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Does it make sense to spend your money to increase your quality of life or save/invest the money by living way below your means?
eventually you die and QoL goes to zero, but going broke also nearly zeros QoL. I don't think a snowmobile is going to improve your life as much as this guy implies but there's a niche for it. Living just a hair outside your means is enough for debt collectors to frenzy and tear your life down, and consumerism is always pushing consumption=QoL, when really health=QoL.
You should do both. If you can't then do the former while you work on yourself until you can do the latter as well.
You're thinking too far ahead. You'll always be poor. Stop trying to cope.
shut up crab, crawl back in the bucket
Money isn't real
When yoh invest you later have more money to spend on more things.. it's delayed gratification for being able to live better later.

Also you have to retire one day, an unexpected injury or health issue could make that *a lot* sooner than later, and you need 10 times your annual income to be able to maintain your *current* quality of life. And the easiest (as in the only feasible) way to do that if you're middle class is by investing.

Don't be a short sighted retard.
Especially if younstart early you don't even have to invest that much to come out with a fuck of a lot of money later on in life.
If you're 19, investing $100/month would be over 1,000,000 by the time you retire. You could even stop that contribution and let it ride the rest of the way around 40 if you started early enough.
Why don't you go look up "compound interest" and think really hard about how that affects your question?
Here, I'll even make it easy for you.
The point of working is to leave an inheritance for your progeny so that their lives will be appreciably better than yours. Living "in the moment" is exactly why society is collapsing; multiple generations of adults not giving a shit about their kids and instead squandering everything on selfish desires.
Lol no it isn't you greedy little shit, go make your own goddamned money and stop being such a worthless neet.
Speaking from personal experience, doing that which is difficult like denying short term pleasures in the here and now for the pursuit of long term pleasures is kino and based. Short term pleasures usually lead to bad long term consequences, especially so when you don't think ahead and only focus on the here and now.
There is a shockingly simple calculator on how much to save from your take-home pay and when you can permanently retire with it

You may ask why is this in percentages? Because it works on all income levels. The retirement amount is the amount of money you had every month when you were saving for it.
>shockingly simple
It's a good thing it's got that going for it, because it's also impressively wrong.
You may want to expand on that. Anyone can call anything wrong. This makes some very conservative assumptions like 4% withdrawal rate and 7% YoY growth over long horizons
I think a nice life within reason is good. Don't buy too much extra shit, try to live a minimal life but at the same time take pleasure in your hobbies and stuff like holidays.
theres nothing wrong with driving a honda civic, theyre good cars. Don't be tempted to spend money on cars you can't afford. Secondly, whats wrong with thinking like warren buffet? Being wealthy and building wealth come from having and staying in a mindset of using money for growth, not buying boats and snowmobiles... Saint_Dici will grow poor, the civic driver will retired with multiple millions.
How the fuck is a snowmobile better quality of life than having a honda civic and saving money?
Idk you can listen to this random person on twitter if you want.
I heard a saying that goes a little like: "at the end of the year after paying taxes, 1 dollar remaining, joy. 1 dollar owed, misery."
ultra cope.
You can only do 3 things with money: Save it, spend it, and give it.
You need to look at your life as a whole and determine what big ticket dreams you have. Now you actually have something to save for you just budget out a reasonable spending so that you're keeping yourself on track to one day meet your goals.
You need to account for old age, but also emergencies. People forget how much more they spend when their back is against the wall struggling.
But when you learn to stack up a healthy cushion you start to save even more on not having to consume due to unforseen circumstances. They prey on people's poor planning.
We know that one of the biggest contributors to poor health is stressors.

Is the $500/month you save in exchange for living in a rat infested shithole worth the trade off of being in a wheelchair in your 60’s from 2 heart attacks?

Those 80 year olds who run marathons have one thing over the rest of us, and that’s the fact that they didn’t get CHF and COPD from living like sewer animals to save a couple bucks. The stress isn’t worth dying earlier.
Budget your money and set aside $ for stuff that matters to you. It’s okay to spend 5-10% of your savings on something frivolous aslong as you’re not blowing most of your money away.
>Fuck you, I got mine!
That's retarded. Even if you make $150k a year, you can't afford to buy houses in multiple locations. The average person just can't make enough money. However, what anyone CAN afford is endless entertainment.
Yes. Now fuck off.
>1,000,000 by the time you retire.
By the time you retire due to inflation 1,000,000 will be nothing. And then it will all get eaten up by medical bills
It may astonish you anon, but you're allowed to invest more as your income increases.
>as your income increases.
Sorry I didn't realize you were a NEET. Just ask your mother's boyfriend for a bigger allowance, or let him know your bussy is available for a quite reasonable fee, depending on your personal proclivities.
Better to live below your means in order to have a higher quality of life.
>listening to a psychotic materialist on twitter
save your money lil bro
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>just have a lower quality of life to have a higher quality of life
found the gullible retard
Both are equally bad.
On one hand you have the FIRE gang who sacrifices half of their lifes to maybe live in relative luxury one day.
On the other you have retards that just have to spend their entire paycheck on stupid things every month.

Just save up a bit and buy stuff that improves your quality of life.
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Work hard until you can afford a home in suburbia with an in-ground pool and a reliable car.
Then take 50% of surplus income into investments that your kids can use to help with future house down payments, and
50% into the hobbies you like, trips, etc the stuff that you enjoy.

Focus on raising good kids and having fun every once in awhile, get the fucking pool, and enjoy your success
working hard and saving basically means nothing if your job is worthless. my money is peanuts that just reverts to zero as the cost of living goes up.
That's too late. You need to have at least $100k in the stock market before age 30 or you aren't gonna make it.
Okay work SMART not hard. If I could edit my post I would.

My cousin bought a home with in-ground pool at 27. How? We live in the flyover states (paradise)
is this retard telling people to get huge mortgages because of "quality of life"??? who the fuck can own houses in multiple locations and boats in current year without fucking mortgages? also, does this retard really believe that the people who can do that actually do that instead of INVESTING it???
why would you even post this retarded shit? have you ever learned how to do a basic fucking sum in your fucking life, you braindead retard?
More like retired.
nta, but bro we've had like 20% inflation this year. You'll get fucked if things continue like they do unless you really overshoot your mark. I know one guy that barely hit his number in 2020 and he ended up picking up a new job because the math no longer adds up based on how much more he spends on everything compared to a few years ago
I like how it assumes that if you make $50k in one year but live with your parents for free to save 100% of that, then you can live with your parents for free forever. Very millennial chart.
YOU will always be poor because you're a whiny bitter envious little turd and people like you don't have what it takes to succeed in life.
No, that guy just has a shopping addiction

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