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How do you get a YouTube channel off the ground? I make mostly memes and animations, but it takes a lot of time and money that I don't have at the moment. About $1,000 in the red. Currently only 522 subs.
What is your end goal with this channel?

For example, if you want to make money, 522 subs who are passionate fans of your content and/or willing to pay for high-ticket products can be much more valuable than 20,000 random subs that are only mildly interested about you, won't pay for anything, etc. So try to find your "superfans" first.

For more general advice about making good videos, just google the "How to succeed in MrBeast production" PDF that got recently leaked. Plenty of good stuff there.

>it takes a lot of time
Yeah lol, you literally need to work thousands of hours if you want to be good at anything (not just at YouTube, but also if you wanted to become a lawyer, a pastry chef, a professional gamer, etc.). Thousands of hours of work is actually the MINIMUM if you aim to be competent. So work on your thumbnails. Work on your sound effects. Work on your titles. Work on your social media presence and engagement with fans. Work on your ideas for new videos. Work on your logo or profile picture. Work on your animations. Work on many other things until your content is irresistible at first sight. You won't succeed if you don't approach this professionally. You're competing against actual professionals with large budgets plus a lot of know-how and manpower, so the least you can do is be as professional as them in your attitude and work ethic (and doubly so if your content is "just mindless fun").

Good luck!
Make high quality content that's actually funny, impressive, or interesting. Low effort shit is not going to get you anywhere. It'll take time and luck, but doesn't have to cost you money. Level up your animation game and if it's actually quality you'll get the views accordingly. I've found multiple channels that made legitimately good quality videos at under 1k subs and they've all grown fairly rapidly.
stop thinking it will turn into anything. there's tens of thousands of others just like you wanting to become the next pewdiepie. online content creation, much like traditional entertainment, is a very heavy-bottomed pyramid where the odds are heavily stacked against you.
in the 2020s you just don't, unless you randomly go massively viral like Hailey hawk tuah, you never break through on the algorithm recommending you now
My end goal is to just make content myself and others might enjoy and hope to make some money while doing so.
>I make mostly memes and animations
You and the other 6,000,000 indians making endless FOTM slop. Good luck buddy.
Unless you can consistently crank out Hyperjumper-tier content, I wouldn't bother. You missed the YT gravy train about ten years too late.
advertising. pay them money to boost your visibility. thats what EVERYONE does. Its the ONLY way. If you think you found the secret ingredient to viral notoriety, someone else will copy you within hours, pay for views, and leave you in the dust
I'm white and draw fram by frame
Consistency and luck. That's it. You won't make it without both. I posted consistently for a year and got close to nothing - maybe 1-2k views. Then, one day, a video hit 200K. The next video hit 800K. I went from doing absolutely no numbers to making a living on YouTube pretty much overnight. I did absolutely nothing but post videos. No ads or anything. Once a video drops that people really like the algorithm takes hold and starts spreading your content to people's suggested videos. From there, you just have to hope the quality of your videos keeps serving you engagements. If your videos are getting poor retention rates or your clicks slow down the algorithm will drop you and move onto the next best thing. I'm sure there's some more detailed breakdown of how to maximize YouTube engagement out there but I don't know how to do it and even if I did the market is absolutely flooded. Just work on making really great shit and keep putting out content consistently. Even if it seems hopeless all it takes is one big video to plug you into the algorithm and the rest of your catalog can massively jump in views as people click through to your channel and watch your other videos. I dunno, that was just my experience. Take my input with a grain of salt.

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