advice

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So I've watched porn and masturbated several times a day almost every day for the last 15 years. This has seriously impacted my sex life and romantic relationships in general.
I'm not planning on stopping masturbating but I do want to cut it down to once or twice a week. Pornography has to go.
Do any anons have any tips for this? How can I avoid tripping up and relapsing? On the very rare occasions I've gone maybe 4 or 5 days without masturbation I feel amazing, more confident and driven yet I always give in and fuck it up
I know I'm not perfect but its fucked up a lot of my life and I need to be in control of it, I just find it hard especially with so many "triggers" all over the place nowadays
>used to fap once a day
>sometimes once every two days
>maybe twice a day rarely if extra bored
>thought things were getting really bad
>go on 4chan
>the "people" on there once again show me that I can always get so much worse
Thanks, Anon.
Take it piecemeal. The first thing to cut out is pornography. Masturbate but just not to porn. If even that is too hard, masturbate but only to drawn porn (like the granny thing you posted) or erotica rather than video. After a week or two, switch to no porn at all. Once you've done that for a month or so you can try cutting down on frequency of masturbation
I won't read masturbation threads.

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