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I LITERALLY CANNOT DO IT. The conversation turns super dry after like 5 mins max and it's me just sitting there saying absolutely nothing, same with them. That's with my "close" friends.
Like what the fuck am I meant to speak about? I can talk for 2 mins about what happened in class, then another 2 minutes about some other bullshit, then a minute of something else and then it's over.
There's nothing to say. Absolutely fucking nothing.
I have nothing in common with ANYONE!

Is this what happens when you grow up bullied and with very few friends? You literally just do not develop an ability to socialize?
I admit there is nothing to me. In my free time I mainly just refresh image boards after scrolling to the bottom of the page, but it's not like normies talk about super interesting topics either. It's mostly about games or sports or foids or maybe drugs. I can't even do that.

Some normies think i'm some mysterious smegma male at first, but quickly learn that i'm just a socially stunted, autistic, spaghetti-spilling retard.

Now what I mentioned above is what happens with males. Imagine what i'm like with vaginoids. Our lives diverged completely almost right out of the womb.
I'm never going to have a girlfriend. I'm going to die alone. It's so fucking over, fuck. FUCK!
Accept it. That's what I did. I realized that I'm basically a mentally ill freak who will never fit in with society and will always be looked down upon and with suspicion.
with the right people you can talk forever, with someone you have nothing in coon with it turns awkward within seconds. find someone who likes to talk about the same stuff as you do, even if he or she has a different opinion
that's the fun thing, you don't
>with the right people you can talk forever
It's a nice myth but for me it's false. I found the people who are interested in exactly the same things. I though I could finally make friends and be a social butterfly. But turns out they have the same dynamics as from school, I was still a weirdo outcast. People care about how you interact socially way more than they care about your interests.
don't talk then, but don't act meek.
That's what I do, if someone wants to talk to me then do it. I don't really care either way, but I'm not going to feel weird or anxious or whatever.
What I find is that people will feel forced to talk to you or to go away. One time I sat next to a girl on the bus and made her miss her stop, she got upset and I put on headphones because I didn't care and I didn't want to listen to a hysterical woman.
have you tried alcohol? or speaking with immigrants? I am much more confident when speaking with people who use broken english than with natives.
Doesn't sound like you're trying all that hard to be honest OP.
Mungus on the pumpkin splotch
These friends I have in college are the closest people to me i'll ever find. I think they're what I would be like if I didn't spend all that time being a depressed rotter. I'd be a gamer, weeb, kinda socially awkward but in a quirky way kind of guy.
Instead i'm a total nobody, a blank page.

I do find that talking with immigrants or people with not so good English is easier since trying to communicate at all is a fun part of the conversation.

How do I "try"?
Search the 4plebs /adv/ archive. This has been discussed literally thousands of times.
>How do I "try"?
Well here's what you DON'T do: you don't write people off and give up on them just because it seems you have nothing in common with them. You may have more in common with them than you think. Part of the whole point of conversations is for people to get to know each other and find that common ground.
Do you think the most skilled conversationalists out there are only talking to people with the exact same hobbies?
I don't give up lol, i'm in 4th year of college and i've been friends with them since 1st year. But I can only talk as a group, when i'm one-on-one with any of them it's painfully dry. And the same goes for everyone else, even people i've known since I was 5.
Consume goyslop, consume mediaslop.
You'll feel like a soulless husk because you're trying to keep up with things you don't care about, but you want friends don't you?
Some got it some don't you dont
THE PUMPKIN!!!!!1!1!11
I'm an extrovert and always had many friends also I'm very strange but in a charismatic way my gf says. Anyway I only made a few friends in college but we are like brothers. I'd hang out with a lot of people but we didn't stay in touch since we weren't best friends material to each other. You sound like a prick though so this message is for anyone other than OP
Because all the things you do want to talk about you keep to yourself because you think they're unfit for polite conversation.
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>The conversation turns super dry after like 5 mins max and it's me just sitting there saying absolutely nothing. That's with my "close" friends. Like what the fuck am I meant to speak about?
OP I'm bad at talking to people as well but from my own knowledge small talk isn't an exchange of information it's an exchange of emotions. like I don't ask you how your day is going because I want to know how it went, the exact steps are useless to know. I ask because I want to know how you feel today.

with this in make bullshit up. most importantly ask questions usually people like talking about themselves then ask questions about their answers to previous questions. then add your own info in and keep it rolling ad infinitum. after a while you've now just exchanged emotions with someone congrats.
You just need to accept that you're gonna run into people you have nothing in common with, I talk with this dude at work sometimes but we have practically nothing in common. He likes sports, working out, drugs, I like none of those things, so we talk about the girls there and how unfair management is.
Yeah that’s me. With this one girl, she’ll tell me a short story sometimes but that’s about it. The only person I have actually conversation with is my sister or my parents on the phone.
>just try faggot
>erm idk dude but im chad and you sound like an asshole

I have goals that I want other people to help accomplish. Discuss those.
What did I say to make me sound like a prick??? What a retard lol
you shouldn't have to try with people you are close to get along well with, thats what it means to get along well with them, that you can easily talk to them without effort and the conversation flows effortlessly.
but for others its not the case, this doesn't mean its always not the case with them, and how well you know them can be a part of it.

It shouldn't take effort for people you are close with though, effort is reserved for when you are getting to know people you can do a bit of "work" in the conversation to make sure it goes well if you want to get along with them, who puts in the effort is basically the person who wants whatever is happening "to work out" so to speak, some people don't know how to put in effort so they just need to hope they get along with people immediately, have situations where it can build easily, or have others who want to put in effort for them, but it also just really depends, some people are just naturally better conversationalists vs others who are worse so if you are okay and others want to put in a bit of effort sometimes you will do fine without consciously realizing vs someone who is fucking awful naturally.

First things first you need to learn how to put effort into conversations and keep them going on and on and setup the person so that you can carry the conversation, once you are able to do this you can better discern who is actually good/bad at conversation and if they are worth the effort. Some women are just REALLY bad at conversation and its exhausting to talk to them because you always need to put in effort, then they dump some shit on u how they have no friends and no one cares about them but you are different and so easy to talk to and you just realize its never going to get easier with them, this is why they have no friends, they can't hold a fucking conversation and need to get babied constantly, they aren't worth it.

identify what goes wrong in conversations, fix it, repeat, ez if ur really autistic
>Imagine what i'm like with vaginoids
more like 99% of non-autistic people. I'm an anomaly.

small talk isn't actually the most difficult part. It's what happens after the small talk phase is over. Then there's nothing to talk about at all.

>You just need to accept that you're gonna run into people you have nothing in common with
that's basically every single person I ever met though.

Thanks, but if I don't try i'm literally never going to talk to anyone again. It feels impossible for me. I just simply don't know what to talk about. It's impossible, even with people i've known for years.
Art of charisma i think has a good video on this. Turns out active listening and engagement of the person you are talking to is crucial. You listen and the. You ask a question that is worthy of thought and can’t be answered with a yes or no.
Keep doing this, and do a very little of peppering in your own history or views to see if they want to ask you a question.

This is 98% of what conversations are.
What are your friends like? I can relate to you but I have 2 friends that I can really easily get along with. They both talk a fuck ton though and are validation machines.
>The conversation turns super dry after like 5 mins max and it's me just sitting there saying absolutely nothing, same with them. That's with my "close" friends.
zoomers make me lol so hard. why do you search the fault for this in yourself, when you yourself in your second sentence say its a societal issue? because it is. this shit is fucked, go thank the boomers for this. we flushed all culture down the toilet and now its all about who has the biggest dicks / tits. thats all thats left of culture and i feel bad for all you youngfags because you will never know what this world used to be like
how are the boomers responsible for my autism?
because your friends are autists too. i used to work at a uni ok, the first semesters got worse every year. most kids these days cant hold a conversation at the age of 18, thats just fucked. see theres nothing 'you' did wrong, it was done to you. it was already bad before the pandemic and now its just over. a lost generation of autists.

sit at home, do nothing but stare at a screen. dont talk to people, type. consoom more == a fucked generation

the boomers are responsible for this because they ruined the culture long before you were born. there is no culture anymore. everything that you can do today is just someone elses money making scheme. nothing of this is humane at all. its all a retarded circus. the only thing that is holy anymore is money
most people my age are sociable and can speak for lengths about fucking nothing and have a good time. I'm the odd one out here, so there must be something wrong with me. This is more logical than whatever idea you have.

>he only thing that is holy anymore is money
that much is true. money is satan king
>This is more logical than whatever idea you have.
i think the issue is you're just a fag to talk to so no one bothers. try not to be passive aggressive for a start. you talk like someone with a learning disability. i could say anything i want but youre "smarter" anyway. i dont talk to people like this irl either, no one does.
I will rape you.
I cannot talk to people who are not on the same frequency as me. It's kind of crazy. I'll meet someone, and it's like we've known each other forever.
>Some normies think i'm some mysterious smegma male at first, but quickly learn that i'm just a socially stunted, autistic, spaghetti-spilling retard.
So others experience this, weird.
I get that a lot people think I'm super mysterious because how secretive I am. Old roommates thought i was a foreigner
But I'm actually just a total loser with no life
Drinking alcohol helps with the talking slightly
I've been isolated for years. I don't feel any strong sense of relation to anyone
When someone tells me they missed me, I instinctively don't believe them or suspect they're secretly making fun of me
>Is this what happens when you grow up bullied
It's what happens when you're a retard.

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