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I want a boyfriend; I really need some affection from another person, whether male or female, but I don’t want someone who’s unfaithful or a potential abuser. Damn world, where will I find a good man? (个_个)
bait used to be believable
idk but i like your image and i will take the idea for a album cover thank you OP i hope you find something e_e
are you that birthday girl with the art supplies from the other thread with the cat picture?
Sorry, I don't go outside and I'm currently in love with my oneitis. Maybe you'll get your shot in the future.
Yes, why?
You won't find a good man here. Try church maybe.
All I wanted was some good advice and to vent, but I'm still resentful.
Although I think that men in the church are more often abusers and pedophiles.
>where will I find a good man
The sad truth is, they are everywhere, you just don't notice them. And I'm not talking about the weirdos nobody talks to, I'm talking about your average-looking dude, so average your brain acts like he doesn't exist.

There's tons of good people in this worlds. Don't feel too discouraged.
is this image yours, OP? Let me use it, just say yes.
How old and how fat are you?
The harsh reality is the culture we live in means that potential partners are getting scorned so hard they dip out of the dating market and become pretty reclusive, probably much like yourself. So finding potential partners have become incredibly difficult on both sides of the game.

From a girls POV most men just don't pass the looks department, as majority of guys are just average. Therefore a lot of guys are overlooked. The kicker is though, if an average guy gets a girl, the girl can help the guy look better. But I can understand most girls not wanting to put in the effort, I am the same when it comes to fat chicks. Its just not worth the effort.

So my advice is to start looking where you overlook. As a girl, you more than likely have several orbiters ready to dive in, if you just gave 'em a chance.

It would be unfortunate if you are fat or already have kids.
>The kicker is though, if an average guy gets a girl, the girl can help the guy look better.
LMAO, since I got married, I gained 7kg, started wearing toothpaste smeared tshirts and pajamas outside and farting outside the bathroom
We do exist. The question is what can you provide? Why should a good man be interested in you?
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What are your interests? I like buying fake internet money, lore, the art storytelling, autistic strategy games, and um... oh cooking.
They're probably gay.
Sluts don't get good men
I was never talking about marriage, thats a whole other deal dude.
Men are about to declare spiritual jihad on women. This is it anons, the real gender war has begun, not the fake one with countless pronouns that is being shilled everywhere in the media, but the real gender war between man and woman.
Women are about to learn a harsh lesson.

Don't talk to women, don't ask them out, don't have dating apps, don't interact with them. If a woman approaches you be nice and respectful but do not flirt or overtly joke, treat them as an equal man and then leave after the reason for the conversation is over. If a girl comes up to you and flirts kindly turn her down, if she asks you out suddenly say no thank you, don't make up a reason she only has agency because of some external reason not because she likes you. Be vague when talking about your life or weekend plans, anything you do or do with them like hooking up will be picked apart and analyzed by her and her online friends. You are a traitor and not helping anyone if you fall for their tricks.

If men can't display a modicum of power over society, this world and women, then I guess they don't hold much power at all.
I guess, but I've really talked to several men like that, and they always turn to look at another girl... and it disappoints me. I don't consider myself unattractive, and neither do others, which is why sometimes I think men only care about one thing.
Try talking to the weirdos nobody talks too
volcel chads are probably just monk mode away from society getting rich. any worthwhile man has exited the market either with someone already from teenage or passport bro or has a doll or something
I am a good man, want to be with me?
Try to figure out why those men don't want you. There must be something that other girls are doing better that makes men choose them over you.
I guess I'm too shy and find it hard to express myself. I also notice that other girls have a lot of curves or wear a lot of makeup, and are very open with others when it comes to expressing themselves. On the other hand, I prefer to stay on the sidelines. I don't know if all men or bi women are attracted to girls like that.
What do you have going for you? What are you comfortable talking about with guys?
I don't know, I just talk when they also feel comfortable, and I usually ask the normal and common things about their likes and hobbies.
You're only focusing on the negatives. What about the positives? What do you bring to the table? What can you do that makes a guy happy to be with you? What are your best traits?
honestly, you are on the wrong website to ask advice. the people here are bitter and it clouds their judgement.

don't you have some friends to ask for advice or your family? there are so many single men in this world and just need to be introduced to someone they match with. if you have some male friends I am sure some of them also wouldn't mind being together with you, perhaps you just acted too awkwardly around them and didn't notice their advances. talk about some personal stuff with them and eventually the conversation will lead to relationships and they will ask you for a date.
>I don’t want someone who’s unfaithful
Unfortunately I don't think this is preventable or foreseeable
>or a potential abuser.
In my limited understanding, this might be easier to detect if you arm yourself with knowledge. My tip would be to take it slow and focus on attitudes to your independence
I recommend masturbation. 10 times a day.

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