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hi i just turned 19 my name is julcia im a polish girl and my life is literally over, im not even joking anymore. im 100% sure that my adult life ended before it even started and theres so much things shouting this sentence to my face every second of my life. every thing that i touch is starting to collapse. i cand stand how i look and I lie to myself that im worth something. even when someone is complimenting me i truly believe that theyre making fun of me. please just tell me something that will make my life better, it could be literally anything. my pic below im open to any comments ig
Yeah right, nice LARP, as if a girl looking like this could have issues in life.

Start an onlyfans, you'll be rich.
i had 3 suicide attempts and im about to have 4th thats why i made this post to seek help and something to keep me alive and youre telling me this?
the headpiece doesn't go with the dress
Cute girl is gonna kemit suicide. Meanwhile troons everywhere would kill to look like op's pic, if that is indeed op.
I like your look. I think you likely spend too much time and effort on your appearance. I suggest focusing on being ready for children by 25.
>brings up trans out of nowhere
that makeup took me like 15 mins and dressing up 3 mins max, also im interested in jfashion thats why im wearing this. i put minimum effort into this look besides that how am i supposed to think about children if i dont know if im gonna be alive tomorrow?
Have you tried just leaving Poland? There are much less shitty places?
yes i tried, its not about the place i live in. but i appreciate your effort thank you
Are you one of these people?

theres no hope left for me. im will be gone in 7 days
What do you want? You're pretty. You're young. Life gets better. I'm not making fun of you.
Find something you're good at that gives you a sense of purpose. If you like EGL stuff, are you a creative person? Could you pursue that?

Reflect about your life, your goals, your past experiences. Reflection, imho, is the best way to understand a little bit more about yourself. It's not easy, but eventually you'll need to confront your inner self.

>i cand stand how i look and I lie to myself that im worth something.

It seems you're worried about looks. Well, you look good (i'm not making fun of you, lol). I was insecure about this as well for a long period of time (basically all my adolescence). Then I realised how unhappy it was making me. In a sense, i think it's shallow. I used to care how I was perceived by others. But they didn't give a shit about me, and I didn't give that much shit about them besides looking for their validation.But it's not worth it: you'll be miserable all your life if you persist on this goal.

best of luck
LMFAO thank you for this
wtf is thatno i just like lolita fashion that has nothing to do with fetishes or anything like that
thank you very much for your kind words and for taking me seriously and not making fun of me:)
kys demoralizer
chodź do nas myszko, jest wśród nas wiele femcelek, na pewno się odnajdziesz w naszym sympatycznym gronie :3
julcia, assuming that your post isn't bait. I'll respond.
>my life is literally over
no it's not
>theres so much things shouting this sentence to my face every second of my life.
I can't understand this sentence
>i cand stand how i look and I lie to myself that im worth something. even when someone is complimenting me i truly believe that they're making fun of me.
get off social media. social media isn't real life. if people insult you on social media it's not real. literally just get off social media and go hangout with you friends and family. if you don't have any friends spend time with your parents or grandparents.
Your life is just getting started and looks don't really matter all that much. Even if they did, you look fine to me. You need to learn to essentially stop giving a fuck about trivial stuff. Think about things in the long term, zoom out. Do you think your appearance rn at 19 would matter all that much to you 5, 10 years from now? The answer is no, it does not matter. Nothing really matters so focus on the things that can bring you fulfillment and joy, hobbies interested and most importantly relationships with other people. Family, friends, romance, whatever. Reach out to people you care about, people who care about you. If you don't have many relationships like that, try to seek them out, especially friendships. Try to cut out the things that are weighing you down and pivot your life towards the things that lift you up. You've got plenty of time, no need to rush, take it easy
I wanted to write the exact same thing. I'm a 20 year old stuck in rural Australia because I can't fucking drive. I feel I will die alone and unloved, and I don't feel like my life can get better. But seeing those words written by someone else made me realise that they can't be true. I don't know anything about you, nor you me, but still a little piece of my soul yearns for you to be happy. I think that we live because of the kindness of other people. Even if they have also hurt you, someone looked after you when you were a baby, and couldn't feed or clothe yourself. If we did not have this kindness, we would all be dead; we NEED it to survive. You say that you aren't worth anything, but I want to tell you that cannot be true. I look at you and I see someone who is capable of great kindness. To kill yourself is to reject that kindness, and also to deprive others of that kindness. There are, or will be people who need your help, who need your smile, your kindness, or your sense of style. I know that you do not know me, but please read these words, because they are all that I can give you:
Julcia, please don't die. Live a strange and unforgettable life. Do it for your pretty name and the person who gave it to you. Do it for the farmers and the bakers. Do it for the Hussars and the Cossacks of the Zaporozhian sich. Do it for the blind, deaf, and mute. And do it for the person you will change into.

Grow old for me Julcia. Grow old and wise
thank you for your respond! sorry english isnt my first language so i might made a mistake:( i meant that everything in universe is trying to tell me that im worthless or something like that. thank you one more time for spending your time at me! also, why would you think that my post is bait i dont understand:( i just wanted to get help
thank you so much, youre right theres no need to rush. that made me realize something important i have to take care of!! :))
thats so sweet of you.. also im so sorry that you felt that way and glad that youre feeling better.. ill try to be more optimistic and think of what you said.<3
ahhh thank you but im not looking for a partner! but we can be friends, I live near wroclaw^_^ already followed you on twitter
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking about you hurting
This will be hard for you to believe, but any honest person over 30 will tell you that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you feel about life or yourself at age 19 is accurate.
do a flip next thyme
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You must fully turn to God for aid and read Jewish psychology to understand your traumata better. You already live in Catholic Poland, find an SSPX chapel and give a full confession of your life's sins. A priest doesn't have in-depth knowledge about the psyche but will provide some good advice for general problems. Read the books of Alexander Lowen to identify your issues on a deep level, from there you will slowly heal. Give or take 12 months and you will notice radical change within and without.

Stop with the gay dress-up also.

Dominus vobiscum.
I agree with the guy who told you to become a mother

Best of luck to you
what the fuck
>english isnt my first language so i might made a mistake:(
your English is really good, most people in America only speak English so the fact that you speak two languages puts you ahead of most people in the states, be proud of your accomplishment of learning English thus far. you can only improve from here.
>English isn't my first language so i might made a mistake:(
a lot of people on 4chan pretend to be women, or just try to get a rise out of someone. if you're unfamiliar with the term, 'bait' in the context of 4chan refers to a post that tries to get a response out of someone. like bait on a fishing rod is used to catch fish. it's a metaphor I think.

I'll give you some English pointers in another reply
>you are in peek fertility and your body is giving you anxiety over not having a suitable partner already.
people who say things like this are weird, stay away from them. actually don't meetup or befriend anyone on 4chan. it' unsafe

I am >>32023582
above was my previous reply. in this reply I'm going to critique your English bit by bit. your English is already really good, so take this advice as kindness and not malice. also if you don't understand some of my words use a dictionary or google translate.

>thank you for your respond!
if you're writing a formal essay you'd want to capitalize the t in thank you, since it's 4chan you don't have to since it's informal but it's probably a good habit to get into anyway so I'd say do it for every instance. also respond is a verb and shouldn't be used in this instance. your sentence should look like this instead:
Thank you for your response!

>sorry english isnt my first language so i might made a mistake:(
isn't should have an apostrophe the ' symbol in between isn and t to look like "isn't". the word isn't is a contraction or shortening of two or more words into one. isn't is the contraction of "is not". the i before might should be capitalized. i should always be capitalized when referring to yourself. "i might made a mistake" is improper grammar you should've have said "I might have made a mistake". alternatively you could have say "I may have made a mistake", may is more formal than might but the meaning of the sentence stays the same.

>i meant that everything in universe is trying to tell me that im worthless or something like that.
"I meant that everything in universe is trying to tell me that I'm worthless, or something like that."

>thank you one more time for spending your time at me!
"Thank you again for spending you time responding to me!"

>also, why would you think that my post is bait i dont understand:( i just wanted to get help
"Also, why would you think that my post is bait, I don't understand:( I just wanted to get help"

your english is great but there's still bit to improve on. keep working hard and you'll be fluent soon enough.
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>born in the European Union
This is either rage-bait or you were raped as a child
In the same boat, just about a little over a year older. I react similarly to people's compliments on my appearance as well, but that is mainly because I was a very late bloomer and barely took care of myself when I was younger (and was generally not very socialized with no support network), so I had a lot of negative experiences since I was fat and short for a while before getting one last big growth spurt. I let the most miniscule flaws get to me, which led me to developing eating disorders from undereating and all that (was sub 8% bodyfat not too long ago).
Also, sorry for being crude, but your post makes me think what you're doing now is fishing for compliments to help with your low self esteem. I wouldn't normally admit this, but since this is an anonymous forum, I do the same shit. I get the short sense of relief from the compliments, then after a few days go back to being insanely harsh on myself and trying to fix any flaw that I can spot since ultimately it is me that's attacking myself. It's gross to do, and just attention whore-ish, so I've been trying to not do that sort of thing.
I try not to say in my head that "I" am undesirable or any form of that. Key part is not saying "I". As for compliments, I just try to take them at face value if they aren't obviously backhanded and no malicious motives are obvious, at worst they're just trying to get something from you.
I also forgot to mention, you should be doing stuff that helps you take back control in your own life if you think everything is collapsing. I have no idea what your condition is, but when I was at my worst not too long ago, I started by just cleaning up my room and minor stuff and just trying to reorient myself a little. I took up some hobbies, that helps too.
have some children you crazy bitch your hormones wont be right until then
stop watching media, it's made by Jews who want you gone
Let us please know if everything is fine with you, your writing style is concerning.
Look into psychedelics (especially psilocybin).
Reflect on your life, trip on them, reflect on your life during your trip. It might not be very pleasant but you'll surely unearth some stuff. Or not.
But do your research.
>muh jews

back to your board chud
a mogłaś być z białegostoku. ehh.
biednemu to zawsze piach pod nogi i kłody w oczy.
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>Replies: 44
Why are you guys like this
>reverse image searches turned up nothing
>can't find any source for the picrel
what does it all mean?
post timestamp or gtfo
You think you want to die because Satan has you in his grip and sin binds you below. But rejoice, for blessed are poor in spirit.

Matthew 7:18
“A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.”

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Romans 3:23
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Acts 3:19
Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord

Psalm 139:23-24
Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Isaiah 57:15
For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

John 3:16-17
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Ephesians 2:8
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

John 5:24
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

Psalm 23:1-3
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Psalm 23:4
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

John 10:11
I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.

If you want woman advice, go watch "unmodern maiden" on youtube. She's a Christian gal
astronomical levels of simping happening ITT
OP, get off the fucking internet, never post this again
Just wait till ur period is over lady
youre good looking. you have your whole life ahead of you. I honestly dont see how you think you arent pretty or good looking. i dont know what happened to you to make you think this way but killing yourself isnt a good idea. doint even consider it an option.
youve got 2 good legs, stand up and keep moving forward. build a career and get yourself a decent christian man to share your life with.
You should focus on your mental health, you're a beautiful young woman.
If the OP pic is you, you look very cute?
Why is everything over?
If this is real and not a larp.
I feel the same way as you and I’m a guy. I can’t take compliments, I always think no one means what they say. And I always think people (especially women) are laughing at me or are scared of me when all actuality they couldn’t care less about who i am.
I have no advice and I’m sorry. I just think you’re very cute and I wish you the best.
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no need to be so agressive lol
Are you a tranny
im fine thanks:) im sorry you had to worry about me
The dumb cunt's life isn't over yet but will be her fault if it ends like that. You can read on reddit girls in their late twenties lost their youth to depression despite getting help, getting medication and therapy. Makes me jealous. They themselves throw away their lives for insignificant bullshit despit having it all.
um no im not, i already mentioned that im a girl
Poor bait, no person with any sense of morality would attention whore with suicide, you are just a faggot, who managed to catch attention of other faggots, congrats
>but we can be friends
nya but do you have any friends at all, that you turned to this site?
if no then follow me back on twitter ig ~.~
t. the 2nd profile above that guy >>32023535
trochę mnie zmartwiłaś tym co pisałaś, aż twoje konto zgłosiłem do iksa za self harm incitement sorki za to.
hehe okay wanna facetime then?:3
simp bait threads

little girl I will take you to hot topic
Please call emergency services and tell them that you are in a suicidal crisis and need an ambulance.
i literally just asked for help
>i'm an attractive whore but i have le mental issues
go larping somewhere else simp bait
>even when someone is complimenting me i truly believe that theyre making fun of me.

They're not.

>please just tell me something that will make my life better

This is gonna sound awkward,but, are you SURE you are as good at reading people, as you think you are?
i dont understand what you mean
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I'm rich chang in USA I'll marry you and we can start a family.

Currently in Greece

Actually serious. Let me know thanks.
>Actually serious
kys ching chong
Why do you think you can't take compliments well?
Make me
Do you actually want people to kill themselves?
why is this fucking ewhore thread still up. do your job jannies

bro fr tried to shoot his shot on 4chan lmao. c'mon man
this is surely bait, but on the off chance you're being serious, I'll take care of you, or at least be your friend. You'll love me istg, I promise I am not ugly.

Please add me via the following discord handle:


or alternatively this link:

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Lmao. As man I do hate my fellow men sometimes. Desperate motherfucker
I'm gonna guess you've never been with a woman
I have a gf you doofus. Imagine trying to flirt on 4chan. Are you that fucking lonely?
Wow a person tells they’re depressed on the internet and gets 80 concerned replies and counting! Turns out altruism isn’t dead after all
>80 concerned replies
fuck do you mean? how many ladies has giving out your discord gotten you?
how many women has the line
>You'll love me istg, I promise I am not ugly.
gotten you?
you gotta get a grip man, go post tfw no lolita gf on cgl
Reminder: You have to fool yourself into thinking life has meaning, despite meaning being self-created with empirical observation.
im not looking for a partner as i said before but im open for a new friends:)
do u have no friends that u had to resort here?
sometimes i feel that no one gives a fuck what is happening to me and looking for source of dopamine in weird places lol
Yeah you're just an attentionwhore we know
sounds like you have multiple personality disorder:(
Well considering this is the only time I've said it and she added me, I'm going to say it has a 100% success rate
Game is game, it's not that deep bro, must be in a pretty unhappy relationship for you to hate so much
congratulations you've just met the love of your life
I don't hate you. The way you worded that shit was just so pathetic it made me cringe. Simping like that never pays off

how many dresses do you own OP?
i dont even know but i think about 15? my whole wardrobe is jfashion and overall just gay stuff like someone said before lol
Brother, simping with a hint of irony is the only thing that has ever worked for me
its not that deep i just wanted a friend stop with the assumptions
that's kinda cool. do you wear them in public/at work?
thank you!! yes i wear them everyday:) i had summer job and they had dresscode so i had to wear what they said unfortunately
then add me on x
it's neat to see people breaking the monotony of conventional streetwear. do you get a lot of comments/looks when you're walking around?
yes, many times a day people comment on me mainly nice things which is super motivating!! but what is annoying they also take pics of me without my permission and sometimes in poland they make fun of me lmaoo i even received dead threats because of the way i dress
I feel like you'd get the same reactions most anywhere, at least in the US. Death threats idk, that's kind of crazy. From men I'm presuming?

Have you ever been to Japan?
yes im currently in japan!! here people are more understanding and mind opened for more obscure fashion so i feel better here
Vacation only or have you moved there?
Not buying any only fans ever
attention-seeking thread. Doubt you can't find yourself someone to comfort you when you look like that with barely any makeup.

Go fuck yourself.
i wish i could live here but its more like a dream:( its only a trip
what are you even saying lol idc can make pic without makeup its just something that makes me more confident when i go out but its not necessary for me
fuck off
lol youre the one who gets upset about my post:3
post feet bby

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