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> bullied throughout school for being awkward and slow
> no friends, khhv
> repeatedly overhear people behind my back talking about how I'm slow, arrogant, retarded, autistic
> genuinely extremely insecure about my intelligence throughout my life
> somehow manage to graduate with a BA from a top 5 uni in the world with a first class in mathematics
> take an IQ test later, comes out to 128
Any idea what could explain this?
You're actually really really smart and they're jealous and then you take off your glasses and let down your hair and you're drop dead gorgeous and date the chad
Impossible. If I did have autism, I would have been diagnosed in early childhood, but I never was.
halo/horns effect. humans tend to assign more favourable traits, including intelligence, to beautiful or personable people. the inverse is true as well
Maybe you're just autistic and arrogant but not stupid?
Nah it easily could be autism. Shit gets overlooked a ton especially if you're high functioning
Are you saying I'm ugly. That matches my experience. I made a tinder profile once and only got two matches, one of which was a bot, and the other ghosted me.
either you're ugly or off-putting in a different way. what does it matter tho. you should be proud of your accomplishments
However, I don't remember ever being explicitly called ugly. Do people just not say anything when they find others ugly?
Another inconsistent fact is that I regularly find myself attractive in the mirror (though only normal/passive on camera).
> autistic
Impossible, already wrote why.
> arrogant
Do arrogant people know they're arrogant? Because I feel like I'm actually not arrogant at all, and it really bothers me when others call me arrogant. I just tend not to initiate social contact with others due to past bullying and anxiety.
> not stupid
Pretty sure I'm stupid still. The word dumb literally means not being able to speak, and I'm not able to hold normal conversations with regular people, being dumb. I also get very confused on various tasks and find things others find obvious extremely unintuitive. I was in the army and almost committed suicide due to how stupid I was and ended up being a burden on others.
My accomplishments are pretty cool on the surface but when it comes to things that actually matter in life I am still a social failure and a reject, and everyone immediately sees that I'm not normal and tries to distance from me.
From your responses here it is obvious why you are not well liked. I invite you to meditate on this in the coming months
I'm definitely off putting. Not exactly sure how though.
Can you explain? It's not obvious to me.
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Yeah it's cause you're retarded
t. 145+ IQ, BS in Mathematics also retarded
Btw like math, IQ doesn't mean shit. It won't get you a job, it would get you women, it won't make you win. You're only choices are be a slave number jockey or become an enlightened polymath.
I'm doing both.
>t. 145+ IQ
Impressive score. I wish I had an IQ as high as yours.
>a slave number jockey
What's that?
> enlightened polymath
It takes more than a lifetime for someone to even get to know contemporary math well. Being a polymath sounds like you're not committing to anything well. I'd rather know one field really deeply than having surface level knowledge about a lot of things.
Not him but having surface level knowledge of a lot of things can be viewed as its own field, specialized to the individual. Seeing patterns across disciplines is also very valuable
u niggers are retarded thats some 20min online test with a maximum score of 145

took 10 seconds to google that trash => youre all retarded
I took the same test and only got 133. A 145+ score is impressive to me.
My comment said "not him" and had nothing to do with iq or that test. Clean it up dude

it's an impressive score for sure. it's not a real IQ test tho. that's a battery of many different subtests. one single test ( especially a timed one) is way too sensitive to noise
you should calm down dude
I've seen so many times when people who are amateur mathematicians comment and say something extremely stupid revealing they actually don't know what the hell they're talking about, and it's so embarrassing. One of the most striking examples is David Forster Wallace's book on infinity. Never before have I cringed so hard from second hand embarrassment when reading a book.
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It's funny because my mom went to test if I was retarded and I got a score of 146, of course I don't have a test I took as a child so there's no way to prove it, but my general point was to tell OP that lots of high IQ people who are good at math are also retards.
Can you explain what makes you think you are retarded?
they're retards in the way that they're often gullible and meek. stuck in an analyst position for life while 105 IQ finance chads with assertive personable personalities make millions off their sweat
Lmao psychologist administered IQ numbers measure genetic potential. It's basically all genetic and measures intelligence remarkably accurately and the measure is, if age normed, extremely stable throughout life. If not, it's stable into the 40s and expect a HARD decline after 40
>basically proving that IQ is everything
also they arent 105 iq at the top. Average for CEOs is 130. 105IQ fin majors are 50k/yr excel monkeys
What did he mean by this?
Baby mode. Screenshot this thread and read your responses literally 30 days from now. You've been given decent critique here too.
I dunno I just am in a lot of ways. People will do weird things like talk to me and I will have nothing to say, like my brain is only primed to answer shitty number puzzles framed in a perfect context. People will smile at me and I will only think about smiling after I have walked away like a dumbass. I can sit in a room with people and say nothing for hours.
Mainly I'm a jobless, friendless, khv and I would prefer to not be but yet I cannot solve that problem.
I don't want to go to graduate school just to be a loser but also away from my family.
Anything that's normal that supposedly less intelligent people are good at I'm bad at, but no I'm apparently a genius because I can read something out of book and not shoot myself and instead understand it.
Even among other math people I am a retarded loner.
Everyone I knew from my bachelor's I heard either went to graduate school or had a job lined up.
Every job I see on indeed says they want graduate students, 5+ years of experience, or a completely different degree or skill set.
I'm terrified of driving also.
I wish I had even an analyst job, but I didn't specialize in statistics.
Literally just go back. If you really have a 145IQ you should be able to do it at an accelerated pace and get full funding
I probably could get a 50 on my qualifiers and I could study for them some more now, but I just don't want to go back. I want to have a girlfriend and take her out for ice cream or something. So I don't want to go back to school. I hated school. It was just boring chores and research was stressful.
and where do you intend to meet this gf neeting
OP here. I'm the same as you except my IQ is lower and I have a job. The rest however describes my experience perfectly.
Who criticized me? I don't notice any criticism in this thread.
You really are dull... nevermind
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There are various types of intelligence. Some people like you are good with maths and logic (most influential for IQ tests) but bad socially and/or with language. Some people are good at everything (mostly women since they are by default better with language and have no payoff in other areas such as maths). Math subjects in colleges are dominated by males not because they are better at maths than women, but because they have no choice since it's the only talent they have. Most women who are geniuses in math and logic can still excel in literature and philosophy.
And lastly, some people are bad at everything. The world is unreasonable and unfair.
Cope construction, all is governed by g
We can hardly ever put the blame on a specific person but mark vital seems like a FUCKING FAGGOT as well as Howard Gardner
thats such a dogshit ass ambiguous test i had every single answer correct with the most logical explanation and still didnt get max score nah fuck that site
Why do you say that?
Don't ask me impossible questions
Well I haven't been out of uni long, it was mostly my own fault because I didn't go to graduate school.
Indeed is shit for finding jobs though.
I just took it again, didn't remember it at all so it was like the first time and I got the same score.
i dont think it goes higher than that i genuinely think its bugged
not a single question where i had even 1% doubt in my head i had every possible solution for every question and weighed them out for the most probable one its stupid i went on reddit and theres not a single person reporting a higher score yeah its bugged
Most people like themselves.

Being ugly isn't all about appearance. Personality also factors into it. You ask questions like a fresh off the spaceship alien.
It depends, in primary school there was a group of girls that made sure that I was called ugly at least once a day.
I am no longer called ugly, but women do still sneer at me when I'm just walking down the road. So I think if you're ugly there are noticeable signs though not immediate and in your face.
I dont remember ever being called ugly by someone. People have remarked that I look like a retard though, and im not sure if its due to my appearance or behavior.
Fuck you retard
Why the hostility?
You're probably autistic or something. You can be intelligent, but still retarded when it comes to social situations.

Also I don't know what your IQ test really entails and how you got that score. Maybe you were the type of student that had to study more than others or maybe you were the type of student that asked the teacher too many questions and didn't get things when everyone else already got them.

I knew a person like that IRL, we had a dumbass in class who was quite the retard. He was held back a grade in kindergarten, he would study way too much in high school, while everyone else could get by without studying and he'd get angry when he wouldn't get a high grade. He also had really annoying personality, everyone always made fun of him and I felt bad for him, so I befriended him, but I quickly came to regret it. Every break he'd come up to me and start talking at me, telling me things I didn't care about while being barely legible, try to tell me an unfunny joke and then start laughing before he got to the punchline while spraying spit everywhere, completely diffusing any humor out of the situation. One time after he did that, I offered him some chips from my bag of chips, he wiped his mouth with his hand and then reached with it into the bag of chips, I just let him have the rest.

By the end of high school I started making fun of him behind his back, but another friend was calling me an asshole for doing that. So that friend and the retard ended up sharing a room when they went off to college, after a year that friend called me and apologized, stating that this guy is the biggest retard in the world and he can't keep living with him any longer, telling me various tales of his retardation.
Some extra things:

He wouldn't ever share his homework with other people, he'd pretend he didn't do it if someone asked him or flat out refuse to let anyone copy off of him, then when teacher asked who did their homework, he'd instantly raise his hand really high. This was like this even in 12th grade.

In like 10th or 11th grade, someone brought a printed out naked picture of a woman, guys act like guys mostly, this retard covered his face with both of his hands when someone presented the picture to him. When asked why he's doing it, he said "Because my parents don't allow me to look at that"
>Also I don't know what your IQ test really entails and how you got that score.
It was an army IQ test. I've also taken Mensa.no IQ test before (got 133).
>Maybe you were the type of student that had to study more than others
Not really. I didn't really care for my grades that much in school.
> Every break he'd come up to me and start talking at me, telling me things I didn't care about while being barely legible, try to tell me an unfunny joke and then start laughing before he got to the punchline while spraying spit everywhere, completely diffusing any humor out of the situation
Yeah, people have complained that I go on about things they don't care about.
The laughing thing is also very relatable, I do that a lot and then hate myself for it.
I also hate it when people try to cheat by copying my answers.
I just want to know if this condition has a name. I have strong evidence that it's neither actual mental retardation (evidenced by my IQ test results and education) nor autism as you suggest (evidenced by the fact that I wasn't diagnosed in early childhood).
Do you have evidence for this?
>You're only choices
I am 155IQ and can barely feed and hydrate myself. I just read and write all day and completely forget that I have a body
>excel in literature and philosophy

Please shut up you retarded nigguh
Being smart is pretty much like being ugly or autistic. To the point I'm not even seeing anything weird. You could be both but imo being not so good socially doesn't automatically make you autistic. For example if you know you're ugly so you keep to yourself. At least you're doing good. Like maybe even people in your field don't like you but you would probably hate being at a waffle house or some trashy shit
IQ reminder
I’ve been considered gifted since I was 8, also had very autistic tendencies during school that I gradually got rid of
All I’m saying is IQ is stupid, I was told I’m at the 5% of ppl when it comes to intelligence but I don’t feel smart and my academic achievements are just a tad over average (not that i studied much to warrant anything else) OP you’re def some kind of autistic, dosnt mean you can’t work on it

>> take an IQ test later, comes out to 128
>> somehow manage to graduate with a BA from a top 5 uni in the world with a first class in mathematics

These things don't go together dummy. You're bearly above average intelligence
Do you know Roko? He also has 128 IQ and has graduated from Cambridge with a first class in maths. So it's not implausible.
Roko, i.e. the guy who came up with Roko's basilisk.
Nta but wtf are you even trying to say?
This entire thread just a bunch of weirdly passive aggressive replies
Just say what you mean
You seem autistic, but you are self aware that's what matters
>The laughing thing is also very relatable, I do that a lot and then hate myself for it.
I get you. I do the same thing laughing inappropriately. Not sure why
>I also hate it when people try to cheat by copying my answers.
Fuck em, they're just trying to take advantage of your intelligence to get an unfair advantage. None of them actually like you they just think you're an easy nerd they can exploit
You seem very autistic, which is normal for math cunts. Probably INTP or INTJ too.
High functioning autistic people are usually extremely logical and can be incredibly smart while being complete idiots when speaking to other people and understanding what other people are feeling. There's a reason why "autistic-savant" is a phrase.
Trust me, I get where you're coming from. I'm autistic and when I was in school people would constantly ask me if I was slow/retarded make fun of me ect. Despite this, I placed in the top set of almost all my classes apart from other languages. I was also extremely gullible growing up. If I'm completely honest, you should just go get tested for it if you're really insecure.
>complete idiots when speaking to other people and understanding what other people are feeling
I don't think my trouble is understanding how people are feeling. I can sense from their face and speech patterns when they are angry or sad. I'm mystified by their thought process, they way they choose to relate to others and the criteria by which they exclude people as weird or abnormal, even when what the other person did seems completely normal, rational and appropriate.
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>take an IQ test at 22 score 125
>take another test at 30 score 95
>try a different test score 106
It's so fucking over.
Bizarre post.
Sucks that you can't do the opposite lol. Time to research brain roids.
How did that happen? Are you an alcoholic or did you suffer head trauma or did you work night shifts or something
Weird how it jumped from 95 to 106.
No it's really not. It was clearly mockery.
IQ should be relatively stable and at 30 you haven't suffered any meaningful cognitive decline. The age norms are still the same. The kicker is that IQ is only stable when the test is taken under ideal test-taking circumstances. So in reality the results can vary wildly. So either a) you've actually induced some kind of extensive brain damage by drugs/drinking/falling on your head/CTE/mental illness... or b) you're just in such a horrible mental state atm that you can't get a valid result
I was extremely paranoid,can't say I relate to that.
I'm good eith literature and philosophy and shit and bad at math. Good at "ideas" I guess. Decent at music too,hasn't done shit for me though.
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>get max score on every iq test i've taken so far
>usually finish PSI tests in like half of the given time
>head size an entire standard deviation above 99th percentile as a kid, although not sure how much this matters
>hikineet since dropping out of hs at 16 3 years go

i'm starting to believe the anons saying iq is bullshit
You are literally still a child. Also you gave no reason whatsoever to believe IQ is bullshit.
it's not bs but the importance of it is overstated by neurotic STEMcels who cling on to it as a badge of honour. it has the most predictive power of any metric we can adequately measure this is true, but the correlation is still small. in my experience the traits that correlate the most with success in life are: high conscientiousness, low neuroticism, charm, leadership skills. an upper percentile IQ is associated with introversion, high neuroticism and anxiety. now if you want to make meaningful contribtions to science, philosophy or art , IQ is hard cut-off I think ( together with creativity). but for all other profession the other traits I've mentioned matter way more. if you're mind is unhealthy and you annoy everyone you meet, your high IQ is mostly meaningless
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i dont think it is but i can see the argument for an extremely high iq being a literal retardation
i'm extremely neurotic, paranoid, couldn't relate to the people around me which turned me extremely unempathetic
i've had a lot of issues with my parents growing up and felt strong resentment towards them since i was an absolute NIGHTMARE to raise because of this
i think people like me blossom through hyperfixations. i dont really have one, i've dabbled in a lot of things but never really obsessed over one
not sure where to go with my life. knowing i have a lot of potential makes me feel hopeful but its worthless if i dont actually use it
if i dont do something soon i might pull a twomad

also i'm 19 just to clarify for jannies since i got banned once for some reason after i said i was 16 three years ago
i agree but i don't necessarily think that iq is a hard cut-off, i honestly believe that most with average or above IQ could make meaningful contributions to anything given the right mindset and work ethic
i also believe that IQ, or problem solving rather (which an increase in would show results in IQ tests), is a learnable and trainable skill like most things in life
but that doesn't have to mean that your average joe can be the next ramanujan
Jannies didn't meet the hard IQ cutoff for 16+3
awkward and slow in everyday live doesn't mean your academic sucks. You are just not good at socializing and got bullied. Go somewhere to start new, stop moving and twitching around, look more confident and you will be fine in live.

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