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I've had a intense hatred towards BPD people that I legit am triggering their worthlessness to make them kill themselves.

It's all because of my abusive BPD ex and my retarded mind being unable to let go of the anger.

How do I escape this circle?
Get some pussy
tried that, didn't really help. I was using some girl for 3 months after the breakup and the irony was that she had BPD traits as well, or rather more narcissistic, she tried playing games with one but I never had attached to her and so she just kept in desperation trying to get my attention.

No matter what I do It feels like the only way out is to make the bitch suffer, I hope she eventually ends up dating someone sociopathic so he eventually kills her.
People with BPD have like a 75% chance of ending their life without your interference. I think there are much better things you could do with your time. Theyll be gone soon enough.

Going to the gym, church, or doing something like smoking meat or growing hot peppers would provide much more joy and satisfaction.
Those are rookie numbers, we got to pump those numbers up.

I'm studying, but my free time honestly is being wasted on reading useless shit, I have no lust on seeking out a new relationship even, I got like four girls messaging me and I have no energy to reply (they are attention whores I can't bother with anyway).

It's a bit like I'm obsessed with seeing her suffer, the bitch is also unwilling to give me up as she's changing her profile photo on social media in ways as if she's now living a better life despite the black bags under her eyes she's trying to hide.

I honestly should've told the truth to her surrounding so everyone knows what a disgusting piece of shit she is, that'd pushed her into ending it.
I like the part where you perfectly identified who and what hurt you, and decided that instead of healing, you would 100% lean into your negative feelings.
Create a social trend or for pushing bpd people out of being social. Make rules that would discriminate against bpd behaviors. Gatekeep bpd out.
I don't want to interact with them either.
sociopaths dont kill their girlfriends, delusional romantics do. sociopaths just use women, like you're doing
Anon can we form a hate group or something, same exact fucking situation for me

I pray for that bitch’s downfall every single fucking day
BPD do not have the agency needed to die. All they can do is complain
Also why don't you just get over the anger?
Just get over it.
Escape? Please embrace it, you're doing a favor to humanity.
Sounds like you should Kys anon lol
That’s NPD. BPD will impulsively kill themselves, it’s usually an accident
Same. My ex was undiagnosed but 100% Cluster B of some sort.
They should all be killed.
Aspd and npd people are actually pretty chill for the most part so long as they’re not alcoholics, bpd are the devils
Narcissists are worse than borderlines and follow the same behavioral patterns.
Antisocials murder puppies and people.
Pretty certain someone sociopathic can manipulate a BPD into killing themselves (which they should). BPD people usually after destroying everyone with a good heart, ends up with a narcissist or a sociopath they are unable to escape as they play on their abandonment fears.

What I find the most ironic, if you put yourself into BPD shoes and their way of thinking, literally what is the meaning of life? I'd legit kill myself if I was dependant on others 24/7 like a child.
Most people ASPD kill are other disordered mentally ill people, like BPD. They don't target neurotypicals at all.

I'd say they're a pretty good stabilizer in society.
Source? Pretty sure ASPD kill whoever slights them
Anon, neurotypicals don't deal with ASPD people because they actually hold people accountable.

BPD and NPD also don't get into relationships with neurotypicals as they tend to tell apart mentally ill people and aren't so forgiving when they see red flags.

ASPD target insecure people, same as BPD or NPD desu (even though they are insecure themselves)
Yeah, ASPD don't really have emotions, besides anger. So if all you feel is anger then everyone is a target
They actually do have risk assessment and emotions that are self centered.

They won't act if the risk is too high, unless they have got way too impulsive in which they can't control themselves, and guess who tends to make people impulsive...BPD monkeys lol
that's psychopath or malignant schizoids. Sociopaths are impulsive and more prone to killing people
well uhm AKSCHUALLY, It's all dependant on insecurity, genetics and trauma.

Psychopath is just someone who has extreme confidence to the level they think they are god, they are the opposite of a narcissist in reality. This is nearly purely genetical.

Narcissists show fake confidence outwards but are super insecure on the inside. This is more related to shitty parenting and trauma.

Sociopaths are insecure and have been broken down so badly as a child that they see the world as an enemy all the time. If they get too impulsive they basically act like a PTSD dude who's hellbent on killing his exwife.
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Uh actually if you make them 'collapse' NPD will an hero more efficiently than BPD.
If it actually served him well to lean into the negativity I could possibly understand. I doubt it will. Better to be indifferent and move on.
There is no such thing as BPD nor NPD you will eventually see through it if you think about it long enough it’s all made up bullshit
Also I have noticed that the people who constantly talk about this two “disorders” usually show signs themselves of having it so maybe it’s time for a Quick Look into yourself

Like for example
>wow this disorder immediately kills the other ones on sight WOW it’s like a hecking video game in here

I don’t know do this fags see the irony in this they sound like they are mentally ill with no social experience at all why do they keep discussing this disorders for the past like 10 years like they are in some kind of video game are they just bots?
How long has it been and why haven't you let go?
The thing is my friend I have noticed foids actually give out their red flags extremely easily. I have not met a single foid in my life that doesn’t give the red flags away as easy as stealing candy from a child but you losers always chose to ignore them just because you can barely find someone to touch your dicks therefore you should stop blaming the imaginary mental illnesses and blame yourself for being an ignorant retard
What questions can I ask myself to figure this out?
Sometimes I wonder if God made BPD women to punish shitty men
BPDs are literally defects and they should self delete
Ok I will help you
Ignore her and move on and don’t be a low iq cunt who chases mentally ill whores and we won’t have to see this threads anymore
Those who can't detect BPD, or who hold on to hope because they are so lonely, deserve the problems they bring to themselves. They are the ones who need to learn, the BPD is just being themselves (a literal mess)
Why can't I stop feeling like it's my fault anon? And are you referring to BPD threads in general? Are they that common? Kek

I think you're reading too deep into it. But I honestly can't tell if this is bait or not.
Yeah you are spamming them for 5+ years now as for the fault question yeah it is your fault that you just didn’t pump and dump her
I haven't even been on 4chan for 5+ years and I don't know if she's bpd

Have you considered that sperging out would probably turn off most people?

And not going to lie, rumination and overthinking and splitting on someone as all good or bad can be a bit...cluster b in and of itself.
>BPD people usually after destroying everyone with a good heart, ends up with a narcissist or a sociopath they are unable to escape as they play on their abandonment fears.
This was the worst part for me, but goddamn it toughened me up. I never let myself get fucked around by their bullshit after that.
Most men after 25 are toughened up and that's why BPD monkeys often kill themselves after 30 as they have no one to leech from.

Many women in their 30s actually target young men like literal pedophiles, they're literally predators after innocent people because they can only survive by attaching to others and they need someone innocent and forgiving.

My friends brother who's 20 was literally being spam DMed by some woman from the UK who is 31 and she was offering flight tickets even to meet up, these people are outright sick and they have no limits if they get desperate.
Dude, wait. That makes so much sense. My BPD ex is about to turn 29 next month, so almost 30. Guy that she’s currently with (one of the guys she cheated on me with) I don’t know his age but I SWEAR he’s like 21-24. He looks really fucking young. So do his friends. They look like high schoolers almost. I say he has to be at least 21 though because he does have pics of him in bars. She told me she hates people being younger than her, I was only 2 years younger and she kept making it such a big issue and saying that she wants to be with a way older man. This dude definitely isn’t. I think she purposely got with this young dude for the exact purpose you claimed.
Well, dude's going to have a wake up call. BPD people are pretty much acting like teenager, if not worse when they have episodes and no one above 30 is going to deal with them. If you ask me what they do is equivalent of teenage abuse, but I guess women are allowed to do that.
ITT: mentally ill retards hating on other mentally ill retards

It's amazing how none of your see the irony here
ok so how do i fuck with a BPD and ruin her life (all through text)
Ghosting/abandoning them

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