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Whenever I see an attractive person I get uncontrollably angry. I have to look away or step away from the phone/computer and go cool off. Sometimes it gets to the point of shaking with rage and/or crying.
It’s made it impossible for me to look at real porn anymore. Even some drawings trigger me.

I can’t fucking live like this. My envy is consuming me
Something a real psychologist should be able to help you with
I can’t go to a psychologist
How so? Just make an appointment. Remote if you can't stand being around people
Why not?
Usually people look at us and become happier. Instead of being envious, try to enjoy the art on display
My job requires me to not have mental health issues, I think I’d get fired.
I do not reflect my internal issues externally, especially in public

>My job requires me to not have mental health issues, I think I’d get fired.

Even more reason to go then? You'll blow up one day in your office.

It really shouldn't be a problem to do it discreetly, are you being monitored 24/7 that you can't go to a psychologist?
Psychologists are for dissolving issues, not making them. The way you get mental health issues is not treating them
Go to a psychologist

>> but ma job

As long as you don't tell your job about it, or talk about it at work then they will never know.
But they told me to always be honest?
They are sighoning your life forces. By age 30 an attractive man has the equivalent of 100 full human souls on avg. a raging ugly guy has .2 human soul(s) and sometimes none at all. The pain of being a sentient yet empty vessel is significant
What, exactly, do you think a psychologist is going to do?
Nothing. Dont listen to these dumbos
Consider plastic surgery
I think that's going to depend a lot on the patient. If the psychologist did the same thing every time we could replace them with a printed placard of what to do.
I'm sure Ken has never felt better, but OP is an actual person with actual problems
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Imagine lying there with her warm body so close, I can feel the gentle pressure of her weight as she hovers above me. Her smile is soft, playful, filled with tenderness as she holds the makeup brush near my face. I can scent her feminine fragrance and clean skin and clothing. Every stroke is light, delicate, but it’s her presence that melts the world around us. I close my eyes and feel the warmth radiating from her skin, the way her breath brushes my face in rhythm with her movements. It’s not just the makeup she’s painting on me—it’s the quiet intimacy, the love in every detail. When I open my eyes, she’s still there, her smile brighter than anything she could ever put on my skin.
privately hire a studying psychologist off the internet and have like weekly discord calls, they will use what they've learned to help you and they'll have a way to make money while still in university
do things to build yourself up, build an identity for yourself that you're not ashamed of... there's more to life than a good hairline or a sexy face
I understand OP, I feel the same when I see a good looking and rich brazilian.
I don't feel any envy when I see a beautiful woman, just a stunned awe and the lingering ache of something being forever out of reach. When I see a conventionally handsome man I do get kind of angry sometimes. Today I passed this tall handsome white dude who's dick was so big you could see it swinging around in his pants ( no homo ). Like you couldn't not notice it. I imagined for a moment how it would be going through life like him. I imagine he dances on clouds
Become better looking or stop doing that thing that hurts.

>My job requires me to not have mental health issues
Retirement calls.
Lose weight fatass
Oddly enough as a decent looking man, I feel the same. I generally treat the ugly/overweight/disabled with a lot of respect and kindness, and any good looking people I am brief/short and to the point with.
thought i was the only one that did this
it's more common amongst incels (not calling you one though) and incredibly super common for trannies.
I am studying envy to combat this issue, as it is a result of increasing social inequality, atomization, hedonism, lookism, etc.
Oh fuck off you annoying faggot, you are not one of us. We hate you

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