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>be me in 2022
>senior at uni, math/cs, Pell grant so it’s free, live with mom
>take out loans on top of Pell grant to buy used equipment to start a biz (idea being if biz failed, I could resell the equipment and pay back the loans at minimal loss, taking advantage of the interest free period while enrolled)
>mom announces she’s moving into another house she bought, I take over mortgage payments for rent
>scale business to make it happen so I can cover it, shits working well going good
>getting ready to take the leap and move into a commercial space, friends want to join cuz it’s going well
>got a job for financial security to balance out the risk, only ask that they cover me via buying back equipment in the event I lose my job
>spend my savings and student loan money again
>lose my job, drop out, friends don’t help at all, completely broke and drowning in financing
>get job back, recovering decently
>landlord mom randomly moves back in and throws away the rest of my stuff (~$10-20k of equipment), police wouldn’t do anything despite us having a lease, extorts me for six months straight then leaves again after raising rent by unlawful amount (I was broke and credit was fucked, couldn’t do anything)
>business completely gutted, big fat pile of student loans
>work hard for a year, get back on my feet, re-enrolled now
What do I do? How do I not be extremely bitter? I owe $20k in student loans now and need another $12k in loans to graduate, and my business has been shut down for a year. Completely fucking sucks
Oh jesus anon, I read all that thinking you had an actual problem until I saw it was just $20k. That's nothing, you'll be fine. What kind of business were you running? Can you get it back somehow?
I can get it back and I know eventually I’ll be fine. I went from -$10k last November (not including student loans) to $30k now, with another $10k of stuff I need to sell and also bought a bunch of stuff (home gym, new used car, etc). I know I’ll recover.

It’s the injustice that drives me mad. I was very calculated and making good, smart choices. I just didn’t expect completely unlawful and evil behavior. Can there be justice towards my mom/landlord or do I have to just let this go? It drives me crazy knowing I’ve essentially been assigned $20k of student loan debt that has been buried in a landfill, and this business I’ve been working on for years has been destroyed (but yes, I can build it back - it’s the injustice that irks me though). And I could’ve graduated a year ago and been making much more money, with a much more mature and better business. It just drives me crazy, now I’m so behind.
And if I need to let it go, how do I get over the fact that the last years of my life I’ve been a slave to this injustice? And that for the foreseeable future, I’ll be digging myself out of this hole that I didn’t create, and that someone else is directly responsible for via unlawful actions?
>for the foreseeable future, I’ll be digging myself out of this hole that I didn’t create
You were fucked over but the situation isn't this bad unless you have a weirdly short idea of the foreseeable future. You're clearly switched-on and can make things happen, in the grand scheme of your life $32k of debt is going to be nothing.
If you need some kind of cope, the skills you'll have built by going through this are far more valuable over the course of your life than the cost of the debt will be.
And you're right, some things you can't reasonably anticipate and sometimes unlikely and unexpected shit just happens. When it does (this probably won't be the first time) you can't do anything other see what lessons you can learn (don't trust your mother in this case) and move on.
I not reading green text wall.
here’s the concise version:
>took out student loans
>used the money to start a business
>landlord threw business in the trash

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