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>Be me
>Have stereotypical goth girl at my gym
>Covered neck down in tattoos and looks like pic related
>She comes up to me all the time and gives me compliments about how good I look and how strong I am
>Even straight up told me she'd like to see me naked
Ngl it does feel good to have a woman simp for you
>Already know she's crazy so I never escalate
>Just yesterday she opens up and says how her Ex cheated on her
>"Damn... That's crazy"
>She then says how she almost lost her job cause she sent death threats to her ex and his new girl "But work thought they were fake so I never lost my job"
>Sit there thinking "Holy fuck, SHE IS CRAZY"
>She then changes the subject and goes back to telling me how good I look
>Tell her I gotta get back to lifting weights
>She comes back later to say she's leaving but asks me what time I'll next be in the gym.
>I give a vague response that I don't know
>She jokes that she'll just stalk my socials to find out
I've never given her any of my socials.

I think I may have pushed this one too far and now I have some crazy goth chick love bombing me, probably in the hopes that I make a move so she can get revenge on her ex.

What is the move here? How deep into this am I? If I just don't escalate and keep it neutral, will she eventually get the idea and fuck off?
She sees you as prey. Make up a story about shitting yourself
Share your feelings and treat her like an equal, that's sure to turn her off.
I dunno, just enjoy it. Use the confidence to bag someone who isn't batshit insane.
this lmao or just shit yourself right there like an actual giga chad
make her smell the poopey no one wants to rapey a poopie
>What is the move here?
If you show interest her pussy will dry and she will disappear so do that
If you really want to avoid her, just mention off topic that you have a girlfriend or currently meeting someone. Maybe that push her away.

Or you can help her get revenge, but mention that you are not looking for anything seroius. I'd do the ladder if I were in that situation but I get why your turned off by her.
>>She then says how she almost lost her job cause she sent death threats to her ex and his new girl "But work thought they were fake so I never lost my job"
Makes me think of this
Just keep your distance and for the love of god don't stick your dick in crazy
I've fucked crazy and NEVER stick your dick in crazy. Fuck what a shitshow. So a few things.
1. Goth girls are poor white trash. Goth is just cosplay because otherwise they have a shitty life and likely abused as a child.
2. Flattery is very seductive. Even though your gut is telling you this can't be true your ego is moved. It happens to every man. Happens to women too.
3. Crazy has abandonment issues. They attach quick and hold on tight and become destructive if you attempt to flee. However, because they attach easy if another fool gets her attention she'll jump him.

OP you need to stop going to THAT gym for a few weeks and she'll flip to another guy.
It sounds like you're overthinking it. She's crazy, and what? You haven't fucked her, so there is no way for her to believe you want something with her or that she is with you or something. Don't put your dick in her, keep things casual, keep your distance, unless she forces you to give her one, I don't see why you should be all that worried. She's crazy but nothing has happened between you and won't if you don't allow it.
>Just yesterday she opens up and says how her Ex cheated on her
>"Damn... That's crazy"
King behavior

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