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Men constantly admit the only reason they don't cheat is because they can't, not because they don't want to. Even if I snag a high value man, he'll only have the self control and discipline to reject unattractive or slutty women. If another high value or attractive woman also finds him attractive, he'll cheat. How am I meant to find and trust a boyfriend?
Myself and my few female friends were successful in dating orthobros on Twitter. 3 years together with my fiance this Saturday.
They're too busy calling catholics heretics to cheat
why do you think so many women "date down" to ugly but successful guys? if they cheat its just a problem for them.

if you date solely on attractiveness then this is bound to happen. maybe find people of character.
but its already too late for you, by the time women realize this they have already fucked them selves and ruined their chances for what they actually want. dudes of character who aren't ugly are snapped up immediately, so you are forced to date the ugly people of character or people who are forced into situations where they wont cheat, you missed the boat honey.
Who are these 'men' you categorically seem to know? What kind of situation leads to these 'admissions'? With the demons you've drawn on the walls, you've put yourself in quite the corner.
>is orthodox
>fucked 100+ different hookers
>settle down
>have fiance, getting married in a couple months
>still fuck hookers
she doesn't know, she will never know, I will never tell her
I detest cheating. Cheaters are lower than subhumans. Ive had someone "come onto me" several times the past couple of weeks and I have been ignoring them. I hate social media bc it makes people feel like they can say anything they want about my looks.
I dont want randos in real life telling me im attractive, I sure dont want them in my inbox.
Lots of claims, unfortunately for you also in direct opposition of other very wide claims made on this site. At the same time it's known that women never ask guys out, but guys are somehow immediately snapped away.
Sounds bad for this hyothetical person
Men "of character" will also cheat because they find cheating, when they do it, of no significance because women to men are objects to be passed around and used. It's only a transgression when another man takes your property. They won't only if they're so unattractive they can't.
If you look like pic related hmu
This is very sad
You the narrator or something? How could you know?
>inb4 trust me bro

>> Men constantly admit the only reason they don't cheat is because they can't

Bullshit. I COULD cheat multiple times a day with women half my rage. I just have no desire to. I only want my wife. If I still wanted to fuck other women, I would never have gotten married.
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Could get in trouble if they're underrage, got to be careful
i'm a much worse person in many other ways
people just see me as "nice" no matter what I do or say, its absurd. I just have that vibe I guess.

They're 20 somethings...
You get worse?! Please enlighten me, im curious and concerned lol
I'll give you an honest answer. As a guy, I know I won't be able to resist the temptation of cheating with an extremely hot woman that is coming onto me, so I do my best to avoid any interaction with any woman besides my girlfriend. We're together for over 10 years now, I never cheated on her and don't plan on it, but if the opportunity arises and I can get away with it, I will probably do it. Mainly because it doesn't matter in the long run, it's equivalent to masturbation, it's like a handshake that feels good. After it's over, it's back to my normal life and it won't affect my attraction to my gf.

It helps that I can't impregnate any women and probably my main worry is diseases, so if I could guarantee the woman is free of disease, I would 100% not get caught, there is no chance of her revealing my secret to my girlfriend and she turns me on excessively, I'd 100% do it. I make sure to block these opportunities at step 1 though, which is I don't have any interactions with women on purpose, even at work. It helps that I don't need to interact with them at my work.

This is the main reason why men and women(or whoever is attracted to whoever) cannot be friends while in a relationship with another person. Attraction happens over time and if these interactions are free to happen on a daily basis, then it will eventually lead to cheating or break ups. By avoiding that first step of letting myself chat up girls, I don't end up cheating. I'm not immune though, if a hot girl would push herself on me continuously for weeks or months, I wouldn't be able to hold myself back.
Yeah, plenty of men cheat, you have to find the ones that won't. It is a matter of character and moral fiber; some men just won't cheat no matter what. You find this out by getting to know them and dating
>Men constantly admit the only reason they don't cheat is because they can't, not because they don't want to
No they don’t retard stop making shit up to get angry at
I only ever cheated once, because I knew my now ex was texting other men behind my back and lied about it.
Felt like shit afterwards, but kept all the photos and convos so I can preemptive strike the gf.
When I did catch her, I just showed her how I'm fucking a thinner, younger woman to crush her ego as payback for taking a shit in my heart.
It wasn't right and I feel bad about it, but at the time, I felt justified.
I only cheated because my boundaroes were broken and my emotional needs weren't being met. Literally had nothing to do woth the other woman.
not anything I would like to admit to for legal reasons.
I just have done a lot of harm to people in different ways, directly, indirectly, etc

but no one ever sees me like that or thinks of me like that
even people who "find out" I did something justify it away, never considering why I know how or am comfortable with doing that, apart of their justification.
Here, this is an example of someone without moral fiber and with weak character. Radio host Steve Harvey is another example. Not everyone is like them OP, plenty of men don't want to cheat, have integrity, and can have female friends without wanting to bang them. You just have to date and find the ones that match your values
I will offer a counterpoint to this

If you have way too much deep seated pride from knowing you're not a piece of shit, then you'll want to maintain that and will never cheat. I draw a decent bit of identity capital from my moral righteousness and would lose that if I ever cheated. I've been around women, booze and drugs and had situations where I could easily have cheated and chose not to.

It's just rare to find someone who's irreligious and also enjoys that sort of personal moral fanaticism.
4chan makes me lose faith in humanity, im a guy but i dont get how everyone here calls women whores while also posting threads like
>my gf is hitting a wall im gonna leave her
>i want a virgin gf uwu even tho i have a body count of 32532, if a woman does tho then shes a SLUT
You call it weak character, but there's just nothing wrong with having sex with another woman, it's "cheating", but really that means nothing, it's as immoral as masturbation for me, so it doesn't matter.
Yeah pride is a big one for me.
So much of me is that I just do not do the wrong thing, I don't need any concessions made, there are no excuses, there is no slip up or bad things to overlook.
Even in situations that are a bit more gray and its not so clear cut I know I always was trying to do the right thing and went in with good intentions.
To me, cheating would be a failure on my part. If I make a commitment to someone, I keep it, simple as that. That doesn't mean if I am no longer attracted to someone I stick by them or something, I break up with them if that's the case (after trying to work things out etc).

That's just who I am, I wouldn't be me if I cheated, it never crosses my mind, I don't think about it, there is no temptation or something to avoid, it simply isn't on the table in my mind.
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>another foid thread
You'll break down after your first STD scare, tell her, and she'll dump your ass and immediately hop onto her backup dick
>t. happened to me
Incel bait thread.

>> As a guy, I know I won't be able to resist the temptation of cheating with an extremely hot woman that is coming onto me,

Realise that how you are, isn't how our entire gender is.
>some men just won't cheat no matter what
Keep telling yourself that to feel good about yourself despite your moral defects in other areas.
We're all human and you limit the human experience to your very narrow scope. I guarantee you if you were in the wrong set of circumstances, as many men do, you'd be tempted to cheat and act on that temptation.
Note I'm not advocating or justifying cheating, just saying that "oh it takes a certain type of person to cheat they're just morally inferior!" is bullshit and cope to make yourself feel "above" others when you have the capacity to be just as morally corrupt as any other flawed human
That's what channers or incels would do. They want the very best they can get in terms of looks, because they need it to reassure themselves as they don't have much going on otherwise.
There are men out there who wouldn't cheat even if they had the chance. There are men who believe in real love and it's unironically the ones that are more successful overall in life who don't need other moids to validate them and their choice of partners.
>I cheated because my boundaries were broken

Pretty much this right here. I've cheated twice and both times were because my gf at the time started to either bend my boundaries or straight up ignore them and act like I was stupid. I'm in favor of tough love so I showed them what would happen if they do shit like that. And before some moralfag starts, this is to make sure she doesn't do this shit again because a woman will not suddenly stop because you're gone. She'll pull this on the next guy so teach her what could happen if she doesn't respect you or ANY man's boundaries in a relationship.
Your vagina has tingles uhhhh just shut the fuck up already.
You do realize that most men cheat down right? It has nothing to do with looks cause I've seen guys with in shape women, go after fat whales simply because it's a thrill.
Yeah it's either about the thrill of the challenge or the convenience of the act.
This, I dunno why idiots bank on this "men go after hotter women when they cheat" lol no, men will fuck the first hole that shows ANY interest cause now it's fresh meat. The only way this isn't happening is if there are clear negatives like she's a drug user or has mutiple kids. There's no difference in pussy between a yoga gym rat and the slightly chubby college student working at del taco.
Even if that's the case, the deeper emotion behind the "thrill" lies in the validation they get out of it. A secure men, happy with himself and his life, wouldn't do it.
I guess you just will never be happy
but frankly you're stupid if you think that
there's lot of men who wouldn't cheat, but they are living happy lives already
if you're only seeing asshole men part of the riff-raff than you yourself are also part of the riff-raff, you're nothing special and you get what you are due.
Only women can really cheat, men "cheating" is inconsequential.
Is that why your grandpa was making new families across town? Please stop with this "secure" men faggotry. A guy will cheat if he WANTS to, he could be making millions, have no woes, and still go cheat because some groupie was wearing a visible thong. Do you also ignore that celebs and cheating go hand in hand and im pretty damn sure those ppl are way more secure in life than either me or you. You won't know a man is cheating until he gets found out so miss me with this "only a real man" bullshit, it reeks of a femcel centric mindset
this is only true for loveless relationships or veeeeerrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy poor impulse control
Women cheat more and are more sneaky about it.
Men generally love like dogs until yoj wrong them.
incels are just mentally ill faggot coomers just like the same whores they complain about, this is why they're so obsessed with e-girls and the like
Your brain is cucked in the same way a polyamorous woman's is.

>>32024168 here

while I can understand where you're coming from, you're also making a bullshit generalisation

you're saying everyone could be tempted by X in a certain situation, because some people find X tempting and many give in to it

but I'm sure there's an X which you would never to, or which wouldn't even be on your radar - pick whatever it is you're morally against, pedophilia, eating animals, voting for Trump etc.

and for me and others, one of those Xs is cheating
death to cheaters, kill yourself, faggots in this thread. just because im a man doesnt mean im a subhuman, do you know what honor is? fucking degenerates.
just because youre a useless coom brain who couldnt resist the temptation doesnt mean that no one could. why would i cheat when i can just ask my gf for a threesome? but i have no interest in that.
>Even if I snag a high value man, he'll only have the self control and discipline to reject unattractive or slutty women
That's not how men work. It costs almost nothing for a man to bust a nut. He'll cheat at any opportunity that presents itself.
>emotional to the point of hysterics
>calls himself a man
You're not having sex with anyone anyway, so I don't know why it matters so much to you
You are projecting. Tiffany's for revealing your own mind.
Again that's like saying "I'm the type of person that would never kill anyone" but you've never been in a position where you've been forced to.
Not that anyone has ever been forced to cheat, but for example have you ever been in a position where you're stuck in a marriage with children with a sexless shrew of a wife, she's stopped putting effort into the relationship and gives you no benefits, but you can't just leave because it'd wreck you financially and leave your kids without a father, and suddenly a woman appears that gives you the affection and emotional support you haven't had in years? I'm guessing not, and you can't say what you'd do in that situation unless you are walking exactly in those shoes just like someone who vowed to never kill anyone no matter what can't say what they'd really do in a life-or-death situation.
I just wanted to sleep around til like 24 but generally dated to settle down after that. My dream when I was little watching American Pie was to be a guy that gets lots of girls and is desired, and then to settle down in my mid-twenties with my soulmate, happily ever after, in an ideal world. Didn't work out and I think I should have tried to settle down with some of the girls I dated earlier on, in retrospect.
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You want fidelity, so do men. Trust and honor are in low supply as long I've been alive. Your best bet is full disclosure. Be open and honest about yourself. if you have good character a good man will marry you in a heartbeat.
Men will cheat for the lowest burger ass women if you so much as don't indulge their pornbrained delusions.
Men don't deserve women. They deserve to be gay.
If women are supposed to be virgins and men are supposed to get sex, the men should be fucking each other.
>anyway ladies, would anyone here be interested in hooking up with a cute transbian like me?
Ugly men cheat too which is worse. I understand getting cheated on by a hot guy, but an ugly guy? Humiliating.
It goes both ways. You don't deserve a nice man. You are fucking insane you should be fucking medicated.
>ONLY have the self control
So using his conscious free will to prevent himself from cheating is not an adequate demonstration of love? You would rather he be dependent on you by circumstance of finding no one else more attractive, like a slave?

It's actually paradoxical. How can a high value man be anything else but one who acts by his own conscious volition? A man who is dependent on circumstance can't be high value by definition.
>Men constantly admit the only reason they don't cheat is because they can't, not because they don't want to.

You forgot the magic word, “don’t”. Some men WANT to cheat, but don’t. Not because they cannot, but because they will not. Big difference. Reality is harsh but endearing - Good men may WANT to cheat but choose not to.

A good man knows he wants to fuck another woman, and yet does not act on it and actively chooses his girlfriend/wife over and over again. That’s loyalty at its purest form.

Loyal men are men who could and may want other women, but they choose against it despite wanting it because they deem their girlfriend/wife more valuable, more important, and put her first. That’s actual loyalty.

If you find a man who claims to have know impulses or desires for other women, you’ve met a liar or a dog. Dog’s loyalty is cheap. If the man has no inner battle of lust he fights for you, then his loyalty is cheap and could be given to anyone.
imagine the smell of his dick. absolute cheese festival down there.
nonna the trick is to NOT snag a high value man. If you have a handsome boyfriend, you can kiss your ass goodbye in two months. Men who are a little ugly and nerdy are less likely to cheat. you cant let them have any confidence. you need to be their goddess and let it be known that if they leave they are getting NOBODY else.
Man here
I don’t get the point of cheating, or arguing or fighting with your partner.
First. Let go of the notion that there is such a thing as a "high-value" moid. Because there is fucking not. A moid is a moid and theyre all shit. They see us akin to a dog rather than an actual fucking human. A equal. Drop all your dreams of finding "the one" with a man because its not going to fucking happen. Males all think with their cocks first and foremost and thats all that'll ever matter to them. Even the ugly fucking disaster faces will cheat too. None of them are safe and pure from their own deeply ingrained depravity. Save yourself the time and stop fucking around with them.
Save your energy and graces and go 4B.
I have been married for many years.
I have had women hit on me, women I could have EASILY fucked without my wife ever knowing. All pretty, all nice, all younger than my wife.
I told them all to fuck off and had one of them fired for trying.
EXACTLY. Motherfuckers should be sticking their dicks in each other since they hate and despise us so much. And admire and adore one another cause, at their core. Theyre raging homosexual cocksucker faggots.
I could never imagine cheating since it's already a fucking hassle to tard wrangle just one bitch these days. Unless that shit gets thrown in my face it isn't happening. Then again, if a women sees any guy with a woman that isn't them they all flock to THAT guy. It's crazy.
Nonna the trick is to NOT touch their dicks. Fuck them all. Even the nerdy ugly shitfaces guys will have the GALL to touch another woman if they have the slight chance to. Dont fall for this lie perpetuated by the incels. Theyre just as shit as the ""high-value" guys.
Stop dating your fucking oppressor. RESIST.
find one who thinks its not worth the trouble to cheat.
I wud nev cheat on you my queen fr fr
>Men constantly admit the only reason they don't cheat is because they can't, not because they don't want to.
True for women too. They're just more picky about who they want to fuck.
>How am I meant to find and trust a boyfriend?
You don't. Same as he doesn't trust you.
Women always lose in the long term and often whore themselves out in the 20s when they are the peak, the reality shock hits them pretty fast and hard.
Could say the same to you.
The shittiest reality shock is arguably the one where you didn't do that at all, and waste your peak on a man that throws everything away to get an ego boost and a masturbation folder.
plz be my goddess I want to simp for someone who will be nice to me.
incel! incel! incel!

you guys are pathetic, trained lapdogs of the matriarchy, you retards dont even understand what youre typing. this isnt hysteric, this is just how i talk with retard niggers like you because without strong language you low iqs wouldnt even read my post.

heres the deal:
if you think some feel of yours is an indicator for a general universal rule that is true for all men you are just fucking retarded as shit. its hard to have a worse bias than this.

-> you guys are useless nigger coom brains.
you tell yourself all this to feel better about your own mistakes but thats now how it works. the truth is youre just a fag, many fags in this thread
Guys guys, just let's all calm down. Also OP is probably a male russian agent living in north korea.
>he'll only have the self control and discipline to reject unattractive or slutty women
Not true. Wait until marriage to have sex, expect the same of a guy (even before he met you), and you'll filter out the vast majority of men without the discipline AND inclination to be loyal.

If you don't wait, then you're rewarding indiscipline, the men who expect sex first and ask questions later.
But if you don't care about a man's past, then you're disregarding inclination; some shitty men will be fine waiting if they think the payoff is worth it (e.x. incels who advocate prostitution and "practice gfs", then demand a virgin wife).
>getting betrayed once while being blameless is worse than speedrunning the single mom route
If you're still ending up a single mom, it still blows my nig.
Have your dad pick your boyfriend.

Women have a strong track record of being too retarded to do it. This is not a challenge. Don't try. You're being told to stop trying.

Have your dad pick your bf, you dumb bitch.

(Also you're a cunt slut and you eat your own boogers (and you have autism plus down syndrome with a side of potatoes))
Her dad could be dead, bro
>you guys are pathetic, trained lapdogs of the matriarchy, you retards dont even understand what youre typing. this isnt hysteric, this is just how i talk with retard niggers like you because without strong language you low iqs wouldnt even read my post.

funny how you pretty much outed yourself. You made one comment, got shat on, and now you're seething so you resort to "haha nigger speech". Its 4chan faggot, if someone disagrees just move on. Not sperg out like the other anon said you were. Are you a woman? cause it seems like only femcel women and herbivore men are getting upset in this thread
>fucking around with an indian chick
>she says she'll never get serious about just being casual because she wants kids
>told me her male family members will seek arranged marriages for her before she ages out
>thought it was a bit weird till I realized ALL women need this treatment

Crazy how much more respectful and grounded she is towards relationships, sex,and the future. A hard opposite to the mindless western cunts just bullshitting and then wondering why no man takes their sailor talking, pirate drinking, asses seriously
this thread has some of the lowest iq people i have ever seen, you one of them. youre not even debating at this point youre just trying to dump on me. for what reason? oh yea because i hit the mark. because youre a retarded coom brain.

come on, call me an incel one more time little retard, maybe it will make you feel better.
im the only men in this thread defending masculinity, everyone else is advancing the pathetic image of men that feminists have created, this is why i said you niggers have no idea what youre typing, youre admitting to be nigger monkeys who cant control their little penises and its just embarrassing
come on say it one more time, tell me youre a monkey who would rape random women given the chance, you fucking third world animal
Then her brother can do it
don't you love it when an uninteresting guy goes "Id never cheat"
I've never cheated on a woman and have no idea where this perception comes from. If my male friends have cheated on partners I am certainly none the wiser.

Could it be that women are only coming into contact with a small group of men, because those men are promiscuous to begin with?
Is this the female equivalent of claiming a hooker cheated on you?
Yeah I've met plenty of people like you, always seen through the bullshit. It's amazing what people are willing to ignore for their own convenience. I learned to keep my mouth shut, people are too arrogant and willfully ignorant. I think they know, but people are good at pushing the truth down. Telling the truth only gets you isolated in this world, unfortunately.
>If another high value or attractive woman
This is exactly the same thing for women.
redpill literally gave women the playbook on manipulating men to their needs: alpha fucks, beta bux. But they insist on alpha fucks, alpha bux, and then wonder why their perfect 'high-value' husband wants to cheat on them.

the only difference between high value and low value is their attractiveness to you, and it is just an indicator of how much they like living which usually means how much money they have.
How can another orthobro get chased by interested women like you ?
How did you met ?
>dudes of character who aren't ugly are snapped up immediately
doubt, men don't get chased.
All this thread tells me is that women are terrible judges of character and place value on wrong attributes.
But new pussy feels so good, as long as I provide for you cheating every once in a while should be fine alright?
Wow you're useless
Arranged marriage cope ain't gonna work once you realize that dad's usually marry off their daughters to richer men who still cheat, not NEETs toiling around on 4chan.
women will run headlong into faux-relationships with men who initially displayed ample incompetence and disregard for their well-being then act like getting cheated on by abusechad is universal to all men
>Even if I snag a high value man, he'll only have the self control and discipline to reject unattractive or slutty women. If another high value or attractive woman also finds him attractive, he'll cheat.
just be happy you get to share a man like a condo. some bitches don't even got that luxury...
sorry, I know it's hard to learn but men aren't shit. you can be one of the most beautiful women in the world who is the breadwinner for the house and still have your ugly thumb of a husband cheat on you. Even Beyonce was cheated on. It's not you, it's them. You'll be happier if you focus on your family and friends instead of driving yourseld crazy trying to find one of the maybe 3 genuinely good guys out there.
btw ladies spend any time talking to prostituted women and they will all tell you that most of the men they see are married or dating.
If you’re married or in a relationship and you still want to fuck another women, it doesn’t matter that you won’t do that, because you’re already disloyal and you don’t deserve any woman in your life. Good man wouldn’t want to be with any other woman.
>Men constantly admit the only reason they don't cheat is because they can't, not because they don't want to.
this is literally untrue THOUGH

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