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Is dating a scandinavian woman really worth all this?
>getting a degree in a field that I hate but pays well
>learning a third language from absolute zero
>leaving my home country (my home hemisphere, for that matter)
>leaving everyone I know behind (except my mother, if possible)
>adapting to a completely different climate
>adapting to a completely different culture
>be buried half a planet away from my grandparents' graves
Also, before anyone asks: I'm white.
IDK, OP. Is it? You're the one who'll be doing it. You seem to want an opinion on this rather than an objective assessment.
I just want some outside input
Hi OP, I moved from the UK to Finland for love. While I'm happy I made a long-distance relationship work by closing the distance, I had to sacrifice a lot.
Leaving everyone behind is a big thing, though for me I was still in Europe so travelling back wasn't too big or expensive. After a few years, I fell out of touch with everyone and only saw my parents when visiting.
The climate is awful; the winters are cold and the summers are short. But you get used to it.
But I want to bring up two points you haven't mentioned, and I think they are very important: social isolation and lack of employment opportunities.
When I moved here I was socially isolated for a long time. I didn't speak the language (and years later I still struggle) so not only did I struggle to socialize and meet people, I also couldn't get a job. Years later and I've still only had a string of low-tier underpaid stuff. You'd think that a country like Finland is enlightened and treats everyone fairly. They treat all *Finnish* people fairly, but if you're foreign you will not get a job unless you have a very specialized profession (and even then people have difficulties due to racism, fear of using English, excuses about not recognizing foreign qualifications, etc, etc).
I would say you should try it because you may always regret if you didn't. Despite probably fucking my life up considerably, I'm still glad I made the move. I don't have a career and I think I severely stunted my social growth, but I would never have known otherwise. It's a bold step to move to another country; one that most people would never do (probably for good reason, but...) If you think you want to give it a go, then do it. Remember it doesn't have to be permanent; you can move back if it doesn't work out. I still wonder sometimes if I should have done that myself, but love is a powerful feeling.
Interesting. Are Norway and Denmark similar in regards to the whole "they won't give you a job" thing?
They seem kind of bitchy, but I've only met a few
Nonwhite detected
That pussy must be A1
Scandinavian here

You are not welcome here and we're full anyways.
This post feels like a fucking troll honestly. Scandinavian women RARELY date outside their cultural sphere, unless you are very well established in Scandinavia. Scandinavia is nice and all, MUH SOCIAL PROGRAMS!!! bla bla bla. But you better believe that there is a high degree of conformity here that is sort of unlike Canada, the USA, or the UK. You honestly have a better chance integrating as a brown person if you buy into their way of thinking. They dislike white people who don't think there political and social system are the best thing ever. There are more regulations and more things you have to be aware of. They are not as outgoing, friendly, or have as vibrant a social life as you might find elsewhere. I live here for a job and I spend most of my time here alone. Almost all the people I have acquaintances with are expats. If you plan on coming here for university realize that you will do almost all the work on your own by yourself and just show up to take the tests. You are basically here for the "expertise of the professors" Im not going to say this system isnt without its positives, but be sure that it is truly not the best for everyone. Good luck.
I'm also a Brit who moved to Finland for a girl I fell in love with. It lasted 6 years before ending in 2 broken hearts. I never really was able to embrace Finland as my new home despite loving the place, I felt so lonely at times and missed my homeland.

OP if you move to another country you really have to have absolutely no love for where you live or for your family/friends there, otherwise you WILL become homesick and it will eat away at you, even if you love your gf to bits.
Great review, except that finland isn't part of scandinavia. Maybe OP doesen't know either and it's fine
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>finland isn't part of scandinavia.
Literally nobody cares, Jukka-Pekka
Why did you post a picture of me
Communication is far more efficient and on point in one's mother tongue than english, regardless of the proficiency of the 2nd language. You are always vastly more proficient in your mother tongue due to lifetime cultural immersion. This is elementary and obvious. You are arrogant, and the interviewer can see it. You must be indian or paki.

Everything depends on the exact nordic country, neighborhood and social group you're entering, but general well-known rules are nordics tend to be independent and insular. Also any type of self-aggrandizing is a bigger social faux-passe than in germanic lands like UK, France or Germany.
I'm gonna ask the important questions here, what type of hat is that?
>the classic nordic: ERM LETS UNPACK THIS
>meanwhile in the nordic classroom: LETS TALK ABOUT HOW BROWN PEOPLE ARE OPRESSED
relax dude, its his opinion. Maybe stop letting in so many immigrants if you take such offense with them disagreeing with you?
>"expertise of the professors"
Do the locals not socialize with foreigners?
Same story with me but in Bulgaria. I am extroverted and great at conversing, not knowing Bulgarian and not doing jackshit about it is lowkey mental torture and destroys my ability to socialize. I can pick it up fast if I put in the effort. I know Russian. People are not open at all but you can have funny moments with them. Thank God I made a few Bulgarian friends. Dating here is shit though. Even Germany was better for that.
>Do the locals not socialize with foreigners?
they do, sort of. Ive been to local functions but it is very hard to make friends. You really have to go out of your way to get people to interact with you. Its just not like some other places where people more easily form a casual bond. They are way more judgemental in terms of politics and mannerisms, so be ready for that.
>They treat all *Finnish* people fairly, but if you're foreign you will not get a job
Look at what has happened to everywhere that hasn't applied this rule
Sounds good to me.

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