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In my short 2 decades on this earth, I've been mugged, assaulted, gone homeless (for a couple months) and nearly got prison time. I imagine most people would view that as a lot of stuff
Despite that, I'm still extremely sensitive to people's words. Just recently, a colleague at my work called me a fucking idiot, and I almost cried after I clocked out.
Why am I such a pussy for tiny things? Can anyone relate to me / give an explanation or am I alone on this one
Have tried not being a fucking idiot? Then they won't call you that and you won't have to figure out how to get over it.
Without knowing your past it's pretty impossible to diagnose your present insecurity, but it is undoubtedly based on your past. See a therapist if you want to dig into it and find out. I recommend cognitive behavioral therapy
not helpful, you stupid fucking idiot
Ey anon, i think you're kinda tough enough to still be here even after all of that. It's notable really, and don't brush my words off either way, some people can get really triggered by those experiences, you been through it but that doesnt mean you escaped unscratched, yes?
Tough ≠ insensible (in my eyes).
Stay sensitive, it'll allow people like MEee to stay in charge. Muahahahahahahahahah fucking idiot
My point is, just maybe your problem is you don't spend enough time thinking about your actions and decisions and their logical consequences, and too much time navel gazing about your delicate fee fees. Many such cases, nothing personal. Textbook BPD.
You probably have autism and therefor an underdeveloped amygdala so you’re more sensitive to people upset at you and assuming theyre upset when they’re really not. 12% of autistic people have been homeless and you sound gullible which is why I’m assuming you got it
Assume the person who said that is a fucking idiot and respond accordingly.. Sorted.
go see if you're borderline personality and get help, it's treatable
Be a based egotist who doesn't give a shit about what the peons think about him/her
Here's my solution. Join a /pol/, /b/, or /r9k/ discord server under an alt account. By just interacting with the people there you will develop a thick skin. These niggas love to put others down, so after a few months of hearing the same shitty insults and put downs, you begin to stop giving a shit just because you've become emotionally exhausted from it. Eventually you stop caring about what others think because most people are retards and just focus on your own thing.

There problem solved.

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