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Are there men out there who exist that can be multi orgasmic in terms of both wet and dry types without losing their erection each time?

I know women are multi orgasmic, but I'm talking about the men here.
Viagra can help keep an erection last for a long time, never used it, so not sure about how it works with orgasms.
Of course.
Sure, I'm a living example. I can cum any number of times without losing erection until it physically disintegrates and statts bleeding. My current record is ~4 hours jerking off
>how it works with orgasms
It doesn't. It's the equivalent of a short person wearing stilts and then saying, hey, I'm a tall person now.

>until it physically disintegrates and statts bleeding
Yeah, that's totally healthy. You won't be impotent in the next five or ten years. Definitely not. Perfectly healthy and doctor approved activity.
>Yeah, that's totally healthy.
Indeed, it is what I was built for afterall. You will renew yourself regardless of whether you jerk off or not. I do tend to avoid physical damage, but I have no limiter otherwise.
>It's the equivalent of a short person wearing stilts and then saying, hey, I'm a tall person now.
Well people are calling picrel tall so I don't get your point
I can coom 3 times in a row before my dick hurts way more than any pleasure I get from it and I quit. Maybe I can do more if I get some painkiller but I don't feel like trying that out.
i can get a prostate orgasm and then keep it hard for a normal penis orgasm within a few minutes but I always go soft after a penis orgasm
It hurts because there's an explosion, literally, on a microscopic level, in the flesh of your penis, each time you ejaculate, because of the extreme force of the pelvic floor muscles.

In order for it to not hurt, you will need to experience more explosions for a very long time. Years? Basically, you need to toughen up, in that regard. Your flesh, I'm saying. Eventually it won't hurt at all.

>but I always go soft after a penis orgasm
You're triggering your refractory period. You have to find a way to not trigger it.
I don't know
Well, you need to know. It's required.
When I was a youngin I had a 10 minute refractory. Think about work if I need to postpone nut - then use those 10 minutes to get water. Lots of exercise.
I've done 3 ejaculations without losing the erection, and then 2 more after a short break in a masturbation sesh.
Yeah, I maintain an erection after I cum. Doesn't feel great at first to keep going but its possible.

The problem is that sperm is like adding paste to your lubricant, generates a ton of friction pretty quick and the second round lasts ALOT longer. .

When I was a teenager me and my girlfriend once had a marathon that lasted about 5 hours.
Yeah that's call priapism.
It's when an erection last longer than 3h and your penis tissue start to develop necroses.
I don't lose my erection until stimulation stops and I can orgasm multiple times during that, wet orgasm, cum and all. I can also double orgasm back to back in some specific circumstances.

This is mostly due to the fact that normally when you cum you become oversensitive, but I kept going when I would jerk off and eventually I stopped feeling oversensitive and now I can just fuck like that as well and I just stay hard until I stop fucking.
Dry yes, I can do that. Wet idk.
lol that's funny I genuinely had a chuckle at that
Multiple ruined orgasms, and then I'd be shooting blanks orgasms.
Sure after the third, getting hard is difficult.
>The problem is that sperm is like adding paste to your lubricant, generates a ton of friction pretty quick and the second round lasts ALOT longer. .
If you masturbate.
When you do it with a woman, her pussy juice when mixed with your cum, make the best lube.
>Dry yes
Are you one of those that naturally does yours due to a genetic glitch in your nervous system? Just curious.

I do mine, both dry and wet with kegels.
yes, it's possible but not that enjoyable
i can keep going after the first orgasm but i'm done after the 2nd

the first orgasm is the best one
the second one is still good but definitely not as good
after that you're just forcing yourself to keep going it's not really enjoyable
>but not that enjoyable
because you're doing a full ejaculation

>the first orgasm is the best one
learn kegels
learn how to have dry orgasms
then partial wet orgasms (ejaculations) *key word partial, not full*

>you're just forcing yourself to keep going
because you're doing the full ejaculation which triggers a refractory period and that is what you're fighting against

partial ejaculations and dry orgasms do not trigger refractory periods so you can enjoy them till the end of time

again kegels

>still good but definitely not as good
every time you ejaculate you're emptying yourself of the stuff that gives you that good feeling
the law of diminishing returns
full ejaculation bad
partial ejaculation smaller emptying of the tank so more left to enjoy

once again kegels
dry orgasms are far better than wet imho they're unlimited
Men? No.
No, I was talking about during intercourse. Going for 2 solo that isnt an issue at all, you can just wipe it off.
yes, not really worth much desu. idk where this idea that raw sexual pleasure = sexual satisfaction came from.
Mantak Chia wrote books on the exact techniques to achieve this
Nta but I can definitely confirm that full ejaculations can outpace regeneration of sperm, while partials cost less energy and aren't nearly as deeply exhausting.
Maybe but a general practice of sense restraint does more quickly. Sense restraint as described by Theravdin / forest monks, and the Tipitika.
Mantak Chia also published an entire book on a technique he later denounced as dangerous.
Thread carefully.
No, not maybe. Definitely. The amount of strength I have with my muscles affords me the luxury to never ever have to restrict myself in any way shape or form.

I developed that strength over years of practice.
it came from desu
I'm a guy and after first orgasm as long as stimulation doesn't completely stop, I stay completely hard. Second orgasm takes way longer and I have to focus really hard to cum again or more likely the girl gives up before I cum again. Never achieved a third orgasm, but I am still hard after the second one. Women say they want a guy who can last but I've yet to find one that wants to keep going after even 30 minutes(my first orgasm is usually in the 5-10 range)
>but I've yet to find one
keep looking they're out there
I hate desu
I found one that I fuck for anywhere from 40 minutes on the low end to 8 hours on the high end. she creams herself on my 8 inch dick until her pussy is sore and she walks bowlegged. it's pretty great.
that's great
I think orgasms are overrated
Orgasms are very healthy and relaxing. You should try them.
Ejaculation and orgasm are technically two different processes and it’s possible to separate them. Edging is generally best avoided for most purposes but if you want to learn how to not cum when you orgasm then you want to practice kegal exorcises (the muscle you flex when you stop peeing mid stream) to strength the muscle and learn to flex that as you cum. Do it enough and you can eventually learn to “hold it in”. This leads to being able to stay erect after coming as your body starts to separate the association between orgasming and ejaculating. I’ve been practicing for a little while and I can kinda do it, not to the degree where I’m confidant doing it during sex though.

Also it goes without saying this is NOT an effective form of birth control. Precum can have sperm in it and this is less safe than pulling out which is already unreliable. This is purely a technique to make sex more enjoyable for you and your partner.
>I’ve been practicing for a little while and I can kinda do it, not to the degree where I’m confidant doing it during sex though.
Keep practicing, you'll get there. It took me about ten years to get to my level of control.

I'm at that point now where I can have vaginal intercourse AND have multiple dry orgasms WITHOUT stopping said intercourse. Zero stopping.

It's incredibly pleasurable and a hell of a lot of fun. So many guys are missing out on this shit.
Fuck shit ass bitch
I have a technique that involves stopping masturbating right when cumming. I cum, but it tricks the brain that I did not cum, so I can go right back at it without losing an erection. I can do it up to 4 times but it's really tiring and my dick hurts afterwards.
ah the old ruined orgasm method
You know, after years of talking to many many dudes, I'm starting to believe that guys who can do this have some sort of special nerve wiring in their brain that makes them able to switch off their pelvic floor muscles at that moment of ejaculation, thus escaping refractory.
Yeah, this ability is purely genetic. Although a lot of, or maybe just some, men are able to do this, I do not believe it's possible for ALL men to do this. Like it's physically genetically impossible for them to do that.
If you prevent yourself from ejaculating you can stay hard and keep orgasming, but I wouldn't recommend it because it because it can cause it to back into your bladder.
>because it can cause it to back into your bladder.
lack of skill and experience also too weak

>and keep orgasming
dry is good not wet
No you want to stay dry from the rain cause wet clothes are not good.
The rain can also make you sick.
look, unless you're immunocompromised, the rain ain't gonna make you sick.
I think like one or two times I was able to have sex and cum without losing my erection, and keep going, but I was like insanely horny and it was the best sex of my life.
ah the old extremely horny trick
It works really well
insanely horny trick
you doctor?

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