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>Applied to 5 different places back in June after graduating from College
>Get 3 different interviews, one of the places asks me to do another 3 extra interviews before suddenly dropping me off?
>Apply to 20 different places in September
>Not a single interview.. 4 rejection letters

What the fuck did I do differently? One of the last guys I had a interview with said I was a perfect fit before suddenly giving me a rejection letter before the 3rd interview.
I'm Canadian btw
keep trying and do not lower your requirements. if you give your labor for free, they will see it as worthless.
I think the reason why they cut me off from my last interview at this one company after doing 3 consecutive interviews with them was because I set my salary expectations higher than they were willing to pay me, even though my one buddy that graduated a year before me (I did a extra year because of Co-Op), had less skills then me and managed to get paid about 47K at his place (I asked for the same amount)
Wait... How do Job Recruiters do Social Media checks in Canada?
That’s just how it is nowadays. You might have to send in 100 applications just to get 10 interviews and 1 job offer. A lot of fake job listings out there, and the legit ones have many applicants to choose from.
I get what you mean but the system is retarded nonetheless. I don't think it was this hard to get a job if you met the requirements even 10 years ago.

>> what did I do differently

You did time unemployed and not studying. The longer you NEET the less employable you become.
I neeted for 8 years and got a job before I finished my degree ( software engineer). If you neet you need to get the right degree or you're fucked, that much is true
Most places now a days interview without even having a job for applicants to fill.

Also, a lot of times they already have the person chosen and the interviewing process is just a title IX smoke screen.
At this stage I would suggest a recruitment agency. They will help you shape up your resume and find people who want to hire you.
It's kind of a ripoff for all involved but if you haven't had any luck it's not a bad route to take.
That's fucking retarded though. The whole point is me actively trying NOT to be unemployed
Most interviews are a personality assessment. If they want you around they'll hire you

Dont forget to lie on resume
i have 14 years of work exp. i am a director level. i had to apply for 75jobs this year to get like 20 calls, do 4 final rounds, and get 1 job offer. it’s rough out there. my friends in recruiting tell me these jobs have 1,000+ applicants
They look up your fagbook or instagram.
Don't you love "liberal" politics?

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