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21M redpilled on transgenderism through studying the horrors of the 20th century, modernity, and evil. I'm parasitepilled and believe this to be a situation where my immediate family, most people in my life except for a few enlightened ones can see beyond the shadows upon the cave walls. I wish to enlighten my loved ones to improve their life. I don't believe sending my little brother (20) down that road is something I can do with a good conscience as someone he admits to look up to probably more than anyone. I've dealt with my own problems over the past 4 years (cannabis daily use binges, depressive loops, fried my brain into adhd through socials and porn) and have improved my life through better health learned from redpills. /fit/lit/ redpilled occultpilled parasitepilled
It has been roughly two weeks since my brother told me he feels more comfortable wearing women's clothing in a handwritten letter, and states that it's been a 4 year development stemming from self esteem issues, messed up health due to sedentary lifestyle, and probably gooning to degeneracy.
As the eldest son I feel responsible for him, moreso that my parents are liberal metropolitan types (Gen X) and have been mislead by media to consider this a possibility in the first place. I want to offer an alternative to treating my brother's gender dysphoria by trying to improve his health by going to the gym or practice radical self acceptance. He's likely as autistic as me so that would explain the dysphoria, he says it's not psychosexual but my research has shown overwhelming AGP for MTF trans.
We share a female therapist and I was getting back on my feet until this was dropped on me. My parents have known for 4 years and have been lying to me and I feel cheated and alienated. The therapist works with convicts as well so I'm confident in her ability to treat males, but I think I need a second opinion from you Anonymous tards. I'm a NEET and dependent, feel stuck in a cult.
Stop being a colossal faggot for a start.
(This advice is much deeper that it appears to be at first reading)
lets hear your theory cause you being "parasitepilled" and "redpilled on transgenderism" doesnt mean the same thing to me that it does to you
just forget it, your brother is going to off themselves and you need to realize it doesn't matter that they're dead when it happens.
It's not your fault or problem.
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I understand his perspective, I struggled with pornography addiction during high school to a daily use level. I'm working on self improvement daily and I'm on no PMO.
Not for the faint of heart
If it was someone else than flesh and blood I would agree, but this situation is delicate cause I feel responsibility for not being there for him as a shining example at times. I could not live with myself and certainly not anyone who allowed this to happen. I don't want to ruin my life but I would throw it away to take out some of the medical staff were there any medical transition. In Roblox obviously.
Stop being a colossal faggot.
(This advice is much deeper that it appears to be at first reading)
Kek, another one for the 41% collection.
Probably have a serious talk with him and ask him who molested or raped him and when, it must've been your father or some uncle.
Here's what I would give him:
>I love you
>You are joining a cult
>This is not going to work
>There is no community worth joining or transcendant happiness through that door, they're lying
>You are going to feel better for a brief time, that is hope, you are genuinely making a massive change
>Over time as your life fails to improve that hope will dissipate and be replaced by despair
>You will blame this feeling on an endless list of enemies, that's not the case, you were simply mistaken
>You will be tempted to do something drastic as your frustration builds. Some popular choices include suicide, murder, or heavy drug use. That's an option. Detransition and exploring other ways to improve your life more in line with "classic" approaches is also an option.
>Good luck
that is a scrapbook of memes and pseudoscience. You should go outside. Maybe look up the movie parasite? or realize israel is a parasite on our government and donate to the people of gaza?

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